Civil Law category: 2427 books

Cover of Medicinal Product Liability and Regulation
by Professor Richard Goldberg
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2014

The piecemeal developments in product liability reform in Europe have their origins in the tragic association of phocomelia in children with thalidomide in 1962. In many ways these events have continued to generate pressure for reform of product liability, especially for the victims of drug-induced...
by Pietro Giaquinto
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 19, 2017

Il compendio, giunto alla quinta edizione, e ancora più accessibile e sintetico, contiene un quadro sistematico delle nozioni base del DIRITTO AMMINISTRATIVO italiano, in relazione sia all'attività sia all'organizzazione delle amministrazioni pubbliche, alla luce del diritto europeo e del diritto...
Cover of Land Rights and Expropriation in Ethiopia
by Daniel W. Ambaye
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2015

This thesis provides a new approach to the Ethiopian Land Law debate. The basic argument made in this thesis is that even if the Ethiopian Constitution provides and guarantees common ownership of land (together with the state) to the people, this right has not been fully realized whether in terms...
Cover of Legislative Drafting
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Legislative drafting is an extremely onerous, exacting and highly-skilled task. What is clearly conceived in the mind may not be easily expressed with clarity and precision in words. It is a highly technical discipline, and one of the most vigorous forms of writing. Few lawyers have the special combination...
Cover of Tratado del Impuesto sobre la Renta
by Enrique Calvo Nicolau
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 14, 2019

Reúne, en un solo volumen, los tres tomos originales editados entre 1995 y 1998, los cuales no volvieron a salir al mercado. Una obra de colección por 50 años de aniversario en el ejercicio profesional.
Cover of The Company Legal Department

The Company Legal Department

Its Role, Function and Organization

by Walter Kolvenbach
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2013

This study attempts to describe the role of the company law department within the company, its relation to company management and the employees who use the services of the company lawyers. It, furthermore, tries to explain that the legal advice is only one part of the operation of a legal department...
Cover of New Jersey Causes of Action 2019
by Bannan John
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2018

For more than a decade, New Jersey attorneys have consulted the Encyclopedia of New Jersey Causes of Action to evaluate all possible theories of recovery for fact patterns their clients present. The essential elements of more than 650 causes of action are laid out and traced to the leading case...
Cover of Mandatory Reporting Laws and the Identification of Severe Child Abuse and Neglect
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2015

This book provides the first comprehensive international coverage of key issues in mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. The book draws on a collection of the foremost scholars in the field, as well as clinicians and practice-based experts, to explore the nature, history, impact and justifiability...
Cover of Droit de l'assurance-vie luxembourgeoise

Droit de l'assurance-vie luxembourgeoise

Aspects contractuels, régulatoires et financiers

by Karine Vilret
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2017

Le marché intérieur des assurances a été réalisé par l’adoption de plusieurs directives en instituant des libertés fondamentales et en supprimant les entraves et restrictions dans l’esprit du « level playing field ». La libre prestation de services permet à un ressortissant d’un pays...
Cover of Families and End–of–Life Treatment Decisions
by Mark Siegler
Language: French
Release Date: July 23, 2013

"The book of life is the supreme book that we can neither close nor reopen at will."This quotation from Lamartine, the French poet, once a perfect illustration of the end of life in bygone societies, can no longer be said to apply. In fact, today, in one out of two cases in our modern societies,...
Cover of États Généraux du droit de la famille

États Généraux du droit de la famille

Actualités juridiques et judiciaires de la famille en 2014

by Marina Blitz, Nicole Gallus, Jean-Pol Masson
Language: French
Release Date: November 25, 2014

Le droit de la famille, en ses composantes personnelles et patrimoniales, en ce compris son internationalisation, est d’un grand dynamisme et en perpétuelle évolution. Le présent ouvrage constitue la colonne vertébrale des premiers États généraux du droit de la famille, organisés le 12 septembre...
Cover of Concise Chinese Tort Laws
by Xiang Li, Jigang Jin
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

The explosive economic development in China over the last three decades has created social challenges unprecedented in the country's history. In response, China has overhauled its existing tort laws and even created new tort laws. By exploring its principles, theories and history, this book provides...
Cover of Commentario del Codice civile- Della famiglia- artt. 177-342 ter
by Luigi Balestra
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 27, 2011

Aggiornato alla l. 38/2009 e alla recente giurisprudenza di legittimità (tra cui l’importante Cass., S.U., 28.10.2009, n. 22755) Il modulo “Della Famiglia” è un autorevole commento articolo per articolo della disciplina normativa codicistica in tema di famiglia e contiene anche il commento...
Cover of La nuova regolamentazione delle unioni civili e delle convivenze
by Alberto Figone, Giacomo Oberto, Marina Blasi
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 15, 2016

È stata approvata la legge 20 maggio 2016, n. 76, a seguito di un lungo e dibattuto iter parlamentare. Una normativa disciplinante due diversi modelli familiari: l'unione civile tra persone dello stesso sesso e la convivenza di fatto, che prescinde dall'orientamento sessuale delle parti.Anche l'Italia...
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