City Planning Urban Development category: 1330 books

Cover of Theory, Practice, and Community Development
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2013

For many scholars, the study of community and community development is at a crossroads. Previously dynamic theories appear not to have kept pace with the major social changes of our day. Given our constantly shifting social reality we need new ideas and research that pushes the boundaries of our extant...
Cover of Securitization of Property Squatting in Europe
by Mary Manjikian
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2013

Housing is no longer about having a place to live – but about state pressures to conform, norms and policies regarding citizenship, and practices of surveillance and security. Breaking new ground in the field of urban politics and international relations, Securitization of Property Squatting in...
Cover of Montréal et Toronto. Villes intérieures
by Michel Boisvert
Language: French
Release Date: December 8, 2011

En cinquante ans, le centre-ville de Montréal a vu s’implanter un réseau piétonnier protégé de près de 30 kilomètres, donnant accès à ce qu’on appelle maintenant la ville intérieure. Le « RÉSO », entièrement accessible au public, comprend des stations de métro et des gares, des...
Cover of On y va en téléphérique?
by Gabrielle Immarigeon
Language: French
Release Date: March 22, 2013

Un téléphérique pourrait-il être implanté à Montréal? La ville futuriste des publicités de l’après-guerre ne semble plus si éloignée : se déplacer dans les airs grâce au transport urbain par câble est devenu une réalité pour plusieurs dizaines de villes à travers le monde.
Cover of Accommodating difference

Accommodating difference

Evaluating supported housing for vulnerable people

by Clapham, David
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2015

For vulnerable older, disabled or homeless people who need accommodation and support, many different forms of housing have developed – whether hostels, group homes, extra-care housing or retirement villages. But do these settings effectively improve the well-being of those who live in them? This...
Cover of M² Models and Methodologies for Community Engagement
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2014

How can we engage communities? What is empowerment? To what extent should the project process be participatory? How is an outsider-insider relationship handled? How do researchers negotiate with the hegemony of western cultural interpretations? How are organizational and contextual influences handled...
Cover of Old Europe, New Suburbanization?

Old Europe, New Suburbanization?

Governance, Land, and Infrastructure in European Suburbanization

Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2017

The youthful vigour of urbanization in North America has promulgated a dominant perspective on urban theory, specifically on suburbs, that establishes the United States as the norm against which all other contexts are measured. However, much of the vocabulary surrounding the American experience isn’t...
Cover of Steering Sustainability in an Urbanising World

Steering Sustainability in an Urbanising World

Policy, Practice and Performance

Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Sustainability has become the key challenge for urban planners, housing and infrastructure policy makers. Citizens are increasingly encouraged to live more compactly; in denser urban developments, to use less water and other natural resources and to choose public transport. While councils, government...
Cover of Land-Use Modelling in Planning Practice
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2011

This book provides an overview of recent developments and applications of the Land Use Scanner model, which has been used in spatial planning for well over a decade. Internationally recognized as among the best of its kind, this versatile model can be applied at a national level for trend extrapolation,...
Cover of Landscapes of Defence
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2014

This is a key text on the very topical themes of power, defence and space.  Landscapes of Defence is an exciting collection of theoretical and empirical material from very well known contributors, desiged to help students understand how landscapes of defence fit in with some of the broader concepts...
Cover of Massive Suburbanization

Massive Suburbanization

(Re)Building the Global Periphery

Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2019

Providing a systematic overview of large-scale housing projects, Massive Suburbanization investigates the building and rebuilding of urban peripheries on a global scale. Offering a universal inter-referencing point for research on the dynamics of "massive suburbia," this book builds a new...
Cover of Building Resilient Cities

Building Resilient Cities

An Assessment of Disaster Risk Management Policies in Southeast Asia

by Collectif
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2018

Asian cities are particularly vulnerable to risks associated with natural disasters. While they are exposed to various types of natural hazards, flooding and other water-related disasters pose particularly significant risks and undermine long-term economic growth, especially in coastal cities. Managing...
Cover of Implementing Sustainability

Implementing Sustainability

The New Zealand Experience

by Caroline L. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2010

New Zealand’s Resource Management Act (RMA) was hailed as a radical new approach to planning that would both achieve better environmental outcomes and benefit developers by working rapidly and more efficiently. This book examines the lessons that can be learned by planning practitioners...
Cover of Landscape Analysis and Planning

Landscape Analysis and Planning

Geographical Perspectives

Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2015

This book presents recent advances in landscape analysis and landscape planning based on selected studies conducted in different parts of Europe. Included are methodological problems and case studies presented and discussed during scientific sessions organized by the Commission of Landscape Analysis...
First 49 50 51 52 53 54 5556 57 58 59 60 61 Last
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