Christian Sermons category: 1375 books

Cover of Sul sacerdozio
by Giovanni Crisostomo
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

lo scritto "De Sacerdotio" (Sul sacerdozio), fu molto influenzato da Gregorio Nazianzeno. Egli riteneva che il monachesimo non era la sola via per raggiungere la perfezione; la vita sacerdotale al servizio dei credenti e in mezzo alle mille tentazioni del mondo era per lui il miglior modo...
Cover of El Abandono en la Divina Providencia
by Jean Pierre de Caussade
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 26, 2013

Este libro contiene cartas escritas por un sacerdote a un superior de una comunidad religiosa. Está claro que el autor era un alma hermosa, amiga muy interior y grande de Dios: él revela en sus cartas, de las cuales se cree que tienen que suprimir algo conocido como el verdadero método,...
Cover of Tercer Abecedario Espiritual
by Francisco De Osuna
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 19, 2013

Francisco de Osuna O.F.M. (Osuna, 1497 - 1540) sacerdote franciscano español. Escritor ascético como otros místicos precursores, este escritor andaluz desarrolla un ideario donde la efectividad y el empirismo son los protagonistas de su obra. Dejó un libro monumental,...
Cover of Das Große Franziskusleben
by Bonaventura
Language: German
Release Date: January 2, 2013

Die Legenda Maior (Major Legend), genannt, um sie von der Legenda Maior weniger, die ein Kompendium der liturgischen Charakter ist zu unterscheiden, ist eine Biographie des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi, in Lateinamerika von St. Bonaventure geschrieben im Auftrag des Ordens der Minderbrüder...
Cover of Natura e grandezza dell’amore
by Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

L'autore è Guglielmo di Saint Thierry Nacque a Liegi o nei suoi dintorni, in una data imprecisata, che tuttavia dovrebbe oscillare intorno al 1075; della sua infanzia non si sa nulla: anche la tradizione che lo vuole nato da famiglia nobile si fonda unicamente sulla posteriore considerazione...
Cover of Leben des hl. Einsiedlers Hilarion
by Hieronymus
Language: German
Release Date: January 3, 2013

Der Autor ist Hieronymus; Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus (* 347 in Stridon, Provinz Dalmatia; † 30. September 420 in Betlehem) war Kirchenvater, Heiliger, Gelehrter und Theologe der alten Kirche. Er gehört in der katholischen Kirche zusammen mit Ambrosius von Mailand, Augustinus und Papst...
Cover of La fede e le opere
by Agostino d'Ippona
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 30, 2013

L'autore è Aurelio Agostino d'Ippona (latino: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis; Tagaste, 13 novembre 354 – Ippona, 28 agosto 430) è stato un filosofo, vescovo e teologo latino. Padre, dottore e santo della Chiesa cattolica, dove è conosciuto semplicemente come sant'Agostino,...
Cover of Esclamazioni
by Teresa d’Avila
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

Cover of Leben des heiligen Antonius (Vita Antonii)
by Athanasius
Language: German
Release Date: January 2, 2013

Die Vita Antonii (abgekürzt: VA) ist eine hagiographische Schrift über das Leben des Wüstenvaters Antonius, die von Athanasios, Bischof von Alexandrien, ca. 360 verfasst wurde. Antonius, ein ungebildeter ägyptischer Bauer aus wohlhabender, christlicher Familie stammend wird als...
Cover of Les Grandes Prières de l’Église
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2015

« Seigneur, apprends-nous à prier, comme Jean le Baptiste, lui aussi, l’a appris à ses disciples. »(Lc 11,1)Un recueil des principales prières de l’Église et des saints, à ouvrir à toute heure de la journée et en toute occasion.
Cover of The TABERNACLE: A Detailed Portrait of Jesus Christ (I)
by Paul C. Jong
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2013

How can we find out the truth hidden in the Tabernacle? Only by knowing the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the real substance of the Tabernacle, can we correctly understand and know the answer to this question. In fact, the blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen manifested...
Cover of It's a Miracle 2
by Richard Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2003

More real-life inspirational stories more everyday wonders--more answered prayers--from the TV show that has inspired millions! Astounding rescues ... divine intervention ... romantic providence. Miracles are all around us--we have only to open our minds...and our hearts. In this extraordinary...
Cover of The TABERNACLE: A Detailed Portrait of Jesus Christ (II)
by Paul C. Jong
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2013

How can we find out the truth hidden in the Tabernacle? Only by knowing the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the real substance of the Tabernacle, can we correctly understand and know the answer to this question. In fact, the blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen manifested...
Cover of Discourses addressed to Mixed Congregations
by John Henry Newman
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2018

MY DEAR LORD, I present for your Lordship’s kind acceptance and patronage the first work which I publish as a “Father of the. Oratory of St. Philip Neri. I have a sort of claim upon your permission to do so, as a token of my gratitude and affection toward your Lordship, since it is to you...
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