Chocolate category: 250 books

Cover of Nutrition Healing: Energizing Anti Inflammatory Juicing Recipes

Nutrition Healing: Energizing Anti Inflammatory Juicing Recipes

Plant Based Green Juice Recipes & Fruit Juice Recipes

by Juliana Baldec
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2014

There is truly an unlimited amount of health benefits that comes with juicing. Here are the most important ones: Vitality Energy Rejuvenation Weight Loss Anti-Aging Beautiful Glowing & Wrinkle-Free Skin from the Inside Out Antioxidants Alzheimer's Prevention Asthma Help (Juliana suffered from...


Cover of One


A Cook and Her Cupboard

by Florence Knight
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2013

Cooking's new golden girl. Guardian The new kitchen goddess. Daily Mail Each chapter in One focuses on recipes built around one particular store cupboard ingredient, such as ketchup, oil, salt and honey. The result is a host of modern European dishes that have appeal, longevity and a...
Cover of Quick & Easy Recipes for Desserts

Quick & Easy Recipes for Desserts

Quick and Easy Recipes, #5

by Allison Williams
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2014

You don’t have to be a master chef to create a dazzling dessert. And, the best part—you can do it in under 15 minutes! We have recipes for beautiful trifles and layered parfaits. These desserts are sure to impress your family or dinner guests. If you’re simply looking for a afternoon treat,...
Cover of How to Make Candy

How to Make Candy

A guide to making homemade confectionary - boiled sweets, taffies, fruit candies, butterscotch, fondants, creams and more

by Jane L. Harmond
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2016

This wonderful candy cookbook has over 150 recipes for hard candy, fruit candy, chewy candy, butterscotch and much, much more. While most people go to the store for their confectionery, there remains a vibrant amount of independent candy making activity in the modern day. People seek a premium, tailor...
Cover of The Ultimate Pudding Recipes Cookbook
by Sofie Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2013

This book includes several delicious pudding recipes such as: - Almond Pudding - Apple Pudding - Bread Pudding - Orange Marmalade Pudding - Plum Pudding and so much more! Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
Cover of Recettes Desserts au chocolat, gateaux, bonbons, mousses
by Pierre-Emmanuel Malissin
Language: French
Release Date: October 29, 2010

Nouvelle version, mise en page refaite avec table des matières, nouvelle couverture. Retrouvez la plus belle des gourmandises en 50 recettes parfaites du quotidien aux fêtes, mousses, moelleux fondants, truffes, rochers, bonbons, buches... Certaines recettes sont illustrées pour un plus grand plaisir.
Cover of Paleo & Refrigerator Cake Recipes
by Sandra Smith
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2015

Delicious recipes only, both Paleo and refrigerator cakes in this cookbook taste great, just give it a try. The recipes are not much, only 25 quality recipes. This cookbook include introduction to Paleo baking with 8 outstanding Paleo recipes, only healthy and delicious Paleo recipes, no fillers.  This...
Cover of Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Dairy-Free Ice Cream

75 Recipes Made Without Eggs, Gluten, Soy, or Refined Sugar

by Kelly V. Brozyna
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2014

In "Dairy-Free Ice Cream" you will find all of your favorite ice cream flavors free of dairy, gluten, grains, soy, and refined sugar. Chapters include Cool Tips for Perfect Ice Cream, A History of Dairy-Free Ice Cream, The Classics, Coffee & Tea Ice Cream, Yogurt Pops & Sorbet, Ice Cream Cakes & Sandwiches,...
Cover of Ricette del giorno: Torte
by Lorenzo Rossi, Donatello Verdi, Gianluca Gialli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 21, 2014

L'intramontabile leggerezza della crema, l'irresistibile fragranza della pasta frolla, l'inimitabile aroma del cioccolato, l'assoluta delicatezza del mascarpone. Signore e signori benvenuti nel fantastico monde delle torte. Un mondo tutto da scoprire (e da gustare). Le sapienti ricette del trio LDG...
Cover of Cento dessert con il cioccolato
by Un'amica In Cucina
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 6, 2015

Cento ricette di dessert con il cioccolato, dalle bavaresi alle varietà di biscotti, dai budini alle crostate, dalle mousse alle salse, cento stimoli alla fantasia per palati golosi e per tutti gli appassionati di cucina.
Cover of Il meglio di più dolci - Vol.3
by Daniela Peli, Mara Mantovani, Francesca Ferrari
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 24, 2015

La selezione delle migliori ricette che, come piccoli mattoncini, hanno costruito la nostra rivista mensile piùDOLCI continua per la terza volta. Vi presentiamo un altro pezzetto del nostro viaggio nel mondo della pasticceria, partito nel 1999 con il primo numero di piùDOLCI e giunto con...
Cover of Facciamoci una pera! Il frutto più duttile in cucina. Storia, curiosità e ricette.
by Manuela Fiorini
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 14, 2013

Siete a dieta? Fatevi una pera! Siete sportivi? Fatevi una pera! Soffrite di stipsi? La soluzione è sempre quella: fatevi una pera! Se vi siete chiesti qual è quel dolce che fa ingrassare poco, la risposta, è una sola: quello con la pera! In cucina la si può usare dagli antipasti al dolce, fa...
Cover of Le Paste - Guida Pratica
by Francesca Ferrari, Mara Mantovani, Daniela Peli
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 11, 2013

Le pagine del libro Le paste con i loro mille colori, gli accostamenti classici e i delicati ingredienti scelti con grande cura ci mettono allegria, augurandoci il buongiorno ogni mattina, chiudendo in bellezza un pranzo importante o accogliendo i nostri ospiti in maniera impeccabile e in ogni occasione...
Cover of Dolcemente Cremoso
by Chiara Milli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 21, 2015

Ti capita mai di voler preparare una bella torta farcita per festeggiare una ricorrenza particolare, oppure semplicemente per fare una sorpresa alla tua famiglia, ma non sai dove trovare le ricette? Beh, se vuoi ti posso aiutare io: come? Consultando “Dolcemente …cremoso” potrai trovare tantissime...
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