Cartoons category: 2572 books

Cover of Catbug: Everything is Okay
by Jason James Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2016

Accidentally destroy a cracker sculpture masterpiece or offend an alien? Catbug helps you cute your way out of even the silliest circumstances! The fourth book in the series, Everything is Okay!, debuts all new lines written by Bravest Warriors writer, Jason Johnson, and illustrated by up and coming...
Cover of Catbug: The Ice Cream Man
by Jason James Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2016

We all know Catbug’s got a big sweet tooth for peanut butter squares. But did you know he also loves ICE CREAM? Catbug meets a man named Bilges Smackeroni who makes all his ice creamy dreams comes true! The fifth book in the series, The Ice Cream Man, debuts all new lines written by Bravest Warriors...
Cover of Tentacles at My Throat Tentacles at My Throat
by Zerocalcare
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2018

Three friends, their schoolgrounds, a secret. And fifteen years later, the discovery that they all thought there was only one secret, but each had their own. And there was one more, bigger than the others, that none were aware of. This is Zerocalcare's second graphic novel, the one that made him stand...
Cover of Pietro. La vita è una galera
by Giuliano, Giuliano Rossetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2017

Il detenuto n. 35, alias Pietro, è un uomo sornione, pacioccone, un abile affarista, ma soprattutto un maestro nella vecchia nobile arte dell'arrangiarsi, sempre pronto a trarre qualcosa di buono anche dal tanto di cattivo che gli passa davanti. Rassegnato a vivere in un Paese che assomiglia sempre...
Cover of When Tom met Alison - A Fisher Collection
by Philip Street
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2016

From the day the comic strip Fisher first appeared in The Globe and Mail, more than twenty years ago, it was clear that Philip Street had a total command of the medium. As Barbara Klunder writes in her foreword, “It takes a lot of knowhow with a paintbrush to capture an expression, a gesture, with...
Cover of Lempire. The Beginning
by David Williams
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2017

After sharing his despair and frustration of never reaching his destiny as a Lemming in 'The Lempires Lament', it's time to remember the good times.In an effort to rekindle the joy and wonder of his ever escalating attempts to find the limit of his immortality, the Lempire takes us back to his beginning; and finds he is once again able to set his sights on the future.
Cover of Un pollo in classe.

Un pollo in classe.

Manuale di autodifesa scolastica

by Federico Dalla Rosa
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 25, 2016

“Come è andata a scuola?”. La risposta è sempre la stessa: “Bene!”. Ma come è possibile se si è dovuto fare i conti con: compiti in classe, interrogazioni, brutti voti, note sul registro, ufficio del Preside, materie assurde come italiano, storia e matematica, campanelle che suonano troppo...
Cover of Comic Book for Kids: Beany and Cecil Sampler
by J.R. Finkle
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

Read Three Samples of the Great Adventures of Beany and Cecil Your child will enjoy three samples of Beany and Cecil comic book episodes featuring the lovable propeller-capped Beany with his favorite sea-sick serpent Cecil, along with Captain Huffenpuff, Dishonest John, and others.   Follow...
Cover of The Old Geezers - Volume 1 - Alive and Still Kicking
by Wilfrid Lupano, Paul Cauuet
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2017

Three old geezers, activists, and lifelong friends reunite at the funeral of the wife of one of them, Antoine, who finds out about a long ago liaison between his dearly departed and the reviled billionaire who owns the factory they all worked in. Livid, Antoine jumps in his car and heads for Italy...
Cover of Je veux une Harley - Tome 4 - Harleyluia !
by Marc Cuadrado
Language: French
Release Date: November 6, 2015

Quatrième album de la série Je Veux une Harley, créée par Marc Cuadrado et Frank Margerin, deux bikers de la BD. Marc, Tanie, Alain et Mylène décident de partir en Provence, chez Jean-Mi, frère aîné de Marc et maître praticien en thérapies alternatives. Mais pendant le voyage, les contrariétés...
Cover of Hercule - Tome 4
by Erroc
Language: French
Release Date: February 4, 2013

Tous aux abris ! Revoilà Hercule ! Je suis Hercule le magnifique et je suis de retour ! Doué comme je suis, j’aurais pu découvrir l’Amérique, devenir champion de ski, trouver le vaccin contre la grippe ou inventer le flan aux pruneaux. Mais non : attiré depuis toujours par les planches de...
Cover of Cath et son chat

Cath et son chat

Cath et son chat - Tome 6

by Christophe Cazenove, Ramon Bachs, Hervé Richez
Language: French
Release Date: January 11, 2017

"Les aventures en terrain minet d’une petite fille et de son chat un peu trop agité !Après quelques jours passés à Venise, la vie ne sera plus la même pour Cath et son chat Sushi. Le papa de Cath semble très amoureux de son amie Samantha, et comme le dit Virgile, le fils de Samantha :...
Cover of Les aventures de raoul Fracassin - Tome 2 - Les Flingueurs vous saluent bien
by Philippe Chanoinat
Language: French
Release Date: November 25, 2015

Après sa dernière mission, l’agent Raoul Fracassin revient pour une nouvelle aventure ou il continuera de faire des rencontres inattendues…notamment avec un certain James Bond…
Cover of Hägar Dünor - Tome 1
by Dik Browne
Language: French
Release Date: January 29, 2016

Créé par Dick BROWNE en 1973, le strip Hägar Dünor (Hägar The Horrible en anglais) a été publié pour la première fois en France dans Le Journal de Mickey durant 14 ans. Après avoir été traduits en 13 langues, diffusés dans plus de 1 000 journaux de 53 pays et lus par des centaines de...
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