Beer category: 541 books

Cover of The Compleat Meadmaker

The Compleat Meadmaker

Home Production of Honey Wine From Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations

by Ken Schramm
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2003

As one of the most ancient of human beverages, mead arose in part because it was easy to make. Today’s hobbyists rediscover the simplicity of making mead while reveling in the range of flavors that can result. In The Compleat Meadmaker, veteran beverage hobbyist and meadmaker, Ken Schramm, introduces...
Cover of Cómo hacer cerveza: guía para principiantes
by Kyle Richards
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 24, 2017

¿Alguna vez se preguntó cómo elaborar cerveza en casa?  ¿Qué clase de ingredientes se usan?  ¿Qué tipo de equipo es necesario?  ¿Es costoso conseguir ese equipo?  ¿Es difícil de hacer? ¿Cuánto tiempo consume? Este e-book es para aquellos que son principiantes en la elaboración...
Cover of Quick and Easy Thai

Quick and Easy Thai

70 Everyday Recipes

by Nancie McDermott
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2012

Now busy home cooks can bring the fantastic flavors of Thai cuisine into the kitchen with a simple trip to the grocery store. Nancie McDermott, experienced cook, teacher, and author of the best-selling cookbook Real Thai, presents this collection of 70 delicious recipes that focus on easy-to-find...
Cover of Cerveza


La bebida de la felicidad

by Luis G. Balcells
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 18, 2014

¿Rubia o tostada? ¿De barril o en botella? ¿Artesanal o de importación? ¿Cuál es la mejor cerveza del mundo? En esta guía definitiva sobre el universo de esta popular y deliciosa bebida descubrirás todos los secretos para convertirte en un auténtico maestro cervecero y, por qué no, para...
Cover of Building Homebrew Equipment

Building Homebrew Equipment

Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-186

by Karl F. Lutzen, Mark Stevens
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 1998

Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.
Cover of How to Make Your Own Cider and Mead (Short-e Guide)
by Maureen Little, Craig Hughes
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2012

Nothing says 'English summer' as much as a pint of cider. Sweet or dry, from the keg or bottle, but cold with that tantalising condensation as the warm summer air hits the chill of the glass. This short-e guide gives you a brief introduction to how to create your own refreshing cider. Aswell as looking at drinks of a similar nature such as mead, perry and braggot.
Cover of 酒的科學:從發酵、蒸餾、熟陳至品酩的醉人之旅
by 亞當.羅傑斯(Adam Rogers)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 4, 2016

★榮獲2014年Gourmand Awards最佳酒類圖書獎 ★入圍2015年筆會/E.O.威爾遜文學獎科學寫作獎決選 不論你啜飲的是清酒、精釀啤酒、單一麥芽威士忌,或卡本內蘇維濃葡萄酒,當你真正了解杯中魔液的來龍去脈,飲酒將變得更饒富趣味! 有泡沬的啤酒喝起來更香醇可口?為什麼香檳的氣泡比啤酒的更快消失? 味覺敏感的人比較不愛喝兩杯?亞洲人喝酒為何特別容易臉紅? 人們真能從酒中嘗出數十種風味?酒評師為何能夠說出精湛絕妙的神級酒評? 台灣噶瑪蘭威士忌奪得世界冠軍的關鍵為何? 一萬年來,人類的製酒技術不斷精進;然而,現代科學家對酒中微妙生化反應的解析才剛剛展開。在這趟跨越地域、文明的精神之旅中,亞當‧羅傑斯帶著我們穿越古今,仔細審視酒精飲料的歷史。我們首先回顧前人無意間邂逅發酵飲料的過往,隨著時間軸移動,再來到最先進的科研實驗室中,目睹研究人員證明人類為何熱愛飲酒。 從發酵、蒸餾到熟陳等工序,書中以獨特的視野,將生產知名酒飲的木桶、蒸餾器、槽具與酒缸內的神奇展露無遺。跟著羅傑斯的腳步,我們神遊蘇格蘭高地的威士忌聖地,以及當今世上最頂尖的基因定序實驗室──沿途還會造訪好幾間酒吧──也順道見識了現代製酒技術衍生而來的各種角色與發展。他讓我們的好奇心永無止境,漸次揭開酒精飲料的層層神秘面紗:  ...
Cover of Start Your Own Microbrewery, Distillery, or Cidery

Start Your Own Microbrewery, Distillery, or Cidery

Your Step-By-Step Guide to Success

by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Corie Brown
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2015

Start Your Own Microbrewery, Distillery, or Cidery and Craft Your Success Story Growing each year, this multi-billion dollar industry, driven by consumer preferences, shows no signs of slowing down-giving you the perfect opportunity to start up. Corie Brown of Zester Daily and our experts...
Cover of The Pocket Guide to Pubs and their History
by Gordon Thorburn
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2011

Is there really a pub called The Toad Rock Retreat? Which one town has the pubs with both the longest and the shortest names? How many Lions, Crowns and Horses are there? How many pubs are called The Speculation, The Triple Plea, The Welcome Stranger? Why would you give your pub a name like The Geese...
Cover of Pittsburgh Drinks

Pittsburgh Drinks

A History of Cocktails, Nightlife & Bartending Tradition

by Cody McDevitt, Sean Enright
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2017

Pittsburgh's drinking culture is a story of its people: vibrant, hardworking and innovative. During Prohibition, the Hill District became a center of jazz, speakeasies and creative cocktails. In the following decades, a group of Cuban bartenders brought the nightlife of Havana to a robust café culture...
Cover of A Pint of Plain

A Pint of Plain

Tradition, Change, and the Fate of the Irish Pub

by Bill Barich
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2018

After meeting an Irishwoman in London and moving to Dublin, Bill Barich?a “blow-in,” or stranger, in Irish parlance?found himself looking for a traditional Irish pub to be his local. There are nearly 12,000 pubs in Ireland, so he appeared to have plenty of choices. He wanted a pub like the one...
Cover of California Breweries North
by Jay R. Brooks
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2013

The definitive guide to the region's 161 breweries and brewpubs.
Cover of 50 Great College Drinking Games
by Ross Bonander
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2011

There are some things you can't learn in a classroom! When in the course of educational events, it becomes necessary to blow off a little steam and hoist a few, here is the book you want committed to memory. The outrageously fun drinking games included in this complete compendium run the gamut. Some...
Cover of Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers

Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers

The Secrets of Ancient Fermentation

by Stephen Harrod Buhner
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 1998

This is the first comprehensive book ever written on the sacred aspects of indigenous, historical psychotropic and herbal healing beers of the world.
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