Astrophysics Space Science category: 1588 books

Cover of The End of the World
by Joseph McCabe
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

The End of the World is a non-technical book on astronomy and the end of the universe. The original illustrations are included.
Cover of Alieni


C’è qualcuno là fuori?

by Jim Al-Khalili
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 23, 2017

«Jim Al-Khalili ha raccolto i contributi delle migliori menti della scienza e dello spazio. Alieni va ben oltre il cosa, il dove e il quando della ricerca extraterrestre: ci spiega la cosa più importante, cioè perché è giusto preoccuparsene.»The Times - Oliver MoodLa Via Lattea contiene qualcosa...
Cover of Camille Flammarion's The Planet Mars

Camille Flammarion's The Planet Mars

As Translated by Patrick Moore

by Camille Flammarion
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2014

Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) began his career at 16 as a human computer under the great mathematician U. J. J. Le Verrier at the Paris Observatory.  He soon tired of the drudgery; he was drawn to more romantic vistas, and at 19 wrote a book on an idea that he was to make his own—the habitability...
Cover of New Horizons
by Associated Press
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2016

Mankind's first close-up look at Pluto did not disappoint: The pictures showed ice mountains about as high as the Rockies and chasms on its big moon Charon that appear six times deeper than the Grand Canyon. Especially astonishing to scientists was the total absence of impact craters in a zoom-in shot...
Cover of Black Holes and Super Gravity
by IntroBooks
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Black holes, supernovas, Dark matter, and the micro gravity or macro gravity related researches and studies for analysis can be of inbound curiosity to any professional in any subject stream. These are lessons about nature that is sure to trigger the curiosity in anyone. Shedding some light on these...
Cover of The Recycling Universe
by Toby Clark
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2016

The Recycling Universe hypothesis proposes that Einstein’s famous equation e = mc2 is reversible under conditions of extreme gravity in that whilst mass may be converted into energy (as in nuclear reactions), energy may be converted into mass within deep gravity wells (within Black Holes) and consequently...
Cover of Kepler's Law
by Robert Stetson
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2013

Some believe that the difference in the way galaxies and solar systems appear to rotate is evidence that dark matter exists. This paper does not deny the existence of dark matter.This paper explains why solar systems and galaxies appear to obey different laws of motion.Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion do not violate the rotation of these two systems. They both follow the same laws.
Cover of Seth Discusses Quasars, Black Holes, & Entropy
by Richard Lighthouse
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2017

Seth is an “Energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical reality.” In my opinion, his intellect exceeds the combined intellects of every great mind we have ever read about. This short ebook is a compilation of his quotes on quasars, black holes, and entropy. Some of this information...
Cover of Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Apollo Terminology - Comprehensive Dictionary of Aerospace Terms and Acronyms
by Progressive Management
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2013

This invaluable reference work, Apollo Terminology, belongs in the library of every student of the Apollo lunar landing program. The preface states, "Apollo Terminology definitions presented herein are intended to provide Apollo program participants with an updated collection of terminology used...
Cover of Can You Play Cricket on Mars?

Can You Play Cricket on Mars?

And Other Scientific Questions Answered

by Patrick Moore
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2011

All those nagging questions you have about the universe are answered here, like Is there a dark side to the Moon? What happens when a comet hits the sun? Do the Martian canals have any water in them? Is the moon hot inside? What would happen if the sun were to collide with a black hole? Mars has polar...
Cover of Spiral Structure in Galaxies
by Marc S Seigar
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2017

How does it happen that billions of stars can cooperate to produce the beautiful spirals that characterize so many galaxies, including ours? This book reviews the history behind the discovery of spiral galaxies and the problems faced when trying to explain the existence of spiral structure within...
Cover of An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics
by Richard Fitzpatrick
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2012

This accessible text on classical celestial mechanics, the principles governing the motions of bodies in the Solar System, provides a clear and concise treatment of virtually all of the major features of solar system dynamics. Building on advanced topics in classical mechanics such as rigid body rotation,...
Cover of Where Time Begins
by Nicholas Jones
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2018

A computer simulation of the gravitational field of the universe has been developed that precisely predicts the observed recession velocities of nearby and distant galaxies, even where it deviates from Hubble’s Law. It is called the COI universe model. Many other unusual cosmic observations like...
Cover of 如何在火星上生活
by 史蒂芬‧彼車奈克 Stephen L. Patranek
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 1, 2016

** ★《衛報》、《星期日泰晤士報》、《紐約客》、《每日電訊報》推薦** **  ★ARRC前瞻火箭計劃主持人 吳宗信教授 誠摯推薦** **  ★超人氣TED演講「世界末日倒數計時」(10 Ways the World Could End)破百萬觀賞次數** **  2027****年,人類將登陸火星。** **  這個沒有水、只有1%氧氣、沒有大氣層阻隔輻射的星球,人類該如何在此生存?** **  住在火星不只是人類的夢想,也是人類的命運。**   當地球上的生存已經受到嚴重威脅,許多災難蠢蠢欲動,人類必須成為星際種族才能存活。   登陸火星讓人類想像力脫離地球的重力範圍,對於科技、哲學、歷史和探險各領域都是非常關鍵的時刻。   這不是科幻小說。本書作者彼車奈克曾經擔任Discover科學雜誌總編輯,以大量證據說明人類如何住在火星上勢必需要的備用計畫。我們該如何改造火星成為適合人類居住的星球?或者改造人類成為適合居住在火星的人種?   這一切都有機會發生,而且勢在必行。 TED...
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