Artists category: 3350 books

Cover of La gabbia di Pound
by Piero Sanavio
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 19, 2014

In una nuova edizione completamente rivista, aggiornata e ampliata, un piccolo classico sulla prigionia di Pound, oggi quanto mai attuale. Il volume è corredato da foto e documenti inediti. A partire dagli anni Trenta fino al 1945, il poeta americano Ezra Pound, visse in Italia. Vi ritornerà nel...
Cover of Meryl Streep: Greatest Living Actress Biography and Facts
by Bernadete Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2014

Meryl Streep is an American theater, television and film actress. She attended Vassar College for undergrad then the Yale School of Drama. Meryl Streep is one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed actresses of her generation.   During her career Meryl has won three Academy...
Cover of Kevin Hart: Making Millions of People to Laugh
by Jane K Allende
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2014

Kevin Hart is an American comedian, producer, spokesman and actor. He attended George Washington High School in Philadelphia before moving to New York City to pursue his career in comedy. Kevin took classes at community college for two years and after graduating decided to focus all of his energy...
Cover of Francisco De Goya
by Sandra Forty
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2014

The greatest artist of the 18th century, Francisco de Goya began his career as an apprentice to a local artist where one of his jobs was adding draperies and modesty items to nude figures in religious paintings; for this he was titled “Reviser of Indecent Paintings.” But by the age of 40, Goya...
Cover of Quelques écrivains français

Quelques écrivains français

Flaubert, Zola, Hugo, Goncourt, Huysmans

by Émile Hennequin
Language: French
Release Date: September 23, 2015

Études biographiques de quelques auteurs français par Émile Hennequin, selon sa méthode de critique scientifique, où il examine les côtés psychologiques, sociologiques et esthétiques. Dans ce livre : Gustave Flaubert, Émile Zola, Victor Hugo, Edmond deGoncourt, J.-K. Huysmans.
Cover of ゴーギャン
by 近代絵画研究会
Language: Japanese
Release Date: March 6, 2014

本書は、後期印象派を代表する画家 ポール・ゴーギャンの作品22点を集めた作品集です。印象主義への反発としてクロワゾニスム(対象の立体感や固有の色彩などを否定し、輪郭線で囲んだ平坦な面によって対象を構成する描写方法)を唱え、新たな表現方法を確立しました。一八九一年、憧れの地であったタヒチに移住し、数々の傑作を生み出します。どうぞ、ゴーギャンの描く純粋な世界を存分にお楽しみください。...
Cover of DAVID MISHKIN Artiste Plasticien
by Philippe MARGOT
Language: French
Release Date: June 22, 2014

Art du Bouchon - Art Imagé - Dessins, trois approches de l'artiste plasticien David Mishkin, aussi originales, inédites que contemporaines. Cet art issu du simple emploi des bouchons de liège naturel qui obturent nos bouteilles, ou de leur habillage, prolonge le souvenir...
Cover of Die Geschichte von KISS

Die Geschichte von KISS

Unsere Anfangsjahre

by Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ken Sharp
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Plateau-Stiefel, ausgefallene Kostüme und viel Schminke Die faszinierende Chronik der Entstehung von KISS Kaum zu glauben: Der erste Auftritt von KISS fand am 30. Januar 1973 vor gerade einmal drei zahlenden Zuschauern im PopcornClub in New York statt. Jedes Bandmitglied hatte eine eigene, festgelegte...
Cover of SF × 抽象画
by 近代芸術研究会
Language: Japanese
Release Date: March 7, 2014

本書は、日本のSFの元祖ともいえる2人の作家 海野十三と平林初之輔の短編7編と、抽象画の巨匠 カジミール・マレーヴィチ、ピエト・モンドリアンの2人の絵画10点を配して編集しています。SFや抽象画を楽しむには、想像力が重要です。その2つの芸術が融合すれば、恐らく皆様の脳内で何らかの化学反応が起こることと思います。どうぞ、その反応を楽しみながら作品をご覧ください。...
Cover of Senza respiro

Senza respiro

Un anno di incontri

by Gianluca Fantelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2014

Cosa può spingere una persona di quasi mezzo secolo, apparentemente normale, con una vita normale, un lavoro normale, interessi normali, a trasformare radicalmente la sua vita e sviluppare un talento giovanile abbandonato trasformandolo nella sua principale ragione di vita? La risposta nelle pagine...
Cover of Vie de Michel-Ange

Vie de Michel-Ange

Vie des hommes illustres

by Romain Rolland
Language: French
Release Date: January 8, 2015

Michel-Ange, sculpteur et peintre de génie, a été toute sa vie englué dans des engagements forcés, par les papes, par les riches de ce monde. Romain Rolland prouve que cet homme, enserré dans le malheur et la tristesse, a toujours gardé un coeur pur...
Cover of Overlay: Storia di una ragazza nella Las Vegas degli anni '70
by Marlayna Glynn
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 2, 2016

Ambientato nell'affascinante Las Vegas degli anni Settanta, Overlay è la storia di una bambina nata in un contesto di violenza e abbandono. Mentre gli adulti che dovrebbero occuparsi di lei si sbriciolano via via, vittime delle proprie dipendenze e debolezze, Marlayna sviluppa un forte senso di autoconservazione,...
Cover of Georgia O'Keefe
by Lisa E. Jobe
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2016

Explore Georgia O'Keefe through the photo fantasy artwork of Lisa E. Jobe. Melding O'Keefe's own paintings with the photography of Steiglitz and various other elements, Jobe creates a digital decoupage to experience the artist like never before. Containing quotes by O'Keefe herself, this picture book is a sure bet for any O'Keefe admirer.
Cover of Verde, amarelo, azul e rosa
by Bruno Laurato
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 2, 2018

Este livro escrito por Bruno Laurato, "VERDE AMARELO AZUL E ROSA", merece ser lido com muito prazer e atenção. O autor faz um estudo detalhado dos melhores desfiles assinados pela grande carnavalesca Rosa Magalhães. Eu e Rosa estudávamos na Escola de Belas Artes (UFRJ). Éramos colegas...
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