Architects Photographers category: 3350 books

Cover of Sworn In A Second Chance & A Second Term
by Deshawn Harper
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2016

  Memoir should be shared and read again and again.
Cover of Justin Bieber: Talented and Troubled
by James Simpson
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2014

“Young, talented, troubled”, these all are synonymous for Justin Bieber. He is one of the most youngest and talented pop singers and gathers millions of followers within three years!   But his talent was due his troubled activity. He is a true headstrong and aggressive. He...
Cover of ゲインズバラ
by 近代絵画研究会
Language: Japanese
Release Date: March 5, 2014

本書は、イギリスの画家 トマス・ゲインズバラの作品25点を集めた作品集です。生涯に700点以上の肖像画を残し、優れた肖像画家として名を残していますが、「肖像画は金のために描いている」と話していたと言い、彼が本当に描きたかったのは故郷の風景だったようです。...
Cover of Cindi Lauper - The 80’s Superstar
by Cindy Washington
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2013

Cyndi Lauper burst onto the billboard charts with her debut album; She's So Unusual (1983). With her assorted apparel, flamboyantly styled hair and infectious pop melodies, Lauper took the new music globe by surprise, and the record offered just about 5 million contents. Lauper scored a cord of hits...
Cover of L’Art, entretiens réunis par Paul Gsell
by Auguste Rodin
Language: French
Release Date: November 7, 2015

L’an dernier, à la fin d’une lumineuse journée de mai, comme je me promenais avec Auguste Rodin sous les arbres qui ombragent sa charmante colline, je lui confiai mon désir d’écrire sous sa dictée ses propos sur l’Art. Il sourit. — Quel original vous faites ! me dit-il. Vous...
Cover of fabrication d'un siège de balançoire pour bébé en bois
by sebastien fallet
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2014

dossier complet de fabrication comprenant: plan d'ensemble plan de détails éclaté d’assemblage notice de montage nomenclature illustrations
Cover of Dylan. Gospel.

Dylan. Gospel.

Die rauen Töne der wahren Geschichte

by Clinton Heylin
Language: German
Release Date: October 5, 2018

Bob Dylan war das Sprachrohr ganzer Generationen. - schlicht ein Genie. Doch als er 1979 zum Glauben an Jesus Christus kam und hintereinander drei phänomenale christliche Platten veröffentlichte, wandten sich viele Fans, Musikkritiker, Künstler und Journalisten von ihm ab. Erstmals zeigt nun der...
Cover of Don't Hide the Madness

Don't Hide the Madness

William S. Burroughs in Conversation with Allen Ginsberg

by William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2018

Two seminal figures of the Beat movement, Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs, discuss literary influences and personal history in a never-before-published three-day conversation following the release of the David Cronenberg film adaptation of Burroughs’ revolutionary novel Naked Lunch. The...
Cover of Ludwik Margules

Ludwik Margules

Conversaciones con Rodolfo Obregón

by Rodolfo Obregón, Rodolfo Obregón, Lydia Margules
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2018

Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes, leyenda viva, viejo lobo del teatro mexicano, Ludwik Margules narra su vida y reflexiona sobre su camino en las artes escénicas. Aquí se cuenta la historia de un niño que se convertiría en un "mestizo perfecto", huye de Polonia y acaba refugiado en...
Cover of 神田 雅志の「油絵倉庫」(A2)
by 神田 雅志
Language: Japanese
Release Date: October 17, 2015

神田 雅志のブログ、「放浪画家←(^-^)ノ「旅びっとん」の、季節のたより」の書庫「油絵 ART-Meter 倉庫」から2010・2011年の記事を電子書籍にしました。放浪画家"びとん(神田 雅志)"の世界を楽しんでください。気に入った絵があったら、ブログの記事にコメントを書いてみよう!
Cover of Jacques Callot

Jacques Callot

Sa vie, son œuvre et ses continuateurs

by Henri Bouchot, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: April 22, 2015

Extrait : "La petite cour des ducs de Lorraine avait eu pendant la fin du seizième siècle sa physionomie particulière : Charles III, gendre du roi de France Henri II, l'avait su rendre brillante et joyeuse. Fière de son autonomie, de ses coutumes spéciales, largement dotée de fabriques et d'industries...
Cover of Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave
by Sojourner Truth
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave was written in the year 1850 by Sojourner Truth. This book is one of the most popular novels of Sojourner Truth, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Cover of Guns N’ Roses Rock Band
by Catherine Braun
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Guns N’ Roses is a rock band from America. Theywere formed in Los Angeles, California in 1985. The genres that they play are Hard rock, heavy metal and blues rock. The band, led by Axl Rose, has gone through number of changes in the line-up and controversies since it has been formed. Six studio...
Cover of Le mal d'écrire et le roman contemporain
by Antoine Albalat
Language: French
Release Date: April 10, 2014

Recueil d'articles critiques d'Antoine Albalat  parus dans la Nouvelle Revue de 1891-1894 : 1. Le mal d'écrire ; 2. Chateaubriand et Gustave Flaubert ; 3. De l'avenir du roman contemporain ; 4. Le roman contemporain et les prognostics de Sainte-Beuve ; 5. L'exotisme : Pierre Loti ; 6....
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