Architects Photographers category: 3350 books

Cover of La cattedrale di Chartres, Gaudí e la Sagrada Família
by Josep Maria Tarragona
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 10, 2013

La cattedrale di Chartres e la Sagrada Família sono due realizzazioni plastiche di uno stesso concetto: la Gerusalemme celeste. Profonde somiglianze le accomunano, il cui messaggio intrinseco normalmente passa inosservato. Gaudí trasse ispirazione dalla cattedrale di Chartres per progettare...
Cover of Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog

Die Biografie

by Moritz Holfelder
Language: German
Release Date: October 10, 2016

Vom Chiemgau nach Hollywood führt der Lebensweg von Werner Herzog, einem der wichtigsten deutschen Filmemacher. Die archaische Kindheitswelt in einem bayerischen Dorf hat ihn geprägt und wird in dieser Biografie erstmals umfassend dargestellt. Was treibt den Regisseur von Meisterwerken wie 'Fitzcarraldo',...
Cover of C'era una volta il West (ma c'ero anch'io)
by Sergio Donati
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 19, 2014

Nelle pagine di C’era una volta il West (ma c’ero anch’io), il grande sceneggiatore Sergio Donati fa rivivere con intensità e divertimento il mito del cinema western di Sergio Leone. Di quel cinema ci svela i segreti e i trucchi e ci racconta un’infinità di aneddoti,...
Cover of F*ck Art (Let's Dance)
by Sally Eckhoff
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2013

What would you give to shoot the moon in the greatest city in the world? F*ck Art (Let’s Dance) is a chronicle of ten slam-bang years in a very slam-bang part of New York City, and of one young painter's crusade to make that place her own. This memoir, by a former Village Voice...
Cover of Berthe Morisot

Berthe Morisot

Drawings, Pastels, Watercolours

by Daniel Coenn
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2013

Berthe Morisot was French painter and printmaker, member of the circle of painters in Paris who became known as the Impressionists. She was described by Gustave Geffroy in 1894 as one of "les trois grandes dames" of Impressionism alongside Marie Bracquemond and Mary Cassatt. Morisot painted...
Cover of Justin Bieber Facts for Fans
by Cathy Kulkarni
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2012

Did you know that Justin Bieber gains an average of 207,788 fans on Facebook a week? Or that he can can play the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet. What about that he once got an 'F' in school, but he changed it to a 'B', so he wouldn't get in trouble? This book is full of fun facts about Justin Bieber!
Cover of Masters of Photography Vol 9 - Living Legends
by Paul G Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2015

Today the image born from photography or film is one of the most powerful single elements a brand, label, designer, recording artist, celebrity or manufacturer can possess. In this edition Living Legends Vol 9 we look at the lives and creative work from some of the biggest names working in contemporary/fashion...
Cover of Voltaire
by Gustave Lanson
Language: French
Release Date: June 24, 2015

Gustave Lanson, critique littéraire très écouté et historien de la littérature nous présente une biographie impartiale de Voltaire. Non seulement, nous relate-t-il les événements de la vie agitée de Voltaire, de sa naissance à sa...
Cover of Sofia Vergara: Highest Paid Actress Report
by Marilene Lima
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2014

Sofia Vergara is a Colombian born actress, model and spokeswoman. Today she is probably most famous for her role as Gloria Delgado-Pritchett on the hit ABC show Modern Family.   Sofia is also very active product endorsers. In 2013 alone, Sofia earned an estimated $30 million in...
Cover of Impressions de Bruxelles
by Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: February 23, 2015

Treize écrivains et trois photographes réveillent en nous le sentiment que Bruxelles sommeille dans les plis de nos cœurs.Une ville singulière et énigmatique que l’on aime ou que l’on rejette car elle est insaisissable, mais bien présente en nous.Un ensemble de textes tendres, ironiques, intimistes,...
Cover of Sex Without Madonna Too
by Peter Phelps
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2013

Baywatching with Hasselhof. Travolta impressions to Travolta as his mate is rubbed the wrong way. Dying in B grade films in the Venezuelan jungle. Passionate affairs in Rome with his leading lady and self directing movies in Slovakia. They haven't garnered Oscars but Australian actor Peter Phelps...
Cover of Tibetgallae
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2014

This book is written in English, Full Color Books. The main tourist information. tibet, Lhasa, Potala Palace, Norbulingka, Jokhang, Barkor Street, yamdrok tso lake, pelkor chode monastery, Sera monastery, tashilhunpo monastery, Meili (Meri) Snow Mountains. Tibet is a good country. I was impressed...
Cover of Az álomnő
by Liptai Claudia
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: January 17, 2014

Liptai Claudia mindent tud a szórakoztatásról. Egyszerűen letehetetlen!Anna Afrikába utazik, hogy egy divatmagazin számára riportot készítsen a félig magyar származású szépségkirálynőről. Elszántan vág bele a kalandba, arra azonban nincs felkészülve, hogy az ismeretlen világban...
Cover of 重新想像:新銳建築師曾柏庭
by 李俊明
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 31, 2018

多次入圍世界建築節獎的曾柏庭 打破台灣建築典型意識型態 為公共空間與民眾生活帶來無限想像 Q-LAB設計總監暨合夥人曾柏庭,作品連續四年共五件入圍有建築奧斯卡獎之稱的「世界建築節獎」。他的作品曾被國際媒體評為「27座地表最酷的建築」,也獲得美國Architizer A+首獎、ADA新銳建築獎、國家卓越建設獎等肯定。 曾柏庭能在國際大獎中與建築大師們同台較勁,靠的是他不屈服於窠臼,重新想像、定義建築的精神。 國中才剛畢業,曾柏庭就獨自跑到太平洋的另一頭,過起小留學生的生活,獨力完成學業後,在全球知名的拉斐爾.維諾利建築事務所、帕金斯威爾建築設計事務所、貝.考伯.佛烈德聯合事務所等工作。 14年後滿腔熱情與理想的他回到台灣,想用國外的所見、所學,在自己的故鄉大展身手。懷抱夢想的柏庭想在公開競爭下,用實力證明自己,積極參與公共工程競圖,雖然連續10次失敗,但他仍不放棄堅持。 在第一次成功獲得競圖的台南一中體育館作品中,他因一個「半戶外」空間所衍生的公共性,啟發了他的建築思維,成為他後續公共建築與住宅系列作品的重要切點。 在烏來立體停車場、土城國民運動中心、中和國民運動中心等作品中,他勇於挑戰成規,在符合公共利益的前提下,即使賠錢,也要做出最貼近使用者需求的空間,不僅翻轉台灣公共工程典型意識型態,也成功獲得許多國際大獎的肯定。 在許多公共建築、住宅的競圖中,他努力提出新主張,要讓改變成為可能,期待在重新想像公共空間與居住體驗成功後成為先例,引發民眾、政府的觀念轉變,建造屬於下一世代的新建築。 獲獎 2018年 ONE海運台北總部入圍世界室內設計獎(INSIDE...
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