Architects Photographers category: 3350 books

Cover of Mara Terzi

Mara Terzi

Quando i sogni dell'anima si son fatti Danza

by Olga Karasso
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 19, 2014

È come un dolce pedagogico invito a giovani e non più giovani – essendo musica e danza sin dall'antichità lo specchio dei popoli – a imparare come, canalizzando l'energia, si assuma il controllo sia del corpo sia della mente per una più profonda conoscenza di se stessi apportando nel contempo...
Cover of A View from the South

A View from the South

The Narrative Art of Boyd Saunders

by Boyd Saunders, Thomas Dewey II
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2019

A View from the South: The Narrative Art of Boyd Saunders is the first comprehensive examination of the life and art of one of America’s premier printmakers. In this celebration of an enduring and widely acclaimed career as an artist, Thomas Dewey II chronicles Saunders’s work not only as a printmaker,...
Cover of Picasso and the Chess Player

Picasso and the Chess Player

Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, and the Battle for the Soul of Modern Art

by Larry Witham
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2012

In the fateful year of 1913, events in New York and Paris launched a great public rivalry between the two most consequential artists of the twentieth century, Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp. The New York Armory Show art exhibition unveiled Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase, a “sensation...
Cover of Vistiendo la época
by Paul Poiret
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 29, 2019

En el egolátrico, fascinante, mudable, populoso, y siempre de moda, mundo de la moda, pocas vidas hay tan singulares y tan llenas de interés como la del poco recordado modisto parisino Paul Poiret (1879-1944). Su figura no es solo trascendental para conocer la evolución de la moda en la época...
Cover of Um ano depois
by Anne Wiazemsky
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 23, 2018

Um livro de memórias divertido e surpreendente, com elenco espetacular, que traz um olhar renovado sobre o Maio de 68 na França. No início de 1968, o cineasta Jean-Luc Godard era um ícone da esquerda francesa. Lançado no ano anterior, seu filme A chinesa fora saudado como profético: ao retratar...
Cover of 凝視的身影:37位台灣當代藝術家的生命歷程與藝術創作
by 孫曉彤
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 26, 2016

凝視著他們,同時看到了那個未曾經歷的時代; 那些並未親自見證的人生,於敘述的過程,逐漸凝聚成延續的風景。 在交錯的身影中,我彷彿看見了自己的表情。 本書共訪談了三十七位台灣中生代藝術家。 書寫出他們因創作而不平凡的人生,以及因際遇而淬煉出的透徹思維; 而他們獨特的生命史,拼湊出的是台灣半個世紀以來的文化風景與時代輪廓。 內容除了文字,同時搭配藝術家的照片——這些在採訪當中進行的跟拍攝影, 讓讀者得以親睹藝術品背後,屬於創作者的獨特身影與姿態。 在本書中,人物是鏡頭的關注所在,他們的生命際遇是主要的情節; 而過去經常被當成論述主題的藝術作品,於此換位成為描寫藝術家故事的背景, 透過如此編寫的角度,我們得以細膩的感受,並真切的理解, 藝術家內在的喜怒哀樂與悲欣交集。 編者序 一種「人」的味道。...
Cover of Letters to a Lover

Letters to a Lover

A True Story of Love in the 1930's

by Ofa Hayes, Vivian Chepourkoff Hayes
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2018

Ofa Hayes left the big city of Berkeley, CA to go to her first job, in Tulare, CA. She was a small town high school art teacher. She left her friend, Michael Chepourkoff back at the University where he was working on his Master's degree in art. There were no personal telephones in the 1930;s, so she...
Cover of Wisconsin in Watercolor

Wisconsin in Watercolor

The Life and Legend of Folk Artist Paul Seifert

by Joe Kapler
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2018

In 1867, German immigrant Paul Seifert settled in the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin and began capturing the distinctive farms and landscapes of his new home in vivid, detailed watercolors. Today, these paintings are coveted by American folk art collectors across the country, but Seifert’s...
Cover of K-Leidos
by Nicolas CHAMBON
Language: French
Release Date: August 27, 2018

Le kaléidoscope est un tube de miroirs réfléchissant à l'infini et en couleurs la lumière extérieure. Le nom de ce jouet vient du grec, kalos signifie « beau », eidos « image », et skopein « regarder ». Certains modèles contiennent des fragments mobiles de verres colorés, produisant...
Cover of Joseph Roth in Berlin

Joseph Roth in Berlin

Ein Lesebuch für Spaziergänger

by Joseph Roth
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2018

Wenige Autoren haben das Berlin der 20er-Jahre so scharfsichtig und zugleich umfassend beschrieben wie Joseph Roth. Der Stadtführer und Publizist Michael Bienert ist seinen Spuren nachgegangen und hat ein Lesebuch zusammengestellt, mit dessen Hilfe sich das Berlin der 20er-Jahre in der Stadt von...
Cover of De blinde fotograaf

De blinde fotograaf

Leven en werk van Hannes van Wallrafen

by Hannes Wallrafen
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 17, 2018

In De blinde fotograaf vertelt Hannes Wallrafen wat er met iemand gebeurt als die zijn belangrijkste zintuig moet missen. Internationaal befaamd fotograaf Wallrafen werd op 53-jarige leeftijd blind. Een nachtmerrie voor ieder mens, maar zeker voor een fotograaf. De wereld werd een visuele herinnering....
Cover of Gottfried Benn - der Mann ohne Gedächtnis
by Holger Hof
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2011

Als Dichter und Prosaist zählte Gottfried Benn (1886–1956) zu den einflussreichsten Figuren der deutschen Geistesgeschichte, ein radikaler Modernist, ein genialischer Verächter seiner Zeit, ein Übervater der jungen Nachkriegsliteratur. Durch seine Parteinahme im "Dritten Reich" kompromittiert,...
Cover of Asquamchumaukee Place of Mountain Waters

Asquamchumaukee Place of Mountain Waters

A Photographic Ramble Through The Baker River Valley of New Hampshire

by Wayne King
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2016

A beautiful photographic ramble through the Baker River Valley of New Hampshire. In the heart of New Hampshire, the geographic center of the state, is a beautiful meandering river that is the focal point of a very special community of people and a landscape that grows into the heart like a spreading...
Cover of My Way

My Way

La biografia non autorizzata di Frank Sinatra

by Kitty Kelley
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 16, 2018

La biografia non autorizzata di “The Voice”, il talento d’America che per mezzo secolo ha interpretato gli umori della sua generazione, è un’opera costata tre anni di dure ricerche fra documenti governativi, intercettazioni trascritte e interviste a più di 800 persone legate alla vita e...
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