Applied category: 4609 books

Cover of 深井效應:治療童年逆境傷害的長期影響


The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity

by 娜汀.哈里斯(Nadine Burke Harris)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2018

TED演講超過400萬人點擊瀏覽。亞馬遜讀者4.7顆星好評支持。 這是一本震撼世界的革新之作!幫助我們治癒自己、孩子,以及全世界! 童年的傷和壓力,身體會記住,成為一顆不定時炸彈! 本書教你辨識自己身上是否有這顆炸彈和拆解之道。 7歲的小男孩,沒有發育不良,卻從4歲後停止生長…… 43歲的男子,無不良嗜好又熱愛運動,某夜突然中風右邊癱瘓…… 3歲的小女孩,一直想辦法要增重卻失敗,卻只要爸爸出遠門就會稍微變重…… 42歲的女子,半夜會夢遊狂嗑猛吃,造成嚴重過胖…… 如果你是醫生, 發現來看病的100名病人都取同一口井的水,其中有98人開始腹瀉, 那麼你該一直開抗生素治療?還是停下來問:「那口井裡到底有什麼鬼東西?」 你我都暴露在這種常見卻不曾察覺的危險之中, 因為那口深井裡藏著的不是可見的有毒物質,而是:你我的童年逆境經驗。 童年逆境經驗對我們不只有心理層面的影響,還能改變細胞讀取DNA和複製的方式,長期改變我們的身體。不僅出現學習或行為問題的機率是其他人的32.6倍、曾試圖自殺機率也高達12.2倍、罹患冠心病、癌症、肺部疾病、中風、糖尿病的機率都高達近3倍、憂鬱等心理疾病更突破4.5倍。 作者當了好幾年的醫學偵探,終於找到戰勝童年逆境經驗的方法,並在書中提出六大治療重點。我們不該把童年逆境經驗視為悲劇或童話故事,也不須克服、怪罪或選擇遺忘自己的童年。而是該找到直視這個問題的勇氣、打破惡性循環,進一步獲得能治癒一個人、一個社區的工具,從而逐步改善整個國家、整個世界的健康。 【各界推薦】 華人創傷知情推廣團隊召集人,胡嘉琪博士...
Cover of 2050科幻大成真:超能力、心智控制、人造記憶、遺忘藥丸、奈米機器人, 即將改變我們的世界

2050科幻大成真:超能力、心智控制、人造記憶、遺忘藥丸、奈米機器人, 即將改變我們的世界

The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind

by 加來道雄 Michio Kaku
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Cover of The Why Axis

The Why Axis

Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life

by Uri Gneezy, John List
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Can economics be passionate?… Can it center on people and what really matters to them day-in and day-out.… And help us understand their hidden motives for why they do what they do in everyday life? Uri Gneezy and John List are revolutionaries. Their ideas and methods for revealing what really...
Cover of 萬物皆數:諾貝爾物理獎得主探索宇宙深層設計之美
by 法蘭克.維爾澤克(Frank Wilczek)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 28, 2017

物理世界體現了美麗。 物理世界充滿了痛苦、紛亂與壓抑。 無論如何,我們都不該忘記另一面的存在。 ——維爾澤克 2004年諾貝爾物理獎得主維爾澤克,從研究自然界的最小組成單位而獲獎,繼而轉身朝向廣袤的世界,不禁提出大哉問:宇宙萬物的結構是否體現了「美」的設計? 《萬物皆數》是一位諾獎大物理學家在自然哲學領地裡思辨的成果。他以一種詩意的語言來寫作,雄心勃勃地追求「物理之美」與「藝術之美」的和諧。 ——陳瑞麟(國立中正大學哲學系系主任) 【本書重點】 作者帶領我們綜覽西方古典物理史上的孜孜矻矻,更進一步引領我們看見物理學中的純粹概念,從理想一步步逼近真實,每一次關於真實的發現,我們對世界的了解更趨完美,也從中體會科學背後深刻的哲學基礎與觀點。 「上帝的偉大與榮耀在他所有的作品中奇妙閃耀,尤其是可從天空那本打開的書中讀到……」——伽利略 畢達哥拉斯導出「畢氏定理」,「世界」第一次與「數字」產生連結——畢氏企圖推演萬物與數字的關係,認定萬物存在理想而優美的設計。柏拉圖的洞穴寓言與正多面體同樣傳達出「真實」應是美好理想的構成與投影。從畢氏與柏拉圖開始,世界的組成即與心智中的理想串連起來…… 「我們不得不這麼覺得,這些數學公式獨立存在,並具有自己的智慧,比我們還聰明,甚至比發明者還聰明;人類得到的總是超過原先放進去的。」——赫茲 牛頓是古典物理的創始人,以精確度量與嚴謹的宇宙觀。取代以主觀好惡判斷日常。而寫出電磁方程組的馬克士威,更帶來全新的視野與方法:因為對稱性而補全的電磁方程組,不僅統一電與磁,並解釋光的存在,直至今天成為電磁學的穩固基礎。原來方程式如同一般物體具有對稱性!大自然基本法則的無數方程式,更充滿大量的對稱性! 「宇宙最不能理解之處,在於它可以被理解。」——愛因斯坦 「物質告訴時空如何彎曲,時空告訴物質如何移動。」——惠勒 從波耳原子模型中看見駐波;從愛因斯坦相對論中看見伽利略不變性;從量子色動力學中又再度看見馬克士威。原來世界不只是可以用物理法則詮釋,乍看不同的法則彼此之間彷若鏡面裡外,相互輝映。看完此書,你將會發現,自然的基礎是如此精簡至極,極度對稱的方程式可將其特性表露無遺。...
Cover of Humanity on a Tightrope

Humanity on a Tightrope

Thoughts on Empathy, Family, and Big Changes for a Viable Future

by Paul R. Ehrlich, Robert E. Ornstein
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2010

When we think of family, we most often think of our sisters and brothers, our cousins and grandparents, rather than our world family or even our community connections. We still identify with our differences more than our similarities, unless it's convenient to do otherwise. Here, two seasoned authors...
Cover of Sync


How Order Emerges from Chaos In the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life

by Steven H. Strogatz
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2012

At the heart of the universe is a steady, insistent beat, the sound of cycles in sync. Along the tidal rivers of Malaysia, thousands of fireflies congregate and flash in unison; the moon spins in perfect resonance with its orbit around the earth; our hearts depend on the synchronous firing of ten...
Cover of Genes, Girls, and Gamow
by James D. Watson
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2002

In the years following his and Francis Crick’s towering discovery of DNA, James Watson was obsessed with finding two things: RNA and a wife. Genes, Girls, and Gamow is the marvelous chronicle of those pursuits. Watson effortlessly glides between his heartbreaking and sometimes hilarious debacles...
Cover of Mind over Money

Mind over Money

The Psychology of Money and How to Use It Better

by Claudia Hammond
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

The acclaimed author of Time Warped tackles the very latest research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and biology to provide a fresh, fascinating, and thought-provoking look at our relationship with money—perfect for fans of Dan Ariely and Freakonomics. We know we need money and...
Cover of Your Body at Work

Your Body at Work

A Guide to Sight-reading the Body Language of Business, Bosses, and Boardrooms

by David Givens
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2010

HOW DO YOU MAKE IT IN BUSINESS? STOP LISTENING AND START WATCHING Your Body at Work is a guide to seeing past the words that fill the hallways, conference rooms, and e-mails of your workplace, and to deciphering the hidden meanings that lie behind them. Through real-life examples from...
Cover of The Casebook of Forensic Detection

The Casebook of Forensic Detection

How Science Solved 100 of the World's Most Baffling Crimes

by Colin Evans
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2007

“Brilliant and persistent scientific work that brought murderers like John List, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey MacDonald to justice.”—Publishers Weekly “Landmarks of forensic science [that] are representative of the evolution of the discipline and its increasingly prominent role in crime solving.”—Library...
Cover of 50 Visions of Mathematics
by Dara O' Briain
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Relax: no one understands technical mathematics without lengthy training but we all have an intuitive grasp of the ideas behind the symbols. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), this book is designed to showcase the beauty of...
Cover of Environmental Soil Physics

Environmental Soil Physics

Fundamentals, Applications, and Environmental Considerations

by Daniel Hillel
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 1998

Environmental Soil Physics is a completely updated and modified edition of the Daniel Hillels previous, successful books, Introduction to Soil Physics and Fundamentals of Soil Physics. Hillel is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, one of the true leaders in the field of environmental sciences. The new...
Cover of Psychoneuroplasticity Protocols for Addictions

Psychoneuroplasticity Protocols for Addictions

A Clinical Companion for The Big Book

by Frank Lawlis
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2015

PsychoNeuroPlasticity Protocols for Addictions: A Clinical Companion for the Big Book is a book that represents a tipping point in the translation of addiction science into practical, real-world applications for practitioners. It translates brain research into patient deliverables by explaining how...
Cover of Treating the Unmanageable Adolescent

Treating the Unmanageable Adolescent

A Guide to Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders

by Neil I. Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2000

The problem of the out-of-control teenager demands immediate and effective attention from clinicians. As American town after town enacts curfew laws for minors and more and more teachers send youths for treatment, therapists are faced with an epidemic for which they often feel ill-prepared. In this...
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