Ancient Classical category: 1324 books

Cover of Poetics
by Aristotle
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

Aristotle's 'Poetics' is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory.
Cover of Poetics
by Aristotle
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Aristotle's 'Poetics' is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory.
by Sophocle
Language: French
Release Date: August 3, 2015

Les Trachiniennes est une tragédie grecque écrite par Sophocle (495 av. J.-C. - 406 av. J.-C.).   Résumé :   Déjanire, épouse d'Héraclès, est sans nouvelle de son époux depuis quinze mois. Or elle sait par un oracle qu'il...
Cover of De la Divination des démons
by Augustin d’Hippone
Language: French
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Dieu permet que les démons devinent, et qu’il leur soit rendu un certain culte : mais il ne suit pas de là que ces divinations et ce culte soient dans l’ordre. — D’où viennent les divinations des démons. — Pourquoi elles sont quelquefois vraies, et pourquoi elles...
Cover of Ouvrages phares de la Réforme et de la Contre-Réforme dans les collections montréalaises
by Brenda Dunn-Lardeau
Language: French
Release Date: January 29, 2014

Ce livre révèle les richesses et les secrets d’ouvrages phares de la Réforme et de la Contre-Réforme puisés dans des collections montréalaises. Il tire de l’oubli des livres anciens des xve et xvie siècles, dont des éditions de la Bible tant catholiques que protestantes, des éditions...
Cover of The Book of Memory

The Book of Memory

A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture

by Mary Carruthers
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2008

Mary Carruthers's classic study of the training and uses of memory for a variety of purposes in European cultures during the Middle Ages has fundamentally changed the way scholars understand medieval culture. This fully revised and updated second edition considers afresh all the material and conclusions...
Cover of Du sublime de Longin (Les Fiches de Lecture d'Universalis)

Du sublime de Longin (Les Fiches de Lecture d'Universalis)

(Les Fiches de Lecture d'Universalis)

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: July 12, 2016

Par-delà deux millénaires, ce livre nous apporte un souffle vivant, non plus la moisissure des écoles et des bibliothèques » : ainsi le grand critique allemand Ernst-Robert Curtius, dans La Littérature européenne et le Moyen Âge latin (1948), salue-t-il le petit traité Du sublime (Péri Hupsous) – un sommet selon lui de la rhétorique antique.
Cover of Mechthild of Magdeburg and Her Book

Mechthild of Magdeburg and Her Book

Gender and the Making of Textual Authority

by Sara S. Poor
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2013

Sometime around 1230, a young woman left her family and traveled to the German city of Magdeburg to devote herself to worship and religious contemplation. Rather than living in a community of holy women, she chose isolation, claiming that this life would bring her closer to God. Even in her lifetime,...
by Xénophon, Eugène Talbot
Language: French
Release Date: December 28, 2013

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique, à été relu et corrigé. Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Extrait: La constitution de Lycurgue est la source de la prospérité de Sparte. Vues...
Cover of Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic
by Deborah Beck
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

The Iliad and the Odyssey are emotional powerhouses largely because of their extensive use of direct speech. Yet this characteristic of the Homeric epics has led scholars to underplay the poems' use of non-direct speech, the importance of speech represented by characters, and the overall sophistication...
Cover of 讀古文撞到鄉民:走跳江湖欲練神功的國學秘笈
by 祁立峰
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 30, 2016

**孔子壯遊團 VS. 莊子我夢到 小農文青陶淵明VS.都更覺青杜甫 宋詞溫拿 VS. 元曲魯蛇 嘴砲戰神大亂鬥,我的國文課業障重啊! 從古籍穿越網路,點評歷代聖賢,句句宅氣干雲,字字酸民本色! 一本沒有最狂只有更狂的文化基本教材! 網路熱門專欄【祁立峰讀古文撞到鄉民】結集,鄉民讀者瘋狂轉貼點閱 臥斧、徐國能、廖玉蕙、謝金魚鼎力推薦** 熱門陸劇「瑯琊榜」解析者祁立峰, 在《讀古文撞到鄉民:走跳江湖欲練神功的國學秘笈》中, 談古論今、夾議夾敘,剖析義理、縱論世間眾生百態, 以網路鄉民的嘲諷嘻笑方式, 通過每一章的書寫把古往今來的人事物通通抓來評比, 將現實與理想、古人與今人、典籍與網路的愛恨情仇, 表現出盡付淋漓的悲傷與同情! 古典時期看似遙遠,但是古人們的機鋒與嘴砲,一點也不遜於今日的網路鄉民。 我們所遭遇的困境,歷代鄉民可能早已經歷過一輪了。 他們或抵抗或妥協,歷史上有過萬人響應的壯舉,也有過無人到場的噤聲。 而我們的文明也正因如此,終於成了如今的模樣。 坊間有不少推廣古典文學的著作,但《讀古文撞到鄉民》不僅是概論的介紹。有教學的體會,有研究的心得,有近年學術界的成果,也有近年來面對時代與議題的回應。 《讀古文撞到鄉民》共分成四輯,從先秦兩漢思想家,漢魏六朝的詩人或筆記,一路談到唐詩宋詞元曲。尤其精采的是作者近年來面對小時代大議題的回應。 ‧在這被鄉民悲摧戲稱的「鬼島」,讀者經歷了學運、後太陽花、覺醒青年們虎虎洶洶。世代、階級、勞資、地域,各種身分認同交混而對立,天河撩亂、光影散射。 ‧書中談到了儒家對死刑存廢的看法,談江南士族面對北方強國的心態與認同,或杜甫身經喪亂後對居住正義的辯證。當代網路鄉民喜歡戰男女或戰南北,發文酸訕冷峭,但這不是鬼島鄉民特有的習性或身世。千百年來的詩人墨客早已面對過這些問題,而他們的這些作品,摒除了中學課本裡文謅謅的教材教法,那可能才是真正的、應該放進括弧裡的「經典」。 縱觀文學史流變,作者祁立峰認為可能需要一些無聊無謂的人,認真地去寫那些看似無意義的廢文廢詩,因為雖然看似無意義,也可能真的毫無意義。然而總有一天,這些無意義將成為所有象徵的象徵。 ※...
Cover of The Consolation of Philosophy
by Ancius Boethius
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2003

Boethius was an eminent public figure under the Gothic emperor Theodoric, and an exceptional Greek scholar. When he became involved in a conspiracy and was imprisoned in Pavia, it was to the Greek philosophers that he turned. THE CONSOLATION was written in the period leading up to his brutal execution....
Cover of Chapters on Jewish Literature
by Israel Abrahams
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2014

Chapters on Jewish Literature is a survey of the period from the fall of Jerusalem in ad 70 to the death of the Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. After teaching for several years at Jews' College, London, Abrahams was appointed reader in Talmudics (rabbinic literature) at the University of Cambridge,...
Cover of Jesus and the Trojan War

Jesus and the Trojan War

Myth and Meaning for Today

by Michael Horan
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2016

Jesus and the Trojan War looks at ways in which stories are presented and understood; and how story-tellers - and their listeners - may wittingly or unwittingly confuse fact with fiction. This book explores the parallels between four stories (the Trojan war, Moses, King Arthur, and Jesus), and the way their sources relate to their histories and contemporary relevance.
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