Ancient Classical category: 1324 books

Cover of Platon und die Grundfragen der Philosophie
by Dr. Günter Fröhlich
Language: German
Release Date: October 28, 2015

Das Buch ermöglicht dem Leser mit Platon und über ihn hinaus zu denken. Am Anfang jedes Philosophierens steht das Staunen. Auch Platon entwickelte daraus seine philosophischen Grundfragen: Was können wir wissen? Wie sollen wir leben? Ist die Seele unsterblich? Günther Fröhlich stellt die...
Cover of Storia della decadenza e rovina dell'Impero Romano Volume 2
by Edward Gibbon
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 19, 2018

L'opera copre la storia dell'Impero romano da Traiano, dal 98 al 1453, concludendosi nel 1590. Egli prese come materiale per il suo lavoro i comportamenti e le decisioni che portarono prima alla lunga decadenza e poi alla caduta dell'Impero romano: Impero bizantino e Impero romano d'occidente,...
Cover of Ein Bruderkampf um Troja

Ein Bruderkampf um Troja

Die griechische Götterwelt im Ritual der Freimaurer

by Heinz Sichrovsky
Language: German
Release Date: November 23, 2018

Ein Logenplatz für Homer: Die Epen Ilias und Odyssee, gemeinhin dem angeblich blinden Dichter zugeschrieben, sind die ältesten literarischen Werke Europas und gehören unbestritten zu den einflussreichsten der Weltliteratur. Seit Jahrtausenden werden sie eifrig gelesen, rezipiert, übersetzt, nachgedichtet....
Cover of Solomon and Solomonic Literature
by Moncure Daniel Conway
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2016

There is a vast Solomon mythology: in Palestine, Abyssinia, Arabia, Persia, India, and Europe, the myths and legends concerning the traditional Wisest Man are various, and merit a comparative study they have not received. As the name Solomon seems to be allegorical, it is not possible to discover...
Cover of Seneca's Tragedies and the Aesthetics of Pantomime
by Alessandra Zanobi
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2014

Pantomime was arguably the most popular dramatic genre during the Roman Empire, but has been relatively neglected by literary critics. Seneca's Tragedies and the Aesthetics of Pantomime adds to our understanding of Seneca's tragic art by demonstrating that elements which have long puzzled scholars...
Cover of Le leggende inedite di Virgilio
by Charles Godfrey Leland
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 12, 2013

Le Edizioni Saecula propongono la PRIMA TRADUZIONE ITALIANA delle Unpublished Legends of Virgil, testo del 1899, di Charles Godfrey Leland. Il volume, che si inseriva nel solco di una tradizione inaugurata dal Senatore Domenico Comparetti (cui il libro è dedicato), offre al lettore un accurato e...
Cover of Les cornes de Moïse. Faire entrer la Bible dans l'histoire
by Thomas Römer
Language: French
Release Date: January 24, 2013

Les progrès des méthodes littéraires et de l’archéologie ont conduit à mettre en question la construction traditionnelle de la chronologie et de l’historiographie bibliques. Les maximalistes partent de l’idée qu’il faut simplement faire confiance au récit biblique. Scientifiquement,...
Cover of Von Homer bis Theodosius dem Großen

Von Homer bis Theodosius dem Großen

Sechzehn historische Fiktionen mit Themen der griechischen und roemischen Geschichte

by Gunther Gottlieb
Language: German
Release Date: June 3, 2016

Was wäre geschehen, wenn…? Diese Frage wird an zentralen Ereignissen und großen Persönlichkeiten der griechischen und römischen Geschichte bearbeitet, wobei die Einbindung in den jeweils kulturellen Kontext Beachtung findet. Ziel des Buches ist es, Gedankenspiele einzuüben, Argumentationen...
Cover of Cicero und das Geld
by Eva Scheuermann
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2015

Im Buch wird die finanzielle Situation Ciceros untersucht, die anhand seines Briefwechsels detailliert nachverfolgt werden kann. Der berühmte Anwalt, Politiker und Literat kämpfte schließlich zeitlebens mit finanziellen Problemen. Diese werden dargelegt, indem die Ausgaben und Einnahmen in verschiedenen...
Cover of J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien

Author of the Century

by Tom Shippey
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2014

The definitive Tolkien companion—an indispensable guide to The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and more, from the author of The Road to Middle-earth. This “highly erudite celebration and exploration of Tolkien’s works [is] enormous fun,” declared the Houston Chronicle, and Tom Shippey,...
Cover of Kazantzakis, Volume 1

Kazantzakis, Volume 1

Politics of the Spirit

by Peter Bien
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2012

"No author who lives in Greece," writes Peter Bien, "can avoid politics." This first volume of his major intellectual biography of Nikos Kazantzakis approaches the distinguished--and controversial--writer by describing his struggle with political questions that were in reality...
Cover of Literary Friends and Acquaintance

Literary Friends and Acquaintance

A Personal Retrospect of American Authorship

by William Dean Howells
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2015

Biographical -- My First Visit to New England -- First Impressions of Literary New York -- Roundabout to Boston -- Literary Boston As I Knew It -- Oliver Wendell Holmes -- The White Mr. Longfellow -- Studies of Lowell -- Cambridge Neighbors -- A Belated Guest -- My Mark Twain.
Cover of Geoffrey Chaucer (Authors in Context)
by Peter Brown
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2011

Chaucer lived through a period of extraordinary upheaval: a protracted war with France, devastating plague, the peasants' revolt, religious controversy, and the overthrow of the king. Compact and comprehensive, this book offers a wide-ranging account of the medieval society from which works such as...
Cover of De la brièveté de la vie
by Sénèque
Language: French
Release Date: July 27, 2015

De la brièveté de la vie est un dialogue du philosophe romain Sénèque, écrit en 49 ap. J.-C..   Dans cette œuvre, adressée à Paulinus, beau-père de Sénèque, ce dernier expose que pour atteindre le bonheur, il faut consacrer...
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