Alternative Medicine category: 2492 books

Cover of How Nature Cured My Son
by Ranjit Singh Thind
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Is Eastern healing quackery? Are the Traditional Medical Practices of the East not suitable for the present day and age? Weren't the findings of these Eastern Traditional Medical Practices compiled in a logical manner for the coming generations to benefit? Are these practices relating to the healing of physical diseases sound advice by their earliest practitioners?
Cover of Naturamente


Corso di introduzione alla Naturopatia

by Francesca Valentina Salcioli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 22, 2016

Libro-corso di introduzione alla Naturopatia. Dalla Reflessologia Plantare alla Kinesiologia Integrata, dall'alimentazione naturale al pensiero affermativo, colori, aromi, cristalli, Fiori di Bach ed erbe: le basi di 19 discipline per un'iniziazione alla filosofia e pratica naturopatica. Il...
Cover of Simple. Natural. Healing.

Simple. Natural. Healing.

A Common Sense Approach to Total Health Transformation

by Donna LaBar
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2016

La Bar started teaching nutritional healing facts to friends and family over three decades ago. Everything snapped into focus the moment her daughter, age twelve, was diagnosed with advanced acute myeloid leukemia with two weeks to live. Instantly, all the research had tremendous purpose, and she...
Cover of Natural Remedies for Sore Throat: Top 50 Natural Sore Throat Remedies Recipes for Beginners in Quick and Easy Steps
by Rita Clark
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2015

The eBook top 50 natural remedies for sore throat is an extremely helpful one, given the fact that it contains so much information on curing this disorder. A sore throat is a very common issue faced by people across the world on a regular basis. This is something, which can be very frustrating and...
Cover of le Lumbago : Comment le Soigner Naturellement Méthode 100% Naturellement
by Sandrine Martinez
Language: French
Release Date: August 8, 2016

La douleur est un signal d'alarme de l'organisme pour prévenir que «quelque chose ne va pas». Une fois qu'elle a joué son rôle, inutile de la subir stoïquement! Plutôt que de se jeter sur les médicaments anti-douleur qui peuvent, à force, provoquer des effets secondaires graves, mieux...
Cover of Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care

Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care

An Evidence-Based Approach

by Denise Tiran
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2018

The complete textbook on complementary therapies in maternity care, this book addresses how midwives and other birth professionals can use or advise on complementary therapies for pregnant, labouring and new mothers. Almost 90% of women may be using complementary therapies during pregnancy...
Cover of Cancro. Tutto quello che non ti hanno mai detto.

Cancro. Tutto quello che non ti hanno mai detto.

Un viaggio di Guarigione, comprendendo la malattia attraverso l'innovazione introdotta da 50 autori.

by Giorgio Bogoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 12, 2013

Un dialogo straordinario tra un malato ed il suo oncologo. È così, con questa forma insolita ma immediata, che Giorgio Bogoni ci guida in un viaggio attraverso le teorie più innovative, gli sviluppi più recenti e le mille contraddizioni di quella che per la medicina rappresenta la sfida delle sfide: la lotta contro i tumori.
Cover of Nature Cure: -
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

This book will help understand the methods used by Naturopathy which was given a new definition in India by Dr. Jussawalla several decades ago. There are valuable tips on how to lead a healthy life. You can see why Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Morarji Desai, Meena Kumari and several other well-known...
Cover of The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care

The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care

Essential Information for Patients, Survivors and Health Professionals

by Barrie R Cassileth <b>PhD</b>
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2011

With recent clinical advances, millions of people survive many years after a cancer diagnosis. And while their physicians deliver conventional, evidence-based therapies to treat the cancer, sometimes the cancer patient and his or her symptoms are not treated with equal skill. To manage their...
Cover of Massaggio Ayurvedico. I Segreti degli Antichi Rimedi Indiani per Mettere in Equilibrio Corpo e Spirito. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Fabio Meardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Massaggio Ayurvedico I Segreti degli Antichi Rimedi Indiani per Mettere in Equilibrio Corpo e Spirito AYURVEDA: LA "SCIENZA DELLA VITA" Quando e con quale scopo nacque l'Ayurveda. I cinque elementi che compongono la materia dell'universo. Lo Sthana: cos'è e perché è...
Cover of I Giganti della Medicina Naturale

I Giganti della Medicina Naturale

Vita e opere dei Maestri

by Tommaso De Chirico
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2017

F. C. S. Hahnemann - J. T. Kent – G. S. de Morant – Patañjali - E. Bach, questi i maestri della Medicina Naturale. Con le loro intuizioni e le loro opere hanno creato dapprima i presupposti e in seguito le regole. L'Omeopatia, l'Agopuntura cinese, i fiori di Bach, per citare alcuni dei capitoli...
Cover of Stamina: una storia sbagliata
by Beatrice Mautino
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 18, 2014

È difficile mettere in fila i singoli passaggi che hanno portato a considerare come salvavita un trattamento che non ha mai dato dimostrazione di funzionare. Quel che è certo è che quella di Stamina è una storia sbagliata, una storia che non sarebbe mai dovuta cominciare e che, come tutte le storie...
Cover of Herbal Antibiotics: Verified Natural Antibiotics Made from Herbs That Will Improve Your Health
by Tina Fisher
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2017

As synthetic antibiotics become less efficacious every day, due to antibiotic resistance, a growing number of people are rediscovering herbal antibiotics. Unlike synthetics, in order to take natural antibiotics you do not actually have to wait to be sick. Herbal antibiotics can be taken daily with...
Cover of Curarsi con l’omeopatia
by Sven Sommer
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Il testo di Sven Sommer è la guida ideale per chi si avvicina per la prima volta al mondo dell’omeopatia. Fornisce indicazioni pratiche per un’autodiagnosi facile e sicura e un autotrattamento dei disturbi tipici di tutti i giorni. Dopo un’introduzione sui concetti di base dell’omeopatia...
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