Agriculture Animal Husbandry category: 3344 books

Cover of Farming Stories from the Scottish Borders: Hard Lives for Poor Reward
by Colin Whittemore
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

This book is about the generations of people who have made the farms we know today. Engaging, enjoyable and informative, the author uses various family experiences to take the reader through three centuries of change in the countryside, including two farming revolutions. Connections are made with...
Cover of Farmer Innovation in Africa

Farmer Innovation in Africa

A Source of Inspiration for Agricultural Development

Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2014

One of Africa's major untapped resources is the creativity of its farmers. This book presents a series of clear and detailed studies that demonstrate how small-scale farmers, both men and women, experiment and innovate in order to improve their livelihoods, despite the adverse conditions and lack...
Cover of The Color of Food

The Color of Food

Stories of Race, Resilience and Farming

by Natasha Bowens
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Imagine the typical American farmer. Many people visualize sun-roughened skin, faded overalls, and calloused hands—hands that are usually white. While there's no doubt the growing trend of organic farming and homesteading is changing how the farmer is portrayed in mainstream media, farmers of color...
Cover of Asian Irrigation in Transition

Asian Irrigation in Transition

Responding To Challenges

Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2005

There is today a crucial need to revamp the management and governance of water systems in Asia in order to cater to the increasing demands of a growing group of users with diverse needs—urban settlements, industry, food producers and environmental needs. Written by a mix of international observers...
Cover of Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack
by Dale Walters
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2015

Despite the research effort put into controlling pathogens, pests and parasitic plants, crop losses are still a regular feature of agriculture worldwide. This makes it important to manage the crop appropriately in order to maximise yield. Understanding the relationship between the occurrence and severity...
Cover of Les Richesses des Pyrénées françaises et espagnoles

Les Richesses des Pyrénées françaises et espagnoles

Ce qu'elles furent, ce qu'elles sont, ce qu'elles peuvent être - Agriculture, irrigations, routes, mines, forges, fabriques, eaux minérales

by Justin Cénac-Moncaut, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: August 30, 2016

Extrait : "Au milieu des efforts incessants qui se produisent sur tous les points de 'Europe pour découvrir de nouveaux éléments de richesse ; quand on considère l'activité, l'intelligence avec lesquelles mille agents artificiels sont mis en mouvement pour décupler les forces motrices et les agents...
Cover of Human Environment Interactions - Volume 2

Human Environment Interactions - Volume 2

Reconstructing the Natural and Anthropogenic Landscape

by Michelle Goman
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2013

The Holocene is unique when compared to earlier geological time in that humans begin to alter and manipulate the natural environment to their own needs. Domestication of crops and animals and the resultant intensification of agriculture lead to profound changes in the impact humans have on the environment....
Cover of La filière protéagineuse
by Gérard Duc, Jacques Guéguen
Language: French
Release Date: February 9, 2008

Cet ouvrage offre une description de la filière protéagineuse, puis analyse de manière prospective ses enjeux et ses défis. Il traite des leviers, notamment au niveau de la recherche, qui permettraient de renforcer la compétitivité de ces cultures. Les auteurs évaluent les paramètres de la...
Cover of Amélioration des espèces végétales cultivées. Objectifs et critères de sélection
by André Gallais, Hubert Bannerot
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1992

Cet ouvrage collectif (87 auteurs) fait le point sur l'amélioration de 42 espèces (ou complexes d'espèces) regroupées en 8 chapitres : céréales, oléoprotéagineux, betterave et pomme de terre, plantes fourragères, plantes légumières, plantes ornementales, arbres fruitiers, arbres forestiers....
Cover of La lutte biologique

La lutte biologique

Vers de nouveaux équilibres écologiques

by Lydie Suty
Language: French
Release Date: March 17, 2010

Quelles réponses la lutte biologique peut-elle apporter aux attentes d'une agriculture de plus en plus soucieuse de préserver l'environnement et la biodiversité ? Quelles applications peut-elle offrir à une société préoccupée d'atteindre « zéro résidu » de molécules actives dans l'alimentation...
Cover of Penser et agir en agronome

Penser et agir en agronome

Hommages à Michel Sebillotte

by Thierry Doré, Jean Boiffin
Language: French
Release Date: December 12, 2012

Michel Sebillotte a été une personnalité marquante du monde agronomique au cours des dernières décennies. Pédagogue brillant à la pensée intarissable, leader charismatique et visionnaire, il a contribué à refonder les bases de l’agronomie, et a ouvert des perspectives de grande portée...
Cover of Sols caillouteux et production végétale
by Raymond Gras
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1994

A la fois synthèse des propriétés particulières des sols caillouteux et analyse rigoureuse des effets possibles des cailloux sur la production végétale : conséquences directes ou indirectes par modification des propriétés du sol (température ou dynamique de l'eau). Un ouvrage novateur pour chercheurs, enseignants et techniciens de l'agriculture.
Cover of Salicylic Acid: A Multifaceted Hormone
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2017

This bookprovides an overview of current knowledge, ideas and trends in the field of induced acclimation of plants to environmental challenges. Presenting recent advances in our understanding of the importance of salicylic acid, it paves the way for deciphering the precise role of salicylic acid in...
Cover of Seed Trade in Rural Markets

Seed Trade in Rural Markets

Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development

Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2009

Markets have been found to be an increasingly important source of the seeds of crops and varieties low income farmers need to improve their livelihoods, encompassing both the formal and informal seed sector. Markets also have major impacts on agricultural biodiversity, by affecting farmers' choice...
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