Affirmations category: 1196 books

Cover of Renforcez votre relaxation avec la PNL

Renforcez votre relaxation avec la PNL

Programmez votre cerveau en mode bien-être !

by Alexis Delune
Language: French
Release Date: April 9, 2015

Notre esprit se programme tout seul en permanence, sans que l'on s'en aperçoive. Mois après mois, du stress s'installe et nous fait réagir négativement. La Programmation Neuro-Linguistique (P.N.L.) efface ces parasites et met le cerveau à votre service. Pour vous, j’ai sélectionné...
Cover of Il Potere dei Pensieri - 365 Affermazioni Quotidiane

Il Potere dei Pensieri - 365 Affermazioni Quotidiane

Illustrato a colori con 365 frasi

by Louise L. Hay
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Un’affermazione al giorno per la felicità Questo libro è perfetto per la consultazione quotidiana della saggezza di Louise Hay: ricco di affermazioni positive, una per ogni giorno dell’anno, t’ispirerà un nuovo modo di pensare, agire e sentire. Su metà pagina trovi una breve affermazione,...
Cover of Saggezza Interiore

Saggezza Interiore

Meditazioni per il cuore e l'anima

by Louise L. Hay
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 4, 2018

Louise ha raccolto perle di verità per aiutarti a risvegliare la tua saggezza interiore e ad attingervi per cambiare le tue convinzioni limitanti: cambia ciò che credi vero e cambierai il mondo. Le aree che vengono affrontate riguardano l’abbondanza, l’accettazione, la guarigione, le limitazioni,...
Cover of Come usare l'intuizione per cambiare la tua vita
by Joy Martina
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 24, 2019

Joy Martina, autrice del libro "Come Usare l'Intuizione per Cambiare la tua Vita", aiuta da sempre le persone di tutto il mondo ad attivare e poi espandere l'intuizione attraverso 5 semplici passi. Scopri quali sono leggendo il libro e ti ritroverai ad avere un grande vantaggio di fronte...
Cover of Emotive Intelligence
by Miguel D'Addario
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2019

The word intelligence was introduced by Cicero to signify the intellectual capacity concept. Its semantic spectrum is very broad, reflecting the classical idea according to which, by intelligence, man is, in a certain way, all things. Intelligence, like learning, is a concept that psychology has borrowed...
Cover of The Power of Meditation: Your Personal Mini Guide to the Secrets of Meditation, Self-Healing, Stress Free and Mindful Living
by Cheryl Palmer
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2017

This book has been formulated to help the beginners to learn the process of meditation, self-healing and how to live a stress-free and mindful life without any problem or ambiguity. It covers all the aspects regarding information on how meditation can help you out in getting rid of tension and stress....
Cover of Passion: Foundational Principles
by James Amber
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2018

Thank you for your interest in this booklet.  The "...Foundational Principles" series, is a series of booklets designed to help you get the basics or foundations about a subject.  Time is one of our most precious resources and as such it does not comeback, for that reason the Amber siblings...
Cover of Bite Size Happiness
by Jarl Forsman, Steve Sekhon
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2015

Dear Beautiful Human,   Bite Size Happiness is a compilation of our daily meditations that we distilled down into short, simple ideas.  Why? They’re easier to follow and more fun to practice.  What can you achieve by reading Bite Size Happiness?...
Cover of La Clé Du Calme

La Clé Du Calme

365 offirmations* pour triompher de l'anxiété, du stress, de la colère et trouver la sérénité [*Ce n'est PAS une faute d'orthographe]

by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: December 2, 2015

Extrait  "Il est stressant, doublement stressant, d'être colérique et stressé. Savoir qu'on perd son équilibre émotionnel pour le moindre détail, le plus futile prétexte, est un stress en soi. Quand on est un d'un tempérament...
Cover of La clé de la confiance en soi

La clé de la confiance en soi

234 offirmations* pour entrer en contact avec votre force intérieure [*Non, ce n'est PAS une faute d'orthographe]

by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: November 12, 2016

Avant d'être une manière de se tenir, de parler et de se comporter, la confiance en soi est un état d'esprit - une mentalité tissée par la manière dont on se parle à soi-même. Par le pouvoir de la répétition, les offirmations inventées par Lucia Canovi modifient en profondeur notre...
Cover of La Clé du Bonheur

La Clé du Bonheur

365 offirmations* pour surmonter dépression, découragement, déprime et être heureux en toutes circonstances (*Ce n'est PAS une faute d'orthographe)

by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Extrait de l'Introduction  "Ce qu'on appelle notre "monologue intérieur" est en réalité un "dialogue intérieur" fait de questions et de réponses. Par exemple :  - Qu'est-ce que je dois faire, déjà ?  - Les courses. ...
Cover of Le Petit Livre Qui Fortifie

Le Petit Livre Qui Fortifie

Proverbes motivants et citations fortifiantes

by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Un remède naturel contre la dépression, mais aussi contre le découragement, le négativisme et la faiblesse ! Avez-vous déjà remarqué comme une simple phrase peut réveiller l'espoir, la force, donner un regain de volonté, de...
Cover of Body Language

Body Language

The art of reading geasture & postures

by Vinay Mohan Sharma
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Communication is not always through sound or language. Much can be said with gestures and movement of eyes. In fact, more often than not, it is the body language that 'says' more than words. Now discover all the finer points and the nuances of body language in this masterly work. How does a thumb gesture...
Cover of Spiritualize the Workplace
by Alexander Soltys Jones
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

The call of creation is to work. Learn how to work productively and happily in harmony with your coworkers by unfolding and manifesting your inner soul qualities in the workplace. Through inspirational meditations and visualizations you will learn how to spiritualize yourself and as a result help...
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