Time category: 809 books

Cover of Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping

Méthode de cartographie des chaînes de valeur

by Johann Dumser, 50Minutes.fr
Language: French
Release Date: September 25, 2015

**Un guide pratique et accessible pour visualiser rapidement et simplement les processus de production de votre entreprise ** Sentez-vous qu’il est temps d’optimiser les processus de votre entreprise pour gagner en efficacité ? Pourquoi dès lors ne pas envisager de cartographier les...
Cover of Book review : S'organiser pour réussir

Book review : S'organiser pour réussir

Résumé et analyse du livre de David Allen

by Pierre Moquet, Audrey Voos, Soraya Belghazi
Language: French
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Un guide pratique et accessible pour comprendre S'organiser pour réussir de David Allen À l'ère de l'information immédiate, il est devenu de plus en plus difficile de venir à bout d’un projet, car nous sommes sans cesse interrompu par un e-mail ou une sonnerie de téléphone. Or, ces...
Cover of Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook

Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook

Declutter and Organize your Home and Life with over 100 Checklists and Worksheets (Plus Free Full Downloads)

by Cassandra Aarssen
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2018

Includes over 100 charts, graphs, sheets and lists to help you manage your household. • A room by room decluttering guide • Cleaning checklists and routines • Home Maintenance Schedule • Meal Planning Worksheets • Home Management Guides • Medical Information • Financial Planning Worksheets...
Cover of The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory

The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory

Take Your Understanding of Physics into a Whole New Dimension!

by George Musser
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2008

Everything is connected... We''re living in the midst of a scientific revolution that''s captured the general public''s attention and imagination. The aim of this new revolution is to develop a "theory of everything"- -- a set of laws of physics that will explain all that can be explained,...
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2014

In the world in which we live, many want to prosper; many have tried to make an effort, often sacrificed his own life, body, in order to get rich. In other words, many people end up forgetting that, as important as work, you must also be able to develop intellectually.  ...
Cover of Management: The Ultimate Management Training Guide For Better Conflict Resolution, Prioritization, Execution, and Team and Employee Development
by Jenny White
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2017

Management The Ultimate Management Training Guide For Better Conflict Resolution, Prioritization, Execution, and Team and Employee Development This book is a guide for the business runners. The basic notion on which this book is based embraces how to manage the business tremendously. This...
Cover of Organízate y sé más eficaz

Organízate y sé más eficaz

El abecé para ganar en tiempo y eficacia

by 50Minutos.es
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 26, 2016

Descubre la mejor forma para aumentar tu rendimientoEste libro es una guía práctica y accesible para descubrir las claves para organizarte para ser más eficaz, que te aportará la información esencial y te permitirá ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podrás:• Identificar los obstáculos que...
Cover of Delega tus proyectos con éxito

Delega tus proyectos con éxito

Las claves para confiar tareas a los empleados de forma eficaz

by 50Minutos.es
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 15, 2016

Cómo hacer que el proceso de delegación de un proyecto salga redondoEste libro es una guía práctica y accesible para delegar con éxito un proyecto, que te aportará la información esencial y te permitirá ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podrás:• Entender por qué delegar puede ayudarte en...
Cover of Aprende a conciliar tu vida profesional y personal

Aprende a conciliar tu vida profesional y personal

Las claves para encontrar el equilibro y definir tus prioridades

by 50Minutos.es
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 10, 2017

Los secretos para separar la esfera laboral de la privada y sentirte realizado en tu día a díaEste libro es una guía práctica y accesible para aprender a conciliar tu vida personal y profesional, que te aportará la información esencial y te permitirá ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podrás:•...
Cover of How To Be REALLY Productive

How To Be REALLY Productive

Achieving clarity and getting results in a world where work never ends

by Grace Marshall
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2015

If you want to know what it takes to be REALLY productive, read this. It's not just about to-do lists and managing your emails - it's about productivity you can really feel and a getting a better quality of life.
Cover of 懶經濟:不瞎忙、省時間、懂思考,40則借力使力的聰明「懶人學」
by 紀坪
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 27, 2017

Cover of 80/20法則(20週年擴充新版)



by 理查.柯克
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 30, 2018

★世紀商業經典.全球暢銷逾100萬冊 ★原著出版20週年,更新1/5內容,全新擴充50,000字新版 ★工作、生活中80/20法則無所不在,最多人推崇,必懂實用的省力原理 ★80/20變90/10、99/1法則,資源時間精力,不均分配更重要 ★長年來深入人心,廣泛適用;《經理人月刊》《Cheers》特別報導 80/20法則,以少得多的黃金定律 想要提高效率,投入更少,獲得更多,就得不公平! 把焦點放在值得重視的人事物上—— 你的工作、客戶、業績、時間分配、努力程度、財富分配,甚至人際關係和快樂, 至於不重要的部分,let...
Cover of 1小時做完1天工作,亞馬遜怎麼辦到的?



by 佐藤將之
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 27, 2019

線上購物到貨多久才算快? 24小時、12小時、6小時、2小時…… 這些對亞馬遜來說,都還不夠快, 從客戶下單到送達手上,最快只要1小時, 亞馬遜甚至覺得,1小時還太慢、不夠理想, 別人需要1天,亞馬遜只要1小時,到底怎麼辦到的? ** ** ★****日本亞馬遜創始成員,公開亞馬遜成為業界黑馬的速度工作法 ★****不必進到亞馬遜工作,也能學到亞馬遜的超效精髓 ** ** 「亞馬遜是一家駕著F1跑車, 一面奔馳,一面修車還換引擎般的公司!****」 ** ** 全球電商巨擘亞馬遜,不斷顛覆零售業的服務標準, 從「隔天到貨」、「當日到貨」到「最快一小時到貨」, 就連購買的手續流程都開始簡化,只要按下一個鍵就能訂購商品。 日本亞馬遜草創時期的主管佐藤將之,在本書中揭露──亞馬遜之所以能不斷創造奇蹟,在於對「速度****」的追求比同業更激進。 而為支撐對速度的目標,制度與組織運作邏輯,也大大與眾不同。 此外,為持續刷新紀錄,至今仍不斷進行激烈的自我改造,超越同業,超越自己**!** ** ** ** ** ☆...
Cover of Nibiru: the Trans Dimensional Proto Star
by O-O Happiness
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2011

In the 1970's, the idea of a mystery Planet X, or Nibiru, was put forward based on ancient Sumerian texts. Science can't find the planet. With an increase in major earthquakes and storms, many are looking at the return of Nibiru as the explanation.But where is it? This short piece looks at a possible explanation of what Nibiru is and why we cant see it.
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