Superheroes category: 3124 books

Cover of Solar: Man Of The Atom Vol. 1
by Frank J. Barbiere
Language: English
Release Date: December 24, 2014

"This all started with an accident..." Brilliant scientist Phil Seleski had unlimited cosmic abilities, until he exploded and accidentally gave the powers to his daughter Erica (who is absolutely NOT a brilliant scientist). Now Phil's made of energy and Erica's the most powerful (and freaked-out)...
Cover of Witchblade #70
by Christina Z, David Wohl, Marc Silvestr
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2011

New York City Police Detective Sara Pezzini is the latest in a long line of bearers of the Witchblade, a mysterious artifact that takes the form of a deadly and powerful mystical gauntlet. Bound by destiny, the Witchblade chooses one woman in a generation, who must stand between the forces of Light and...
Cover of Lady Hornet

Lady Hornet

The Genesis of a Superheroine

by Bruce Graw
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

Cover of Rising Stars #7
by Joseph Michael Straczynski Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2010

Twenty years after a comet struck near the town of Pederson, Illinois, granting super powers to the 113 children who were in utero, the people of the world worry what the now-adult children will do with their abilities.
Cover of Kick-Ass 3, Band 1
by Mark Millar
Language: German
Release Date: May 15, 2014

Nach dem Ende von Kick-Ass 2 sitzt Hit-Girl Mindy McCready im Gefängnis, während Dave Lizewski seinen Highschool-Abschluss macht und weiter als Kick-Ass im Geheimen gegen das organisierte Verbrechen kämpft und Pläne schmiedet. Wie kann Hit-Girl aus dem Schlamassel rausgehauen werden. Endlich die...
Cover of Sons of Anarchy, Band 4 - Harte Hunde
by Ed Brisson
Language: German
Release Date: February 17, 2016

Vier neue, comic-exklusive Geschichten mit den Biker-Outlaws aus dem TV! Jax trifft ein Ex-Mitglied des Clubs, das er nie mehr sehen wollte. Bobby muss sich mit dreisten Dieben befassen. Juice soll einem Bekannten bei der Entschärfung eines Sex-Tapes helfen. Und eine Story aus der Vergangenheit zeigt,...
Cover of Angry Birds – Die neuen Abenteuer 1: Red sieht rot (Comic zum Film)
by Paul Tobin, Cèsar Ferioli
Language: German
Release Date: May 9, 2016

Reds Temperament macht ihn zu einem Einzelgänger unter den Vögeln. Zu allem Übel steht seine Laune immer zwischen ihm und seinen Jobs. Red möchte seinen Job behalten, doch wenn er nicht lernt, mit seiner Wut umzugehen und mit anderen zurechtzukommen, beschmutzt er sich weiterhin das eigene Nest.
Cover of Fatale, Band 3

Fatale, Band 3

Westlich der Hölle

by Ed Brubaker
Language: German
Release Date: June 17, 2015

Die dunklen Tage der großen Depression, Geheimnisse des Mittelalters, gespenstische Prärien im Wilden Westen und ausgebombte Ruinen des Zweiten Weltkriegs - der 3. Band enthält vier miteinander verbundene Geschichten, und jede ist ein Puzzleteil im Rätsel um die Femme Fatale.
Cover of Kick-Ass 1, Band 2
by Mark Millar
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2014

MARK MILLAR KICKS MORE ASS! Was tun, wenn man unbedingt ein Superheld sein will, aber keine Superkräfte hat? Man zieht sich einfach trotzdem ein Kostüm an und legt los! Handy-Filmchen verhelfen Kick-Ass bald zu Ruhm - auch wenn er oft übel zugerichtet wird - und Nachahmern!
Cover of 萬古神器 VOL 3

萬古神器 VOL 3


by 蘆葦草
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 3, 2016

山海封神榜 第一部 原初之始﹐天地混沌黑暗﹐自盤古開天闢地以來﹐地繞黃道每六萬六千六百六十六年必有一次大劫﹐ 那橫災會使萬里方圓的地域發生海嘯山崩。一旦大劫來臨,不僅池枯地裂﹐氣溫驟降﹐甚至還會洪災橫流﹐島嶼陸沉﹐生靈更是遭受沉湮之災。 四位仙人走遍天下﹐在極地偏僻之處發現了天地相輔﹑山海相循的天機奧秘。靠著吸收天地山海的日月精氣﹐和火風水土的醞釀﹐所淬煉出的幻化靈珠﹐可以扭轉人類榮枯興衰的契機。這幾顆四象靈珠被打鑄在兵器內﹐代代相傳﹐被後世百姓稱為「萬古神器」。 這本小說﹐藉由一個平凡少年的今古奇遇﹐萬古神器和四象靈珠召喚術的時空幻景﹐帶您進入前所未有的古典奇幻新紀元﹐敬請期待 Tales...
Cover of Black Stone City-B.S.C (Eng)
by Aloysius Yapp
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2018

This is a typical story about jealousy from one party to another party causing a big disaster when the dark side of the looser in love made a bad decision to bring External power to attack his own country. Story starts with , Black Stone City/ BSC , civilization from Sourth. Rich with culture...
Cover of Tracker #3 (of 5)
by Jonathan Lincoln
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2010

Alex O'Roark is living the dream, his dream.  He divides his time between a loving relationship he shares with the woman he wants to marry and his career where he gets paid as a top government agent tracking down serial killers.  Unfortunately life has its balance and his girlfriend Tory Reyes won't...
Cover of Darkness #56 (Volume 2 #16)
by Philip Hester
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2012

In our generation, The Darkness took root in Jackie Estacado, an orphan, as all the bearers before him, raised by pimps and thievesThe Franchetti Crime Family. Like those who walked in the shadow of The Darkness before him, Jackie's powers manifested on his 21st birthday. In that moment he was both blessed...
Cover of Artifacts #22
by Ron Marz, Jeremy Haun, Sunny Gho
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2012

Separately, 13 Artifacts guide the fate of the universe. Together, 13 Artifacts will end the universe.
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