Public Affairs category: 1291 books

Cover of Dix ans plus tard : La Commission Bouchard-Taylor, succès ou échec?
by Maryse Potvin, Alain Saulnier, Rima Elkouri
Language: French
Release Date: May 16, 2018

Dix ans après la Commission Bouchard-Taylor, comment évaluer ses retombées? Échec pour les uns et succès pour les autres, comment en juger? Cet ouvrage donne l’heure juste en proposant un bilan interdisciplinaire et international des enjeux de fond que la Commission a contribué à définir,...
Cover of The Official History of the British Civil Service

The Official History of the British Civil Service

Reforming the Civil Service, Volume I: The Fulton Years, 1966-81

by Rodney Lowe
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2011

This first volume of the Official History of the UK Civil Service covers its evolution from the Northcote-Trevelyan Report of 1854 to the first years of Mrs Thatcher’s government in 1981. Despite current concerns with good governance and policy delivery, little serious attention has been...
Cover of Die Drogenlüge

Die Drogenlüge

Warum Drogenverbote den Terrorismus fördern und Ihrer Gesundheit schaden

by Mathias Bröckers
Language: German
Release Date: October 12, 2015

Der Krieg gegen die Drogen ist nicht zu gewinnen. Bestsellerautor Mathias Bröckers zeigt, wie und warum das Geschäft mit den Drogen gerade durch die Prohibition so attraktiv ist und wie Politik, Mafia und Lobbyisten davon profitieren. Bundeswehr und NATO etwa sichern und bewachen in Afghanistan...
Cover of 文官說法:臺灣地方制度講古
by 劉文仕
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2017

Cover of Les Institutions de la Ve République
by Philippe Ardant, Simon-Louis Formery
Language: French
Release Date: August 21, 2013

Adapté à l’initiation comme à la révision des examens, ce manuel présente sous une forme synthétique et pédagogique le cours d’institutions politiques enseigné dans les facultés de droit et les instituts d’études politiques. Il présente le statut et le rôle des institutions...
Cover of L'action des départements dans le domaine de la voirie routière

L'action des départements dans le domaine de la voirie routière

Rapport au Président de la République suivi des réponses des administrations et collectivités

by Cour des comptes
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1998

Depuis 1991, la Cour des Comptes publie dans des fascicules distincts de son rapport public annuel les résultats d’enquêtes de synthèse ou débouchant sur des analyses de politiques publiques, conduites par elle-même, par les chambres régionales des comptes ou en coopération entre les juridictions...
Cover of Gli aiuti alle imprese in Italia

Gli aiuti alle imprese in Italia

Una ricognizione analitica completa

by Giovanni Cesaroni
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Questo lavoro di Giovanni Cesaroni affronta un tema cruciale per la definizione di una pi efficace politica economica nel nostro Paese: la determinazione quantitativa dei trasferimenti e degli incentivi che il settore pubblico mette a disposizione del sistema delle imprese. Le crisi finanziarie e...
Cover of Initiation à la gestion du personnel des collectivités territoriales
by Jean-François Auby
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1986

Dans le cadre de la décentralisation, la loi du 26 janvier 1984 a mis en place un statut général des personnels des collectivités territoriales qui vise à la fois à unifier les règles applicables aux agents des différentes collectivités territoriales et à rapprocher les règles régissant...
Cover of Project financing e opere pubbliche

Project financing e opere pubbliche

Problemi e prospettive alla luce delle recenti riforme

by Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Fabrizio Fracchia
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 22, 2011

Il tema del project financing, inteso come tecnica di finanziamento che mira a coinvolgere i capitali e le capacit private per la realizzazione di opere pubbliche e di pubblica utilit, attualmente oggetto di grande interesse, soprattutto per la sua attitudine a contenere la spesa pubblica. Il lavoro,...
Cover of Revival


The Struggle for Survival Inside the Obama White House

by Richard Wolffe
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2010

Revival is the dramatic inside story of the defining period of the Obama White House. It is an epic tale that follows the president and his inner circle from the crisis of defeat to historic success.   Over the span of an extraordinary two months in the life of a young presidency, Obama and his...
Cover of Arrow to the Heart

Arrow to the Heart

The Last Battle at the Little Big Horn: The Custer Battlefield Museum vs. The Federal Government

by Christopher Kortlander, Ammon Bundy
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

In the spring of 2005 a federally orchestrated raid took place at the small Montana town of Garryowen. Christopher Kortlander, the private owner of Garryowen and the focus of the raid, was suspected of selling valuable historical artifacts with false provenance. Kortlander vigorously fought...
Cover of Revival 2.0: How the Obama White House Is Making Its Political Comeback
by Richard Wolffe
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2011

Revival 2.0 tells the dramatic inside story of how President Obama and his team have regained their footing and learned to fight for their political survival. Bestselling Obama biographer Richard Wolffe (author of Renegade and Revival) follows President Barack Obama and his inner circle (including...
Cover of Back to Work

Back to Work

Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy

by Bill Clinton
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2011

“I wrote this book because I love my country and I'm concerned about our future,” writes Bill Clinton. “As I often said when I first ran for President in 1992, America at its core is an idea—the idea that no matter who you are or where you're from, if you work hard and play by the rules, you'll...
Cover of Summary of Winner Take All: How Competitiveness Shapes the Fate of Nations - Richard J. Elkus, Jr.
by Capitol Reader
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2013

This ebook consists of a summary of the ideas, viewpoints and facts presented by Richard J. Elkus, Jr. in his book “Winner Take All: How Competitiveness Shapes the Fate of Nations”. This summary offers a concise overview of the entire book in less than 30 minutes reading time. However this work does...
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