Practical Politics category: 1369 books

Cover of Collective Visioning

Collective Visioning

How Groups Can Work Together for a Just and Sustainable Future

by Linda Stout
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2011

In far too many organizational meetings, equal speaking opportunity seldom results in equal say. Factors such as race, class, and personal history too often inhibit open dialogue within and among groups, which can lead to a sense of disenfranchisement within the organization, and subsequently, disillusionment...
Cover of The Populist Temptation

The Populist Temptation

Economic Grievance and Political Reaction in the Modern Era

by Barry Eichengreen
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018

Populism of the right and left has spread like wildfire throughout the world. The impulse reached its apogee in the United States with the election of Trump, but it was a force in Europe ever since the Great Recession sent the European economy into a prolonged tailspin. In the simplest terms, populism...
Cover of Revival: The Economics of Poverty (1974)
by Thomas Balogh
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2017

This title was first published in 1974.
Cover of Chanakya Neeti
by R.P. Jain
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Chanakya was an Indian teacher, philosopher and royal advisor. He managed the first Maurya emperor Chandragupta’s rise to power at a young age. He is widely credited for having played an important role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire, which was the first empire in archaeologically recorded history to rule most of the Indian subcontinent.
Cover of Digital Dilemmas

Digital Dilemmas

Power, Resistance, and the Internet

by M.I. Franklin
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2013

Digital Dilemmas looks at the dynamics of power and resistance surrounding the internet. It focuses on how publics, nation-states, and multilateral institutions are being continually reinvented in local and global decision-making domains that are accessed and controlled by a relative few. Importantly...
Cover of Sin filias ni fobias

Sin filias ni fobias

Memorias de un fiscal incómodo

by Santiago Nieto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 31, 2019

La historia más indignante que pueda imaginarse: un fiscal vapuleado por hacer su trabajo. En 2015, Santiago Nieto recibió un encargo claro: investigar los delitos electorales. Pero cuando lo hizo a profundidad, la maquinaria gubernamental lo embistió brutalmente. En este documento...
Cover of Juntos hicimos historia
by Tatiana Clouthier
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 3, 2019

Un libro que consigna, en primera persona, lo que Tatiana Clouthier vio, vivió y creó en la campaña presidencial 2018 de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. No me canso de agradecer a la vida el haberme puesto ante este reto histórico: ser una más para cambiar a México por la vía pacífica...
Cover of The Witchfinder General

The Witchfinder General

A Political Odyssey

by Joyce Gould
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2016

Labour’s octogenarian powerhouse weaves together eighty years of fascinating personal, social and political history in her memoirs. From Boots Girl to Baroness, Joyce Gould boasts an impressive list of experiences and accomplishments. Through sixty-four years as a Labour Party member, she has fought...
Cover of El naufragio

El naufragio

La deconstrucción del sueño independentista

by Lola García
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 13, 2018

Todo empezó en 2012, cuando Artur Mas regresó de la Moncloa con la negativa de Mariano Rajoy a abordar un pacto fiscal para Cataluña. Aquel presidente de la Generalitat designado a dedo por Jordi Pujol emprendió entonces una carrera imparable abrazado al independentismo en el que nunca había...
Cover of State Building

State Building

Governance and World Order in the 21st Century

by Francis Fukuyama
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Weak or failed states - where no government is in control - are the source of many of the world's most serious problems, from poverty, AIDS and drugs to terrorism. What can be done to help? The problem of weak states and the need for state-building has existed for many years, but it has been urgent...
Cover of Excelentísima activista

Excelentísima activista

Crónica algo sentimental de la Barcelona de Ada Colau

by Joaquim Roglan Llop
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2016

He aquí la crónica del primer año en el poder de Ada Colau, la primera alcaldesa de Barcelona. Sus orígenes, su programa electoral y su victoria causaron sensación, sorpresa y controversia. Entre la ilusión de sus partidarios y los recelos y críticas de sus adversarios, la alcaldesa que salió...
Cover of A pie de escaño

A pie de escaño

Las verdades ocultas de nuestra democracia representativa

by Alberto Garzón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 20, 2015

En 2011 Alberto Garzón era un joven de 25 años que buscaba, como tantos otros, una oportunidad en el extranjero que le permitiera escapar de la precariedad laboral. Hoy es diputado por Málaga en el Congreso, candidato de Izquierda Unida a la presidencia del Gobierno y uno de los políticos con...
Cover of Sigamos adelante

Sigamos adelante

Más allá de miedos y falsos profetas

by Vicente Fox, Sulay Hernández-Elhussein
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 19, 2018

Una valiente denuncia contra los atropellos y el espíritu antidemocrático de Donald Trump, un llamado a la unidad y la resistencia. Este libro es una valiente denuncia contra la situación política actual en Estados Unidos, al mismo tiempo que hace un llamado a la unidad y la resistencia...
Cover of Ataque a Casa Rosada

Ataque a Casa Rosada

La verdadera historia de los bombardeos del 16 de junio de 1955

by Horacio Rivara
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Investigación histórica exhaustiva sobre los bombardeos a la Casa de Gobierno del 16 de junio de 1955 con los que se pretendió asesinar a Perón y provocar un golpe de Estado. Reconstrucción minuciosa a partir de fuentes inéditas y testimonios de protagonistas directos que hablan por primera...
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