People And Places category: 11583 books

Cover of De gifbeker van Socrates
by Marc van Dijk, Sander ter Steege
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 17, 2019

De nieuwe serie 'Becky Breinstein' laat jonge lezers kennismaken met de ontregelende kracht van filosofie. Het eerste deel, 'De gifbeker van Socrates', laat zien wat er gebeurt als je letterlijk de ideeën van de Griekse wijsgeer naleeft. Mensen worden woedend omdat je altijd de waarheid spreekt,...
Cover of Writing Hieroglyphics (with Actual Examples!) : History Kids Books | Children's Ancient History
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Do you want to learn how to write hieroglyphics? It’s an ancient form of Egyptian writing that is composed of drawings. It’s a beautiful writing style that was instrumental in learning about the life of ancient Egyptians. There are actual examples in this book to serve as your guide. Are you ready? Then begin writing hieroglyphics today!
Cover of priogue de Shin-chi, La

priogue de Shin-chi, La

Album jeunesse - Sélection Communication-Jeunesse 2011-2012

by Nicola I. Campbell
Language: French
Release Date: October 19, 2010

Sélection Communication-Jeunesse 2011-2012 Shi-shi-etko s’apprête à retourner au pensionnat indien pour une deuxième année, cette fois-ci accompagnée de son frère de six ans, Shin-chi. Cependant, comme ils y auront interdiction de se parler, sur le chemin, à l’arrière de la camionnette...
Cover of 1st Grade United States History: Early American Settlers
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2015

Learning American history is more effective if done via pictures. Children are attracted to the vibrant colors of meaningful pictures. It's easier to imagine previous events when there are pictures to look at. This educational book also makes it easier to communicate with descriptive words to relay drawn messages. Grab a copy of this informative book today!
Cover of Qu'Appelle


Album jeunesse - autochtone

by David Bouchard
Language: French
Release Date: May 20, 2008

Depuis plusieurs générations, les Cris des plaines du Nord racontent la légende de la Qu’Appelle. Dans la tragique histoire d’amour inspirée de cette légende, un jeune brave, Ikciv, doit quitter sa belle pour mener avec les siens un raid contre les Pieds-Noirs. Dévastée par son absence,...
Cover of Spirit Girl
by Kathi Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2016

Seit dem Tod ihrer Eltern vor wenigen Monaten lebt Mary bei ihrer Tante Janet. Gerade hat sie mit dem attraktiven und sehr netten Nachbarsjungen Steve Freundschaft geschlossen, da teilt Tante Janet ihr mit, dass sie zur Großmutter in das Reservat reisen soll. Janet hat natürlich gute Gründe. Sie...
Cover of Sept ensignments sacrés, Les

Sept ensignments sacrés, Les

Album jeunesse - autochtone

by David Bouchard
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2009

Les Sept enseignements sacrés nous parle de valeurs traditionnelles communes aux peuples autochtones : l'humilité, l'honnêteté, le respect, le courage, la sagesse, la vérité et l'amour. À chaque valeur correspond un arbre, une plante, un animal dont les attributs et les qualités fondent la base des enseignements qui sont un message d'espoir et d'universalité.
Cover of Grande Paix, La

Grande Paix, La

Album jeunesse

by David Bouchard
Language: French
Release Date: March 20, 2015

Hiawatha, aussi appelé Ayenwhatha, est l'un des personnages des Premières Nations le plus célèbre à travers le monde. Ce récit poétique est largement dû à l'artiste Rotinonhshón:ni Raymond Skye.Les Rotinonhshón:ni sont un peuple fort et fier. La vérité et la compréhension constituent...
Cover of Sagradas


50 diosas de todo el mundo

by Valeria Hipocampo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2019

#ElPresenteEsNuestro ¿Cómo se concibe lo femenino alrededor del mundo? «Las diosas, en todas sus modalidades, son indispensables para conocer la evolución de las culturas en su totalidad.» Quede la presente obra de arte como una puerta abierta para la reflexión de lo femenino en diversas cosmovisiones.
Cover of Les voleurs du soir
by André Marois
Language: French
Release Date: May 4, 2015

Québec, 2048. Tous les soirs, des milliards de moustiques assoiffés de sang envahissent le ciel, tuant les habitants qui s'aventurent à l'extérieur. À cette menace s'ajoute celle d'un gouvernement qui veut contrôler la population. Des drones armés survole le territoire pendant le jour et un...
Cover of In Focus: Life in Ancient Rome | Ancient History Picture Books Junior Scholars Edition | Children's Ancient History
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2019

How about an adventure for today? Life in Ancient Rome would surely confuse and excite you. The reason being the huge difference in how people lived their lives before, as well as the cultures and traditions prevalent during the time. Enjoy a good story with many pieces of information intact. Go ahead and grab this ebook today.
Cover of The Role of Religion and Divinity in the Middle Ages - History Book Best Sellers | Children's History
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2017

Religion and divinity are at two ends of the rope but somehow, both survived during the Middle Ages. Sure, there were stories about witchcraft and sorcery but Christianity still prospered. In this history book, we're going to study how religion shifted people’s perception about the role of divinity in societies. Are you excited to learn? Then grab a copy today!
Cover of The Boers Reached Africa - Ancient History Illustrated Grade 4 | Children's Ancient History
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Who were the boers? Why is their arrival in Africa significant? You’ll know the answer to these questions, plus a lot more, in the pages of this ancient history book for fourth grader. Reading about history does not have to be boring as long as you have the right resources with you. Encourage your child to learn independently. Grab a copy of this book today!
Cover of Are You With Us or Against Us? Looking Back at the Reign of Terror - History 6th Grade | Children's European History
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Open your eyes to the truth behind the Reign of Terror. Of course, there won’t be pretty sights during these trying times but focus instead on the bravery of those who fought for what they believed in. Looking into past battles will help children better appreciate the freedom experienced today. What realization will your sixth grader have after reading this book?
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