Non Fiction category: 7616 books

Cover of Alastair Humphreys' Great Adventurers
by Alastair Humphreys
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2018

Hand-selected by Alastair Humpreys, read about the incredible journeys undertaken by twenty of the most heroic and impressive explorers who ever lived, including Ibn Battuta (14th-century explorer); Apsley Cherry-Garrard (a member of Scott's Antarctic expedition); Michael Collins (Apollo Moon mission...
Cover of Jane Austen

Jane Austen

The girl with the golden pen

by Gill Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2017

[b]Bicentenary Edition" Celebrating 200 years of Jane Austen[/b] In a country parsonage in the late 18th century, there lived a large family of seven children. They were all bright and clever and noisy, so nobody really noticed when little Jane turned quietly into a genius… The...
Cover of 7 best short stories by Zane Grey
by Zane Grey
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2019

Grey's novels – however denigrated by critics as empurpled froths of 'virgins, villains and varmints' – were only part of the allure that fixed his name in the hearts of millions of Americans. Zane Grey was a self-made model of rugged rural virtue overimbued with what the critic Heywood Broun...
Cover of There Is Something Special Inside Of Me Too
by Luisa Viviani
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

After becoming inspired by the meditating frog in There is Something Special Inside of Me, book one, the alligator returns home to look within himself to find what is so special inside of him. Being unsuccessful, he returns to the frog, who guides him on his spiritual journey.  
Cover of Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels (Illustrated)
by Jacob Abbott
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2015

The design of the series of volumes, entitled Marco Paul's Adventures in the Pursuit of Knowledge, is not merely to entertain the reader with a narrative of juvenile adventures, but also to communicate, in connection with them, as extensive and varied information as possible, in respect to the geography,...
Cover of Sintiendo en Aguas Frías

Sintiendo en Aguas Frías

Diario de una maestra en prácticas en la Amazonía peruana

by Diana Santana Martín
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Sintiendo en Aguas Frías es el diario que escribe una maestra en prácticas durante su aventura en plena Amazonía peruana. En los seis meses que dura su experiencia, promoverá el empoderamiento de una comunidad nativa mediante propuestas educativas, no siempre con el resultado deseado. Asistimos...
Cover of Une poignée de riches, des milliers de pauvres
by Philippe Godard
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2012

Une réflexion à la fois politique, économique et éthique sur notre société et son avenir. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux jeunes comme aux adultes, aux citoyens qui se soucient de l'état du monde, aux élèves et aux étudiants comme à leurs professeurs. Il est possible, aujourd'hui, de changer...
Cover of Backstage - Le béton qui coule dans nos veines
by Goulven Hamel, Laurence Schaack
Language: French
Release Date: March 8, 2012

Des romans qui en mettent plein les oreilles ! 1981, New-York. Prince G, jeune graffeur au talent fou, s'engouffre dans un souterrain du métro avec ses bombes de peinture. Quelques instants plus tard, il meurt, renversé par une rame de métro. La police conclut au suicide. Mais, dix ans après,...
Cover of Lacey and the African Grandmothers
by Sue Farrell Holler
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2009

Lacey Little Bird loves spending time with Kahasi, an elder on her reserve who is like a grandmother to her. From her Lacey is learning about their people, the Siksika Blackfoot tribe of Alberta, including the art of beadwork. Lacey hears about a project to help grandmothers in Africa who are raising...
Cover of Haz que no parezca amor
by Roy Galan
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 11, 2019

Una selección de textos de Roy Galán, tanto icónicos como inéditos, que comparten la idea de que el mundo se puede (y se debe) cambiar con las palabras. Porque las palabras son las armas de construcción masiva en la REVOLUCIÓN DEL AMOR. Y porque solo cuando eres capaz de sentir...
Cover of Qui sont les terroristes ?

Qui sont les terroristes ?

Déclarations et documents inédits

by Philippe Godard
Language: French
Release Date: April 15, 2010

Un document Syros pour comprendre, en ce "siècle du terrorisme" marqué par le 11 septembre 2001, les politiques qui se cachent derrière les divers terrorismes. Il n'y a pas un terrorisme, mais des terrorismes. Certains sont le fait des États, d'autres de groupuscules politiques,...
Cover of Historia y brevedad narrativa

Historia y brevedad narrativa

La escritura de Andrés Rivera

by Marta Inés Waldegaray
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 11, 2015

Este libro indaga en las formulaciones de la escritura breve en literatura, las maneras mediante las cuales lo breve da cuenta de la historia. Se parte de una distinción fundamental entre brevedad (noción que pertenece al dominio de la enunciación) y texto breve o corto (noción que refiere el...
Cover of D'un combat à l'autre, les filles de Pierre et Marie Curie
by Béatrice Nicodème
Language: French
Release Date: May 22, 2014

Un regard sensible sur une famille de prix Nobel. Août 1914 : Irène et Ève Curie sont en vacances tandis que leur mère Marie – déjà lauréate du prix Nobel avec son mari Pierre, mort huit ans plus tôt–, finit d'aménager son Institut du Radium. Mais lorsque la guerre est déclarée,...
Cover of Eerie ESP
by Tracy Nelson Maurer
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Can people really sense the future? Or know what someone else is thinking, even if that person hasn't said a word? Read this book to find out! You'll also uncover freaky facts about an author who seemingly predicted the Titanic's sinking—fourteen years before it happened!—and a psychic medium who claimed to talk to Martians. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!
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