Korea category: 281 books

Cover of Il dissidio e l’avanzata bellica: la guerra di Corea
by Daniele Zumbo
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 29, 2013

La guerra di Corea è stato un terribile evento bellico svoltosi nella penisola coreana dal 1950 al 1953.Più precisamente, è stata una parte della guerra fredda nella quale, alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale si contrapposero due blocchi internazionali, da un lato l’occidente con l’America...
Cover of Global Pulls on the Korean Communities in Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires
by Won K. Yoon
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2015

This book looks at two Korean communities, one in Sao Paulo and the other in Buenos Aires, in order to identify the global pulls that have affected Korean identity formation, community development patterns, integration efforts, social mobility, education for children, remigration, return migration,...
Cover of Souvenir de Séoul, Corée : 1900
by Maurice COURANT
Language: French
Release Date: May 10, 2017

L’un des intérêts de ce livre réside dans la qualité des photographies qui l’illustrent en deuxième partie et qui font voyager notre imagination vers ce pays et ces décors qui nous sont peu familiers.  ER Extrait : Perdu sur les frontières ultimes du Champ-de-Mars,...
Cover of Student Radicalism and the Formation of Postwar Japan
by Kenji Hasegawa
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2018

This book offers a timely and multifaceted reanalysis of student radicalism in postwar Japan. It considers how students actively engaged the early postwar debates over subjectivity, and how the emergence of a new generation of students in the mid-1950s influenced the nation’s embrace of the idea...
Cover of Burnt by the Sun

Burnt by the Sun

The Koreans of the Russian Far East

by Jon K. Chang, Anand A. Yang, Kieko Matteson
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2016

Burnt by the Sun examines the history of the first Korean diaspora in a Western society during the highly tense geopolitical atmosphere of the Soviet Union in the late 1930s. Author Jon K. Chang demonstrates that the Koreans of the Russian Far East were continually viewed as a problematic and maligned...
Cover of La guerra de Corea

La guerra de Corea

El símbolo del enfrentamiento entre dos mundos

by 50Minutos.es
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 24, 2017

Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para saber más sobre la guerra de Corea, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos, usted podrá:• Descubrir el contexto político y social tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el incipiente enfrentamiento...
Cover of Arts de la Corée (Les Grands Articles)

Arts de la Corée (Les Grands Articles)

(Les Grands Articles d'Universalis)

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: July 12, 2016

Proche de la Chine, la Corée a été de bonne heure attirée dans l'orbite de sa puissante voisine. Elle en a reçu de nombreux apports, sans jamais vraiment complètement les assimiler, tout comme elle a constitué une importante tête de pont pour leur transmission vers le Japon.
Cover of The Saggar Maker's Bottom Knocker, or The Story of Pottery in a Box
by LJ Gormley, Nat Kemp
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2014

“What?!” My next door neighbor, who knew I was interested in lost and sometimes weird crafts and trades, had just exhaled a few garbled syllables, totally unintelligible, in my direction. Now my friend is a great lover of jokes and riddles so I thought this was his way of amusing himself, sending...
Cover of 中國娼妓史
by 王書奴
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2014

Cover of Korean Folk Dance
by Lee Byoung-ok
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Korean Culture Series 13 Korean Folk Dance  This is the first volume fully theorizing the Korean folk dance tradition. Folk dances from various regions are introduced and their characteristics are discussed. Korean dance reflects an accord between labor and art which connects...
Cover of En Corée
Language: French
Release Date: October 17, 2018

Rien ne serait plus naturel que la guerre fût le résultat de la crise présente ; pourtant on peut dire également que rien n’est moins certain. Si le terrain des hostilités n’était pas limité à l’Extrême-Orient, et si la puissance qui se trouve en face du Japon était une autre que la...
Cover of Vivre la Corée

Vivre la Corée

Le guide pratique de la vie en Corée

by Anthony Dufour
Language: French
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Coincée entre la Chine et le Japon, la Corée du Sud a longtemps été un dragon asiatique oublié. Mais voilà, les succès économiques (Samsung, LG, Hyundai, etc.) et culturels (Gangnam Style, Kim Ki-duk, etc) ont remis sur la carte de la mondialisation la 15e économie du monde. Des dizaines...
Cover of Nordkorea


Einblicke in ein rätselhaftes Land

Language: German
Release Date: December 17, 2013

Nordkorea gilt als rätselhaftes Land. Es bedroht die Nachbarn mit der Atombombe, kann seine Bevölkerung nicht ausreichend ernähren und betreibt geheime Straflager. Gleichzeitig wird das Bild einer heilen Welt vermittelt, huldigen Staat und Einwohner Kim Il Sung, seinem Sohn und seinem Enkel wie...
Cover of Uguali e diversi

Uguali e diversi

Diaspore, emigrazione, minoranze

by Autori Vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 30, 2016

La complessità di una società è un arricchimento ma viene spesso vissuta come una minaccia. Da qui tante forme di discriminazione o esclusione. L’emigrazione Sud-Nord degli ultimi anni ha diffuso un’immagine impropria di un fenomeno che ha origini lontane. Scopo di questo volume è di presentare...
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