Intermediate category: 1725 books

Cover of El hámster del presidente
by Juan Villoro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 23, 2018

El presidente de la república usa un abrigo con veinticuatro bolsillos que no se quita ni aunque haga mucho calor. ¿Sabes por qué viste siempre esta prenda? Un niño muy listo llamado Ruy descubre que en uno de estos bolsillos viaja el secretario particular del mandatario. Es Genaro III, un hámster...
Cover of Thud in Trouble

Thud in Trouble

Match Four

by Jim Eldridge
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2015

The Wrestling Trolls are BACK, facing nasty bullies and vengeful villains. Here come the Wrestling Trolls with two great new adventures! Jack, Milo, Robin and Big Rock are back, and they have a new friend with them too - Blaze, the magical phoenix. As usual, the gang are low on money, so they...
Cover of Mr. Funderburk Meets 5A
by Terry Markoff
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2015

Randy Carlson breaks free of the crowd swarming the front doors of Castle Rock Elementary School. He is radiating excitement as he runs home screaming, “I got Mr. Fun!” The rest of this year’s fifth graders push and crawl their way towards the list that determines their futures, desperately...
Cover of Steven Pienaar - The World is Watching
by Lesley Beake
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2012

Mabhuti lives in the Cape and loves watching Bafana Bafana, especially his favourite player, Steven Pienaar. He dreams of one day also playing for the national team so he starts a training diary to help him reach his goal. Along the way he learns more about the life of his hero and all the hard work that goes into being a professional soccer player.
Cover of Gänse überm Reiherberg
by Wolf Spillner
Language: German
Release Date: April 21, 2015

'Was ist das schon, so'n Hund, gar nichts ist das. Der rennt dir bloß hinterher, weil er Kohldampf hat und Fleisch haben will. Gar nichts ist das! ... Eine Wildgans ziehe ich mir auf, dass ihr's wisst. Und die wird zahm und fliegen. Hinter mir her. Die kommt sogar wieder, im nächsten Jahr wieder,...
Cover of Früh und spät
by Jutta Schlott
Language: German
Release Date: October 6, 2014

Nach dem Umzug in die Neubauwohnung in einer anderen Stadt können sich die drei Söhne, vor allem der 10-jährige Olaf, nicht daran gewöhnen, dass Vater und Mutter jetzt in zeitlich unterschiedlicher Schichtarbeit tätig sind. Olaf und Sven haben häusliche Pflichten zu erfüllen, die sie jedoch...
Cover of Die Feuerfontäne
by Martin Meißner
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2013

Das sagenumwobene Dorf Holligau im Mecklenburgischen gerät in Unruhe. El Campo, sein sowjetischer Kollege Jegor Iwanowitsch und andere Spezialisten bohren nach Erdgas. Die Einwohner Holligaus beobachten das lärmende Treiben der einziehenden Technik anfangs nicht gerade wohlwollend. So hat es der...
Cover of Til und der Körnerdieb

Til und der Körnerdieb

Mein Vater ist ein Dieb

by Barbara Kühl
Language: German
Release Date: September 24, 2011

Til und die Zwillinge Wiesel und Locke werden von einem aufziehenden Gewitter überrascht und flüchten sich in eine nahe Scheune. Dann aber kommt noch jemand in die Scheune und stiehlt Futterweizen. Als einziger weiß Til sofort, wer dieser Körnerdieb ist. Was soll er tun? Wie soll er sich verhalten?...
Cover of Taube Klara oder Zufälle gibt es nicht
by Wolf Spillner
Language: German
Release Date: October 12, 2011

So kannte Hannes seine Mutter noch nicht: Opas Lieblingstaube Klara hing tot in ihrer Hand. Sicher, resolut war Mutter schon immer, der Kapitän zu Hause, obwohl doch Vater auf großen Schiffen zur See fuhr. Aber Mutter war auch verständnisvoll, lieb und vor allem: hilfsbereit. Nicht einen Augenblick...
Cover of Nellie Sue, Happy Camper

Nellie Sue, Happy Camper

An Every Cowgirl Book

by Rebecca Janni
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2013

Like all adventurous cowgirls, Nellie Sue loves to go camping--and it's time to try her skills in the wild outdoors. But, when night falls and the woods come alive with creaking noises, these happy campers aren't so happy anymore! Nellie Sue must use her biggest cowgirl courage to make it through...
Cover of Diário de uma Super Garota - Livro 1 - Os Altos e Baixos de Ser Super
by Katrina Kahler, John Zakour
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 5, 2018

Livro para Garotas de 9 a 12 anos: Lia Strong sempre pensou ser uma garota normal de 12 anos de idade. Ela tinha lidar com os altos e baixos do ensino médio. Você sabe como é… sair com os amigos, ir para os treinos, fazer imensas quantidades de tarefas de casa e lidar com garotas estúpidas....
Cover of O Segredo - Mente Màgica: Livro Um
by Katrina Kahler
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 5, 2018

Quando a garota Tess de 12 anos se muda para uma nova vizinhança, ela tenta ser amiga de seu vizinho, um garoto da mesma idade chamado Sam. Tess não sabe que Sam tem um poder especial, um que ele deve manter em segredo a qualquer custo. Não, ele não lê mentes, mas ele é capaz de algo que muitas...
Cover of Miúdas Terríveis - Livro 2 - Bullying
by Katrina Kahler
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 28, 2018

Remmy continua a sofrer de bullying por parte de Sandy e dos seus 'vampiros'. Amelia vem em sua ajuda e ensina a Remmy algumas estratégias para lidar com seus agressores. Ela quer contar à mãe o que está a acontecer, mas Sandy manipulou a situação em casa e Remmy acha que não pode sobrecarregar...
Cover of Diário de uma Super Garota 4

Diário de uma Super Garota 4

Diário de uma Super Garota, #4

by Katrina Kahler, John Zakour
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 5, 2018

A engraçada e divertida história de Lia Strong, em Diário de uma Super Garota, continua com mais uma aventura hilária. Lia nunca tem certeza do que está reservado para ela, mas acha que desafios normais, como as eleições da escola ou a ira de sua colega de classe, Wendi, podem ser mais difíceis...
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