Faith category: 1195 books

Cover of El poder infinito del amor

El poder infinito del amor

Cómo dando amor a los demás nos cambiará la vida

by Pedro Donoso Brant
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 2, 2018

El verdadero crecimiento espiritual a través el regalo de amor. El poder del amor es infinito. El amor todo lo vence, el amor todo lo conquista. La autoestima o amor a uno mismo es fundamental para el fortalecimiento de la persona, como bien sabemos, pero el verdadero crecimiento espiritual...
Cover of As In the Days of Noah
by C. Rae Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2018

There is a battle going on as we are caught up in the midst of Spiritual Warfare. Is your shield up & your sword drawn; sharp, piercing, dividing soul & spirit, joints & marrow? Do you have all the pieces of your armor, that you desperately need? Chaos seems to be the new norm with uncertainty...
Cover of Push for Freedom Amazing Grace
by C. Rae Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2018

In life, we often find ourselves entangled and caught up in ways that compromise a standard for living a life of love and trust. Our moral code becomes corrupt, leaving a trail of mistakes and sinful living that we just don't know how to get out of. We question whether we can ever be forgiven, once...
Cover of The Juniper Tree
by C. Rae Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2018

The Juniper Tree…Beautiful, Rugged & Enduring. It all starts with a seed. There are seeds of promise that lead to life…But there are also seeds of doubt, denial, deception, defeat, envy, bitterness, unforgiveness, and many more that only lead to corruption, sin, destruction and ultimate death....
Cover of Esperanza en la oscuridad

Esperanza en la oscuridad

Creer que Dios es Bueno cuando la vida no lo es

by Craig Groeschel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 25, 2018

“Quiero creer, quiero tener esperanza, pero…” son palabras que Craig Groeschel, pastor y autor superventas, oye  a menudo, y que hasta él mismo ha pronunciado. Queremos conocer a Dios, sentir su presencia, y confiar en que Él escucha nuestras oraciones;  sin embargo, cuando experimentamos...
Cover of La dirección divina

La dirección divina

7 decisiones que cambiarán tu vida

by Craig Groeschel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 22, 2017

Autor best seller del New York Times, Craig Groeschel inspira a los lectores a tomar decisiones viables que llevarán sus vidas a lugares maravillosos e inesperados que sólo Dios podría haber planeado. SIETE PRINCIPIOS QUE LE LLENARÁN DE ALEGRÍA Y PROPÓSITO. Todos queremos tomar...
Cover of The Story of Holy Week
by Rev. Debbie Drost
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2018

Journey with me as we walk in the footsteps of Christ in that last week He was here on this earth. By walking with me, you will not only get a better understanding of what God did for YOU over 2000 years ago, but also what He is continuing to do for you today. I will tell you it is not an easy walk....
Cover of O ouro e o altar

O ouro e o altar

Uma revelação que vai abrir os olhos dos servos de Deus

by Edir Macedo, Aquilud Lobato, Paulo Sergio Rocha Junior
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 30, 2018

"Será que você sabe o que é ter o Espírito infinito do Deus Altíssimo morando dentro do seu ser? E tem ciência de que Este Espírito não veio por medida, mas sim de forma plena, exatamente como o Senhor Jesus desfrutou dEle neste mundo? Isso é algo grandioso demais para ficarmos limitados...
Cover of Franc-maçonnerie


Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2016

Ordre initiatique, club philosophique, communauté fraternelle, lobby politique ou simple réseau, la franc-maçonnerie a reçu, au cours de sa déjà longue histoire, des définitions et identités variées aux sens souvent contradictoires, sans qu'aucune d'entre elles puisse être considérée comme exhaustive ni tenue pour totalement erronée …
Cover of Archbishop Doye T Agama Changed Our Lives: Stories To Inspire You To Respond To Your Calling
by Dr Patrick Businge
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2018

Archbishop Doyé T. Agama has a unique vision that the African and Asian Diaspora "Ethnic Minority Churches" presently in the Western nations must be united and mobilised to face the issues that affect their people. His view is therefore that our Leaders must consequently be willing to reconnect...
Cover of La Felicità discesa dal Cielo

La Felicità discesa dal Cielo

Commento semplice delle Beatitudini di Gesù Cristo per tutti

by CF
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

La vita può sottoporre a molte difficoltà, avversità o situazioni che possono essere fonte di sofferenza e farci arrabbiare, rivoltare, angosciare o renderci insoddisfatti. Questo libro, attraverso il commento di brani del Vangelo, propone di fare capire le cause esistenziali...
Cover of Vrij van angst
by Max Lucado
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 9, 2012

Elke dag heeft z'n eigen redenen om bezorgd te zijn. Om angst je leven te zien binnenkruipen. Hoe zou het zijn als echt vertrouwen op God in plaats van angst ons leven bepaalde? En is die optie voor ieder mens weggelegd? In Vrij van angst gaat Max Lucado na hoe bezorgdheid en angst ontstaan. Over...
Cover of Antwoorden waar je mee verder kunt
by Max Lucado
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 31, 2012

Vragen en problemen zijn er te over. Max Lucado laat zien dat vragen altijd kunnen leiden tot hou- vast, herkenning en bemoediging.Max Lucado beantwoordt in dit boek ruim 170 persoonlijke en indringende vragen, op alle terreinen die met geloven te maken hebben. Toekomstverwachting, geloofszekerheid,...
Cover of Hij was hier
by Max Lucado
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 10, 2012

God werd Mens en heeft onder ons gewoond. Dat is een wonder waarover je niet uitgedacht raakt. Op zijn kenmerkende manier weet Max Lucado de bijbellezer te prikkelen om opnieuw na te denken over wat er staat en wat er gebeurde. Wat gebeurde er toen Jezus Christus kwam, hier leefde, reisde, mensen ontmoette en van alles deed? De studievragen maken dit boek geschikt voor kringen.
First 75 76 77 78 79 80 8182 83 84 85 86
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