Epistemology category: 1240 books

Cover of Filosofia de Hegel
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 4, 2014

Considero imprescindible partir de que el sistema hegeliano refleja un pensamiento dialéctico, es decir, oposición-síntesis, lo que implica que, este sistema, tenga carácter de apertura.Su sistema parte pues, del cuestionamiento que hace a la tradición filosófica sobre el movimiento de la realidad,...
Cover of Racionalismo Cartesiano
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Renato Descartes parte del sujeto, del mí mismo, y le atribuye la capacidad del conocimiento. Su Cogito, ergo sum (pienso, luego existo) es la suprema síntesis de su racionalismo. Descartes inicia su duda con un razonamiento que le conduce al conocimiento. Esa duda tiene sus requisitos, tiene su...
Cover of Semiosis
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 28, 2012

División de la Semiósis: Semántico: Denotar: término semántico que implica la acción de mostrar la representación gráfica de una persona, animal, objeto o, incluso, de un concepto. Denotación: Debe ser exclusiva, objetiva, explícita y precisa. Hay palabras que son denotativas, representan...
Cover of Episteme Cartesiana
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 18, 2013

El pensamiento idealista cartesiano es reconocido por los historiadores de la filosofía como el puente entre el Renacimiento y la Edad Moderna. El Renacimiento se interesó en la subjetividad del hombre, enfocando la necesidad de su estudio en la búsqueda de sí mismo. Descartes, por su parte, reconoce...
Cover of Saber y Conocer
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 26, 2012

De la misma manera, presentamos la inconmensurabilidad de Thomas Khun, realismo y pluralismo epistemológicos, realismo e inconmensurabilidad de Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz, la perpectiva naturalista de Rudner Richard, fenomenología existencial y gnoseologia de Schutz, filosofía del lenguaje, semiosis,...
Cover of Fenomenologia de Heidegger
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 4, 2014

Heidegger, como Husserl, estuvo influenciado sobre todo por los presocráticos de la filosofía griega, por el filósofo danés Sören Kierkegaard, y por el filósofo alemán Friedrich Nietzsche. En su obra más importante e influyente, Ser y tiempo (1927), Heidegger se preocupó de lo que consideraba...
Cover of Meaning
by Michael Polanyi, Harry Prosch
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2008

Published very shortly before his death in February 1976, Meaning is the culmination of Michael Polanyi's philosophic endeavors. With the assistance of Harry Prosch, Polanyi goes beyond his earlier critique of scientific "objectivity" to investigate meaning as founded upon the imaginative...
Cover of Wittgenstein


A Critique

by J.N. Findlay
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Cover of Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature

Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature

Thirtieth-Anniversary Edition

by Richard Rorty, David Bromwich
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2008

When it first appeared in 1979, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature hit the philosophical world like a bombshell. In it, Richard Rorty argued that, beginning in the seventeenth century, philosophers developed an unhealthy obsession with the notion of representation: comparing the mind to a mirror...
Cover of Familiar Objects and their Shadows
by Crawford L. Elder
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2011

Most contemporary metaphysicians are sceptical about the reality of familiar objects such as dogs and trees, people and desks, cells and stars. They prefer an ontology of the spatially tiny or temporally tiny. Tiny microparticles 'dog-wise arranged' explain the appearance, they say, that there are...
Cover of 'Isms & 'Ologies

'Isms & 'Ologies

All the movements, ideologies and doctrines that have shaped our world

by Arthur Goldwag
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2014

Have you ever wondered about the difference between Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism and which influenced the other? Do you know where Post-modernism stops and Post-structuralism begins? Would you like to? From Platonism to New Historicism, humankind is constantly coming up with fresh schools of...
Cover of Trinity & Mandala: An Essay
by Edward E. Rochon
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2013

The mind operates as a trinity. We speak and listen and monitor the dialog as well. This must be true for all sentient beings and is not subject to refutation. it is plainly so. Consequently, God's mind and man's share this common trait. An analysis of the vision of Ezekiel equates the vision to a...
Cover of Octopus Balls
by Edward E. Rochon
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2013

The essay deals with perception in five chapters. It opens with a brief preface highlighting the basic subject. Chapter 1 deals with problems in physical perception and how these can define our impressions. Chapter 2 deals with promises between others and to ourselves. Intent influences the validity...
Cover of The Norms of Assertion

The Norms of Assertion

Truth, Lies, and Warrant

by R. McKinnon
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2016

When we make claims to each other, we're asserting. But what does it take to assert well? Do we need to know what we're talking about? This book argues that we don't. In fact, it argues that in some special contexts, we can lie.
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