Electronic Commerce category: 2867 books

Cover of Move Fast and Break Things

Move Fast and Break Things

How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy

by Jonathan Taplin
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2017

*The book that started the Techlash* A stinging polemic that traces the destructive monopolization of the Internet by Google, Facebook and Amazon, and that proposes a new future for musicians, journalists, authors and filmmakers in the digital age. Featured in New York Times' Paperback...
Cover of Digital State

Digital State

How the Internet is Changing Everything

by Simon Pont
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2013

What is the Digital State? What is our Digital State of Mind? What does this Digital State mean for brands and for businesses? Big data, new distribution platforms, content collaboration, geo-targeting, crowdsourcing, viral marketing, mobile apps - the technological revolution has transformed...
Cover of The Social Revolution
by Barry Libert
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2013

The rebellion sweeping the Middle East is being powered by people using social media and mobile phones to unite and share their anger to force change. A remarkably similar revolution is beginning to happen to businesses around the world. Act now before it happens to yours.
Cover of Het geheim van bol.com

Het geheim van bol.com

over dromen en doen, pionieren en groeien

by Michel Schaeffer
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 11, 2017

In de bestseller ‘Het geheim van bol.com’ geeft Michel Schaeffer, die vanaf de beginjaren deel uitmaakte van het team, een zeldzaam kijkje achter de schermen van het bedrijf in het tijdperk waarin de wereld de stap naar online maakte. Bol.com is een Nederlands succesverhaal en weet al vele jaren...
Cover of SEO Basics
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

Increase Your Profitability Through Powerful SEO Secrets! Search Engine Optimization Strategy is the Most Effective Means by Which You Can Get More Quality Visitors to Your Website in Order to Successfully Improve Sales and Expand Your Customer Base! Wouldn't you like to rank at the top of...
Cover of 阿里巴巴:物流、電商、雙11,馬雲改變13億人的生活方式
by 鄧肯‧克拉克(Duncan Clark)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 24, 2017

**《經濟學人》2016年度最佳經濟與商業類圖書 《紐約時報》《金融時報》《華爾街日報》《經濟學人》《科克斯書評》好評推薦 首位外籍顧問,眼中的馬雲和阿里巴巴** 鄧肯‧克拉克,1994年來到中國,在北京創立投資顧問公司。阿里巴巴創業早期,他受邀擔任諮詢顧問,貼身取得第一手資料,敘述馬雲的創業歷程、阿里巴巴的崛起,深入訪談相關人士,加上生動的細節和客觀冷靜的分析,通過本書《阿里巴巴:物流、電商、雙11,馬雲改變13億人的生活方式》,帶領讀者一窺阿里巴巴光環背後的真實面貌,艱辛的創業歷程、驚心動魄的商業對壘等故事。這本書的切入角度獨特新穎,為讀者呈現了一個更為立體的阿里巴巴:馬雲用不到20年的時間從默默無聞的英語教師,成為中國屈指可數的商界巨擘,他成功的祕訣在哪裡,創業過程中有哪些問題讓他苦惱不已?從創辦翻譯社到建立中國黃頁,從搭建B2B平台、成立淘寶、打敗eBay再到IPO打破歷史紀錄,阿里巴巴是如何做到的,阿里模式可以複製嗎? 鄧肯在《阿里巴巴》裡描述了: *...
Cover of 從0開始的獲利模式:人人都可成為知名部落客,團購主,youtuber,直播客
by 于為暢
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 3, 2017

「部落客為何可以邊玩邊賺?」「團購主到底怎麼開團並抽成?」「如何靠分享穿搭就贏得商機?」 科技快速淘汰許多工作,如何從網路累積數位資源,建立自己的多元收入通路?本書將以最詳實的步驟告訴你其中的祕密和方法﹗ 靠「分享」賺大錢,創造自己的多元收入﹗ 一本教你如何在零成本、零經驗、零資源的背景下, 卻能跟興趣結合的網路創業書﹗ 網路和科技的崛起,打亂了原本循序漸進的生活及工作節奏﹔新的概念科技可能才剛聽過,沒多久就問世,然後就取代了很多人的工作。我們已無法保證什麼是「鐵飯碗」,沒有什麼工作會是永久的。 在極度競爭、幫別人工作不一定穩當的時代,我們要的是「聚寶盆」的概念,一個利用網路打造自己的聚寶盆年代,本書會拆解這個過程,一步一步帶領你走向「為自己工作」的目標,並且創造出多元化的收入管道﹗ 【本書特色】 .上班族跨界到網路創業並開拓新財源的詳細步驟。 .以「6X5收入表格」導引你創造多元化的收入管道。 .熱搜句型模組協助你提升吸睛度,累積粉絲。 .時下最熱門的網路創作領域和類型介紹。 【聯合推薦】 暢銷作家部落客...
Cover of How to Make Money Online
by Elda Watulo, John Davidson
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2014

Cover of Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned From Google
by Aaron Goldman
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2010

Want Market Share? Google It! “Google is a once-in-a-generation company. Aaron Goldman has written an essential book that goes beyond telling us how Google became so important to explaining why the revolution it’s leading will affect everyone in media and marketing.” —Brian Morrissey,...
Cover of Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost Into Profit
by Joe Pulizzi, Robert Rose
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2017

Killing your current marketing structure may be the only way to save it! Two of the world’s top marketing experts reveal the next level of breakthrough success—transforming your marketing strategy into a standalone profit center. What if everything we currently know about marketing...
Cover of How to Make Money Online: 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet
by John Davidson
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2014

How to Make Money Online - 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet Introduction: Targeted Audience of the Book Anyone Can Make Money Online For Free I've Heard That All the Moneymaking Opportunities Are Scams… Does It Require Any Specific Skills? Do We Have To Build a Website Too? How Could...
Cover of #MY BRAND tweet Book01
by Laura Lowell, Edited by Rajesh Setty
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2011

The idea behind personal branding has taken on a life of its own. The idea that everyone stands for something isn't new. But the fact that you have a way to communicate your unique value to millions of people all at once certainly is. Before jumping in and creating your personal brand, it is vital to...
Cover of Product Launch Case Studies: Engineered Buying Frenzies
by Andrew Seltz
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2013

Every promotion of Jeff Walker's "Product Launch Formula" course begins a whirlwind of discussion about event-style product launches. This report dissects the launch of the Apple iPhone 4 to show the elements of an effective product launch in action. Hollywood is a product...
Cover of Running An Online Business, Ending the Confusion
by rodney cannon
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2013

Want to grow your business? Want to earn more money online? Tried countless self help books, but nothing seems to click. Perhaps what you need is a change in attitude. Perhaps this powerful collection of inspirational peep talks is just what you have been searching for to get your business back on...
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