Depression category: 790 books

Cover of Last Day and Other Poems
by Samuel Ali
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

Last Day is Samuel Ali's second collection of poems examining life working in a museum as a Retail and Admissions Assistant. The poems use personal feelings as a gateway to wider issues of museum life and employment. A particular theme is the gap between our aspirations and our actions. Customer...
Cover of 31 Días para que seas feliz

31 Días para que seas feliz

Conquiste la felicidad cada dia

by Juliano Rodrigues'
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 30, 2015

Cambiar completamente el panorama de tu vida de gris a color es posible. La felicidad existe y estate seguro que tú la puedes conseguir. En este libro descubrirás 31 acciones sencillas que generarán la felicidad en tu vida, y cómo ponerlas en práctica en tu vida...
Cover of Ansiedad


Cómo enfrentar el mal del siglo

by Augusto Cury
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 15, 2018

Niños, jóvenes, adultos, ancianos… Hoy en día, todos nos enfrentamos, en mayor o menor grado, a las trampas del pensamiento ansioso. La sobrecarga de información, la exigencia de realizar varias actividades a la vez y la acumulación de preocupaciones tienen nefastas consecuencias en nuestro...
Cover of From Fakir to 730
by Elena Manzoni
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2015

After seven years, not passed in Tibet, nor with Brad Pitt, but tracing a path of life through impossible talks and many many thoughts, the thirty year old Elly sums up and draws a comic portrait – a bit bitter for her generation, called to choose between a life without color and creativity and...
Cover of Anxiety: How to Relieve Stress, Embrace Positive Thinking, and Overcome Anxiety
by Julia Chandler
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2019

Everyone feels anxious once in a while. Whether you have a major test, a huge work deadline, or a change in your financial or marital status; experiencing anxiety is common. However, when you cannot let go of those nervous or worrisome feelings and they tend to take over your thoughts and your feelings,...
Cover of Finding Your Own Happy

Finding Your Own Happy

The Soul-Searcher's Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life

by Elana Davidson
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2018

Gives conscious soul searchers practical tools and helpful insights to what they have been missing in their struggles to be happy. Empowers those who have struggled mentally and emotionally to recognize their empathic abilities and utilize them beneficially in their lives. Weaves personal...
Cover of Me siento bien
by Jaime Antonio Marizán
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 10, 2014

“Este libro permite que uno recobre el entusiasmo y la alegría de vivir.” (Lector).  “Cuando lees este libro, sientes que hay un camino, sólo tienes que recorrerlo.” (Crítica periodística).  La naturaleza del ser humano es la felicidad, cuando estamos felices todo está...
Cover of Voices In My Head
by Kali Mick
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2018

High school is tough for many people. Friendship, homework, and love all occupy your brain. But for Evelyn, Gavin and Emma, they have an additional challenge; a mental illness. In this short play, the main three characters are double-casted, one actor portraying the character and the other portraying...
Cover of Uit je burnout

Uit je burnout

een 30 dagen programma

by Carien Karsten
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 25, 2012

Burn-out is de beroepsziekte van deze tijd. De voordelige herziene midprice-editie van deze raadgever helpt je om er binnen een maand vanaf te komen. Met achtergrondinformatie, praktijkvoorbeelden, oefeningen en tips biedt Uit je burn-out een effectief stap-voor-stapprogramma dat al duizenden mensen...
Cover of Omgaan met burn-out

Omgaan met burn-out

preventie, behandeling en re-integratie

by Carien Karsten
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 30, 2013

Voorkomen van en reïntegreren na een burn-out. Dertien procent van de werknemers krijgt burn-outklachten. In Omgaan met burn-out geven deskundigen hun visie op de fysieke en psychologische achtergronden van burn-out. Het boek maakt duidelijk dat bepaalde arbeidsomstandigheden ongemerkt tot chronische...
Cover of Dealing With Drugs
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2014

Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Dealing With Drugs! As a parent, you want the best for your kids. That is the reason why when drugs are involved, you should be very careful in discussing everything about drugs especially the risks associated with these. No...
Cover of Sutures of the Mind

Sutures of the Mind

Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness in 30 Days While Rescuing Your Spirit

by Rick Jetter
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Sutures of the Mind provides a major interconnection between how we can use the art of mindfulness as we strengthen our minds and spirit. *Sutures of the Mind is a practical handbook for supporting any type of recovery, tragedy, or tribulation in life. *30 activities that are outlined in each chapter...
Cover of Guérir de la blessure d'abandon
by Nicole PIERRET
Language: French
Release Date: January 25, 2017

- Vous ne pouvez vous fier à votre jugement. - Le quotidien vous dépasse et vous écrase. - Vous évitez les défis. - Vous êtes obsédé(e) à l’idée d’une rupture.  - Vous avez besoin des autres pour vivre. - Vous laissez...
Cover of La dépression

La dépression

Guides d'information

by Christina Bartha, MSS, TSA
Language: French
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Récemment mis à jour, ce guide a été rédigé à l’intention des personnes déprimées, de leur famille et de toute personne désireuse de se familiariser avec la maladie, son traitement et sa gestion. Le guide contient de l’information sur : ce qu’est la dépression et comment en faire...
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