Christian Literature category: 2036 books

Cover of Jesus the Last Great Initiate
by Edouard Schure
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2014

We are beginning to understand that Jesus, at the very height of his consciousness, the transfigured Christ, is opening his loving arms to his brothers, the other Messiahs who preceded him, beams of the Living Word as he was, that he is opening them wide to Science in its entirety, Art in its divinity,...
Cover of The Christ of Today

The Christ of Today

What? Whence? Whither?

by G. Campbell Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

THE Christian religion is preeminently the religion of a Person. Other religious systems have had their origin in the thought and teaching of persons, but in process of time have become independent of them. Christianity has never become, nor can it become, independent of the Person of Jesus the Christ....
Cover of Tu milagro en 57 dias

Tu milagro en 57 dias

Pasos inspirados por la Biblia para obtener tu milagro

by Angel Suarez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 21, 2015

Este libro te va a dar las armas poderosas para que tus oraciones y peticiones a Dios sean escuchadas y sean cumplidas, recuerda que lo que se cierra en el cielo se cierra en la tierra y lo que se abre en el cielo, se abre en la tierra. Comienza esta jornada y ya esos milagros y peticiones del futuro...
Cover of Vida en Él

Vida en Él

Marzo 2018

by Editorial Vida a las Naciones, Gabriela Tijerina
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 25, 2018

Vida en Él es un comentario bíblico devocional diario para la Iglesia de nuestro tiempo y en nuestro idioma. Acompañando al creyente en su comunión con Dios diariamente a través de meditaciones bíblicas que le ayudarán a entender la Vida en Él. Fortaleciendo de esta manera  su madurez en Cristo.
Cover of Traité de la vie spirituelle
by Vincent Ferrier
Language: French
Release Date: February 28, 2013

Vincent Ferrer, OP, (Valence: Saint Vincent Ferrer, IPA: [sam visɛm fereɾ]) (23 Janvier 1350 au 5 Avril 1419) était un moine dominicain valencien, qui a acquis une renommée en tant que missionnaire et un logicien. Il est honoré comme un saint de l'Église catholique....
Cover of Il buon uso del denaro. Il tesoro di Tobi
by Ambrogio di Milano
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2016

In tempi di ricchi sempre più ricchi e poveri sempre più poveri, di crisi economica e di parallela corsa al lusso e al superfluo, arriva, dai tempi antichi, una lezione per i tempi moderni.Ispirandosi alla storia biblica di Tobi, il pio ebreo che prestò denaro senza esigere garanzie, Ambrogio condanna...
Cover of El Poder

El Poder

Cristianismo y hombre actual

by Romnao Guardini
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 9, 2018

Romano Guardini nació en Verona, Italia; 17 de febrero de 1885 y falleció en Múnich-Alemania, el 1 de octubre de 1968. Fue un sacerdote católico, pensador, escritor y académico. Con fecunda activiad intelectual, Guardini desarrolló sus estudios y su trabajo académico en Alemania donde vivió...
Cover of Manoscritto del purgatorio
by Maria della Croce
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 22, 2013

La vita di Suor Maria della Croce è legata a dei fatti straordinari, che ebbero una ripercussione notevole sul suo cammino spirituale: parlò con una consorella defunta dal novembre del 1873 al novembre del 1890. nel 1871 per il diffondersi di una terribile epidemia morirono diverse...
Cover of Gegen die Häresien
by Irenäus von Lyon
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2013

Der Autor ist Irenäus von Lyon (altgriechisch Εἰρηναῖος ὁ Σμυρναῖος, „Irenäus aus Smyrna/ der Smyrner“; * um 135; † 202), ein Kirchenvater, war Bischof in Lugdunum in Gallien (heute Lyon/Frankreich). Er wird als Heiliger verehrt und gilt als einer der bedeutendsten...
Cover of Leben des heiligen Antonius (Vita Antonii)
by Athanasius
Language: German
Release Date: January 2, 2013

Die Vita Antonii (abgekürzt: VA) ist eine hagiographische Schrift über das Leben des Wüstenvaters Antonius, die von Athanasios, Bischof von Alexandrien, ca. 360 verfasst wurde. Antonius, ein ungebildeter ägyptischer Bauer aus wohlhabender, christlicher Familie stammend wird als...
Cover of Transformai-vos


Em busca da verdadeira renovação

by Lucas Pedro
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 20, 2015

Transformai-vos  Em busca da verdadeira renovação  Saiba: Cabe ao cristão pós-moderno o desafio de buscar, pesquisar e inserir em sua mente, a verdadeira fé cristã.  Sinta: O relacionamento com o Espírito Santo constrói...
Cover of Literature


A Student's Guide

by Louis Markos
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2012

Enjoying poetry and novels can seem irrelevant and out of touch in a world of texting, tweeting, and blogging. But even in this technological age literature matters. Seasoned professor Louis Markos invites us into the great literary conversation that has been taking place throughout the ages...
Cover of Catholicism and American Borders in the Gothic Literary Imagination
by Farrell O'Gorman
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

In Catholicism and American Borders in the Gothic Literary Imagination, Farrell O'Gorman presents the first study of the recurrent role of Catholicism in a Gothic tradition that is essential to the literature of the United States. In this tradition, Catholicism is depicted as threatening to break...
Cover of After Identity

After Identity

Mennonite Writing in North America

Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2015

For decades, the field of Mennonite literature has been dominated by the question of Mennonite identity. After Identity interrogates this prolonged preoccupation and explores the potential to move beyond it to a truly post-identity Mennonite literature. The twelve essays collected here view...
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