Business Reference category: 24686 books

Cover of Master the Basics

Master the Basics

8 Key Principles to Growing a Successful Business

by Dean Williams
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

“The book flawlessly delivers the principles and practicalities that will set you up for an inevitably successful life in business. Many of the processes, practices, tools and systems that Dean presents are not only top of the range, but also easy to use and … honestly … took me years of being...
Cover of The COR/COTR Answer Book
by Bob Boyd
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2012

The Classic COR/COTR Reference Updated! Incorporating the most important changes to regulations affecting federal acquisition, this third edition of The COR/COTR Answer Book remains the “go to” reference for CORs, COs, and other acquisition professionals. Included in this third edition are: •...
Cover of Business Ethics
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2019

The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate governance and others. Each...
Cover of The ABA Compliance Officer's Deskbook
by T. Markus Funk, Andrew S. Boutros
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2018

The ABA Compliance Officer Desk Book is a user-friendly, practical, and real-world focused desk book written for today's compliance professional. Whether working in a big or small, private or public, established or rapidly growing organization, the Book's aim is to empower compliance professionals...
Cover of The Next Phase of Business Ethics

The Next Phase of Business Ethics

Celebrating 20 Years of REIO

Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2019

The role of organizations in society, the international and multidisciplinary scope of business ethics, and the importance of narrative were concerns that were raised in early volumes of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO). That these topics remain of interest is perhaps sobering, and...
Cover of Comunicare il sindacato
by Patrizio Paolinelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2017

Comunicare il sindacato costituisce la più completa cassetta d'attrezzi disponibile nel panorama editoriale italiano. Una guida che costituisce un indispensabile strumento a disposizione del sindacalista al fine di integrare le capacità acquisite sul campo con una serie di consigli pratici su come...
Cover of Scrittura Professionale. Guida Pratica per Migliorare le tue Capacità di Scrittura in Azienda e nel Lavoro. (Ebbok Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Michela Alessandroni
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Scrittura Professionale Guida Pratica per Migliorare le tue Capacità di Scrittura in Azienda e nel Lavoro COME COMUNICARE ATTRAVERSO LA SCRITTURA Cos'è la comunicazione scritta e come è utilizzata in ambito lavorativo. Quali sono i protagonisti della comunicazione scritta e...
Cover of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Verbindliche Standards des Wettbewerbsrechts?

Language: German
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Im Zuge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise wird verstärkt diskutiert, welcher Mechanismen es bedarf, um die Interessen aller Marktteilnehmer im Wirtschaftsleben zu wahren. Große Bedeutung gewonnen hat dabei der Aspekt der „business ethics“. So richten immer mehr Unternehmen sog. Compliance-Abteilungen...
Cover of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

Ecosystems for Inclusion in Europe

Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2018

This book provides comprehensive and advanced analysis of the characteristics of social entrepreneurship in Europe. It offers innovative, up-todate research on the ecosystems of social entrepreneurship, the behavior of social entrepreneurs, their ability to produce social innovation, social capital...
Cover of The miracle of writing

The miracle of writing

Boost your writing, improve your productivity, create your action plan

by Nicolas Forgue
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

You want to write about anything and everything but you do not know how to do it, you want to write but you have a lot of brakes that prevents you from carrying out writing projects. You think that writing is only for experts and professionals. You write but do not have productivity and never reach...
Cover of La convention

La convention

Come organizzare l'evento dell'anno

by Alessandra Piraino
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 20, 2014

Tempo fa qualcuno parlò della repubblica degli stagisti, perché di stage si viene sfruttati senza nessuna prospettiva e senza nessuna opportunità. Noi raccontiamo invece una storia di un bello stage, di uno stage intenso, affascinante, che ha portato la nostra autrice a far parte dell'ufficio comunicazione...
Cover of Vado a vivere a Miami

Vado a vivere a Miami

Guida pratica per chi sogna di andare a vivere in Florida

by Mary Marchesano
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 18, 2014

La città di Miami è diventata negli ultimi anni meta ambita non solo per i turisti di tutto il mondo ma anche per chi sempre più spesso decide di cambiare vita, in meglio! Complici il clima tropicale, le bellissime spiagge ed un regime fiscale favorevole, sono tantissimi gli Italiani che ogni anno...
Cover of Profitable Publishing Today

Profitable Publishing Today

Start Earning Money as an Author Without Quitting Your Day Job

by Kim Staflund
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2019

The best way to build a profitable book publishing business is to start writing on part-time basis. Keep the security of your regular full-time job to ensure a steady flow of income while you write. That will ensure your peace of mind along the way. Only when your monthly writing profits match your...
Cover of Come gestire un blog, Come far soldi con un blog.
by Richard G Lowe Jr
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2016

C'è un’arte nello scrivere un articolo che ha la proprietà di invogliare il lettore ad agire. Questo è il filo conduttore del libro che state leggendo sul vostro Kindle proprio ora. Qui, imparerete come si crea un articolo che ottenga l'interesse del lettore, lo affascini, lo informi e lo spinga...
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