Breakfast category: 552 books

Cover of Panadería y repostería artesanales
by María Nuñez Quesada
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Este libro es un completo muestrario de deliciosas recetas de una gran variedad de panes, facturas y otras exquisiteces que se pueden elaborar fácilmente en nuestra casa. Desde la tradicional baguette al pan árabe, desde las clásicas medialunas de grasa y de manteca hasta vigilantes, tortitas negras,...
Cover of Giada at Home

Giada at Home

Family Recipes from Italy and California: A Cookbook

by Giada De Laurentiis
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2010

Since her debut on Food Network in 2002 with the hit program Everyday Italian, Giada De Laurentiis has been enticing Americans with her updated twists on Italian favorites. Her dedication to ease, healthfulness, and—above all else—flavor have won her a permanent place in the hearts of home cooks....
Cover of El mundo de la panadería
by Mónica Ponttiroli
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

En este libro se ofrecen recetas de todo tipo de panes, pero como el mundo de la panadería es infinito, también se explica detalladamente como preparar algunas de nuestras exquisiteces autóctonas: facturas, cremonas y grisines.
Cover of Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone

Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone

Recipes to Put You in My Favorite Mood

by Curtis Stone
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2010

“For me, there are few things that are more relaxing than lingering at the table with good friends . . . But I know that for a lot of people, putting together a meal, especially for guests, is the opposite of relaxing . . . I’m here to tell you: It doesn’t have to be that way.” —from...
Cover of Paleo Diet Recipes - Amazingly Delicious Paleo Diet Recipes for Weight Loss
by Sara Banks
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2018

ARE YOU READY TO EXPERIENCE THE WEIGHT LOSS BENEFITS OF THE HOTTEST DIET OUT ON THE MARKET TODAY? If you want to shed excess weight and fat and want to feel absolutely amazing then the Paleo Diet is for you!. The Paleo Diet provides many amazing health benefits for your body including more energy,...
Cover of Repostería Clásica
by Nuñez Quesada, Maria
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Cuando hablamos de repostería clásica aludimos a aquellas delicias dulces que tantas abuelas nos enseñaron a degustar. Esas recetas trascendieron los años y en la actualidad siguen gozando de la predilección de todos los golosos. Este libro es un excelente muestrario de la tarea sencilla que...
Cover of Paleo


A Complete Step-By-Step Beginners Guide

by Lisa Miller
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2015

This book gives a step-by-step guide on how to follow the “Paleo” Diet. This lifestyle that is gaining popularity is based on the theory that humans have not biologically adapted to eat grains, dairy, or processed foods. This guide breaks down and explains what to eat, what not to eat, and why,...
Cover of Bread recipes : A bread machine recipes cookbook for bread maker
by Bread recipes
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2013

Bread recipes : A bread machine recipes cookbook for bread maker, The recipe or formula in the world has a lot of bread recipes. In this a bread machine recipes cookbook for bread maker is one collection techniques in bread recipes, bread machine recipes for bread maker. How to make very simple, You...
Cover of Italy: Charming Small Hotel Guides

Italy: Charming Small Hotel Guides

Chic, stylish city hotels, magical rural retreats, cosiest mountain lodges, to-die-for seaside escapes & other places to stay

Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2013

Travel guides are perfect for ebook readers because they're light and portable. Charming Small Hotel Guides are the only accommodation guides that combine these five essential qualities: places with character and charm, from budget to luxury; highly selective - every place worth a journey; fussy about...
Cover of France: Charming Small Hotel Guides

France: Charming Small Hotel Guides

Stylish city hotels, captivating country hotels, auberges and other places to stay

by Fiona Duncan
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2010

Travel guides are perfect for ebook readers because they're light and portable. Charming Small Hotel Guides are the only accommodation guides that combine these five essential qualities: places with character and charm, from budget to luxury; highly selective - every place worth a journey; fussy about...
Cover of Taking Time for Tea

Taking Time for Tea

15 Seasonal Tea Parties to Soothe the Soul and Celebrate the Spirit

by Diana Rosen
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Take some time to appreciate the important things in life: friends, family, and tea! Diana Rosen shares fabulous suggestions for relaxing and celebrating over a specially selected cup of tea. Discover how tea can bring people closer together and brighten any event, including family reunions, after-school...
Cover of An Italian Village: a perspective on life beside Lake Como (Italian Trilogy Series Volume Two)
by Paul Wright
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2018

"An insightful and often funny depiction of Italian Life” Hannah McIntyre, The Italian Insider Magazine In this, the follow up to his successful debut book, ‘An Italian Home’, artist Paul Wright describes Italian village life and his regular dialogue with a group of retired men who...
Cover of 百年早餐史:現代人最重要的晨間革命,可可、咖啡與糖霜編織而成的芬芳記憶
by 克里斯穹‧葛塔魯
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 18, 2018

從吃早餐的小歷史,到飲食文化塑造現代文明的大歷史 就讓世界甦醒的味道──早餐!縈繞百年的文化美味,喚醒精氣神,滿足文化之欲 法國聖迪耶國際地理節獎、2008年聖德尼獎得主克里斯穹‧葛塔魯提醒我們:每天吃的早餐,早已累積了百年各國文化精萃! 俗話說得好:「一日之計在於晨。」一天當中最重要的一餐,就是早餐了。不僅滿足口腹之欲,還是一日美好的開端。 早餐可簡單、可複雜、可華麗、可樸實,端視享用之人的喜好與需求。多數饕客在乎的是早餐好不好吃、去哪裡買、怎麼做?意在滿足填飽肚腹的物質需求,但你可曾想過,今日我們桌上的一份早餐,是積累了百年、來自各國的文化精華。 早餐其實顛覆了飲食史,擁有開創嶄新世界的力量,在短短幾百年間橫掃了歐亞大陸,成為許多人一早的精緻享受。特別在歐洲,早餐的形成與航海時代商船貿易的發達息息相關,成了展示外貿成果與新潮食品的最好舞台,其食材的演變與人們重視它的程度,在在顯示它跨越了物的界線,漸漸轉化為一種文化現象,且是令人驚異的跨文化融合。 當你坐在路邊早餐店的一角,享用著咖啡、火腿蛋土司與沙拉,享用著一天之始的明媚時,不妨想想:咖啡是怎麼傳進來的?土司是什麼時候開始占據我們的餐桌?沙拉又怎麼會成為健康的代表食品?就會發現,一張小小餐桌上的食物就像聯合國,而你正站在歷史的發展洪流中,帶著新文化向前邁進。 在《百年早餐史:現代人最重要的晨間革命,可可、咖啡與糖霜編織而成的芬芳記憶》一書裡,作者克里斯穹‧葛塔魯除了直向梳理早餐演變的歷史,還縱向包攬了地域發展、產業、運輸等的演進,以地理學家的獨到眼光,帶領我們看各個異域間的交流如何轉變固有的習慣,而這些習慣又如何內化,逐漸成為生活不可分割的文化。 「每個人都知道天天吃的早餐,因為太過熟悉了,以至於沒想過該去深入了解它長達三世紀的歷史!」 一旦明白了其中奧妙,早晨的餐桌就是精采又多元的文化共和國。每一種組合都是創新,每一次入口都是顛覆。 ※...
Cover of Delaplaine’s 2013 Long Weekend Guide to Sonoma County
by Andrew Delaplaine
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2012

Everything you need to know when you only have a Long Weekend in the Sonoma Wine Country. + Lodgings + Restaurants + Attractions + Selected wineries + Other attractions 
First 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 Last
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