123S category: 4999 books

Cover of I can do all kinds of things.
by Elden Friesen
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2019

Excavator is more than a machine with a bucket. He has a tool for every kind of job and is eager to tell you all about it. I can do all kinds of things is full of engaging questions and boisterous rythmic sounds wich make the Vroom, Vroom, Beep, Beep books so popular.
Cover of Das Archiv I

Das Archiv I

Die Rettung Des Trollreichs

by Timo Bächle
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2015. Eine bisher unbedeutende Person, namens T.J. Little-River Jr., wird an einem Bahnhof von einem fremden Mann angesprochen. Dieser erzählt ihm eine wundersame Geschichte über ein Trollreich, das kurz vor einem Krieg steht. Ein Krieg gegen die finsteren Mächte der Unheiligen....
Cover of ABeCedarios


Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish

by Cynthia Weill, Moisés Jiménez, Armando Jiménez
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Every ABC book worth its cover price is bound to have bright colors and big letters. But not every ABC book has magical hand-carved animals to illustrate every letter. And very few alphabet books present those letters in more varieties than English! Very few alphabet books except the ABeCedarios,...
Cover of Toda clase de sonidos
by Helen Gregory
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 26, 2018

Sounds are all around us. They can be loud or soft. Read more to find out about All Kinds of Sounds.
Cover of Edwin w Królestwie Abunlandii
by Piotr Giec
Language: Polish
Release Date: August 11, 2016

Witaj!Mam na imię Edwiń i uwielbiam podróże. Pewnego dnia podczas jednej z wycieczek spotkałem sędziwego starca, który opowiedział mi legendę o niewielkim, lecz bardzo bogatym królestwie zwanym Abunlandia. Jeśli sądzisz, że była to kolejna bajka o tym jak przystojny królewicz...
Cover of Changing Weather
by Sharon Coan
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2017

Weather changes from day to day. Through vibrant photographs, this wordless e-book depicts the many ways in which weather changes. Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, this e-book focuses on Earth's systems, specifically the weather. Students will be excited to learn about the changes...
Cover of Despierta Rut, despierta
by Carmen Gómez Ojea
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Novela de relaciones juveniles a los 15 años – amigas, amigos, grupos indisolubles, noviazgos, fidelidades y celos -, truncadas por un acto de máxima violencia, vinculado a los movimientos xenófobos paramilitares, que le permite a la autora, Carmen Gómez Ojea, citar esta frase de Goethe: ''Quien...
Cover of Triplet Tales

Triplet Tales

A Celebration of the Arrival of Triplets

by Hazel Cushion
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2012

They say the best things come in three and so they did for Hazel Cushion, author of Triplet Tales. Having struggled for some time with infertility het triplets were the result of her first attempt at IVF. Share in the celebration of their arrival with this light-hearted book has been delightfully...
Cover of Charlotte und die Internet-Feen: Betty, the Baking Fairy
by Christiane Williams
Language: German
Release Date: March 5, 2012

Das vorliegende EBuch der Serie „Charlotte und die Internet-Feen“ ermöglicht Kindern im Grundschulalter einen spielerischen Zugang zur englischen Sprache. Im Gegensatz zu anderen „First English“-Büchern auf dem Markt, werden die englischen Sätze hier nicht Wort-für-Wort übersetzt, sondern...
Cover of Nino non aver paura
by Tonino Scala
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 26, 2018

Nino sta per tirare un calcio di rigore...segnerà? Lo abbiamo fatto scrivere ai ragazzi del Secondo Circolo di Pompei che hanno dato libero sfogo alla fantasia per ideare i finali più divertenti ed originali, ma soprattutto per raccontare se stessi, le proprie paure, i propri desideri.Non è fontamentale...
Cover of Oepse daisy, Lulu
by Fanie Viljoen
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2016

lulu droom daarvan om 'n modeontwerper te word, nes haar ma en pa. daarom is sy sommer baie in haar noppies toe tannie tula-belle haar vra om 'n rok vir die operakonsert te ontwerp. maar dit lyk of tannie tula-belle haar moeilikste klient gaan wees ...
Cover of Dragons and Bunnies
by Bryson Reaume
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2016

Do you know that dragon? Do you know that bunny? In Dragons and Bunnies, we meet two animals who could not be less alike. Though they do not look or act the same, they find a way to see past their differences and share exciting adventures together. Join them as they learn that a dragon and a bunny can, in fact, be great friends!
Cover of Canada in Words
by Per-Henrik Gurth
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Prairies, toque, schooner, inukshuk — certain words perfectly evoke Canada! These and twenty-six other symbols of Canadiana are cheerfully depicted in Per-Henrik Gürth’s signature artwork, making Canada in Words the perfect introduction to this diverse and beautiful country.
Cover of Edmond et ses amis, l'esprit de la forêt - Dès 3 ans
by Astrid Desbordes
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2018

Une nouvelle aventure de la bande d'Edmond ! L'histoire : Dans la clairière, Jack le chat construit sa nouvelle maison " cubique et technologique ! " Mais Jack a coupé le vieux saule pour laisser place à sa maison : " Fini les vieilleries ! Soyons modernes ! " " C'est contraire...
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