Surveys category: 1940 books

Cover of British Idealism and the Concept of the Self
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2016

This book reassesses the origins, development and legacy of the philosophy of the British idealists, demonstrating the enduring relevance of their thought for the modern discipline. This body of work coheres around the single unifying theme of the self – a concept of central importance to the idealist...
Cover of Cogito?


Descartes and Thinking the World

by Joseph Almog
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2008

Decartes' maxim Cogito, Ergo Sum (from his Meditations) is perhaps the most famous philosophical expression ever coined. Joseph Almog is a Descartes analyst whose last book WHAT AM I? focused on the second half of this expression, Sum--who is the "I" who is existing-and-thinking and how does this...
Cover of Scientism: The New Orthodoxy
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

Scientism: The New Orthodoxy is a comprehensive philosophical overview of the question of scientism, discussing the role and place of science in the humanities, religion, and the social sciences. Clarifying and defining the key terms in play in discussions of scientism, this collection identifies...
Cover of Gesammelte Werke: Philosophische Schriften + Kulturgeschichtliche Werke + Romane + Erzählungen + Autobiografie

Gesammelte Werke: Philosophische Schriften + Kulturgeschichtliche Werke + Romane + Erzählungen + Autobiografie

34 Titel in einem Buch: Der letzte Tod des Gautama Buddha + Aus dem Märchenbuch der Wahrheit + Wörterbuch der Philosophie + Hypatia + Der neue Ahasver + Kritik der Sprache + Der Atheismus + Spinoza

by Fritz Mauthner
Language: German
Release Date: January 19, 2015

Dieses eBook: "Gesammelte Werke: Philosophische Schriften + Kulturgeschichtliche Werke + Romane + Erzählungen + Autobiografie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Fritz Mauthner (1849-1923) war ein deutschsprachiger...
Cover of Is Philosophy Androcentric?
by Iddo Landau
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2006

In Is Philosophy Androcentric?, Iddo Landau contends that none of the arguments for viewing philosophy as pervasively androcentric ultimately stand up to rational scrutiny, while the ones that show it to be nonpervasively androcentric do not undermine it in the way that many critics have supposed....
Cover of Dialectical Readings

Dialectical Readings

Three Types of Interpretations

by Stephen N. Dunning
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 1997

Interpretation pervades human thinking. Whether perception or experience, spoken word or written theory, whatever enters our consciousness must be interpreted in order to be understood. Every area of inquiry—art and literature, philosophy and religion, history and the social sciences, even many...
Cover of Perché facciamo del male
by Pino Perriello
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 27, 2014

Come nasce il male? Cosa lega il male alla paura? Quando ha cominciato il male a imitare il bene? Perché il libero arbitrio non ci protegge dal male? Come fanno maschere e menzogne a servire il male? Da queste domande parte un’indagine appassionata alla ricerca delle radici del male, del primo...
Cover of Socrate in giardino

Socrate in giardino

Passeggiate filosofiche tra gli alberi

by Andrée Bella
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 29, 2014

La filosofia come cura di sé, come esercizio per vivere meglio, per trasformare se stessi e i luoghi in cui viviamo, che sono parte di noi: dunque non una filosofia speculativa, astratta e lontana, ma la ricerca di una saggezza e di una felicità immanente. Andrée Bella parla proprio di questo ma...
Cover of Herder's Philosophy
by Michael N. Forster
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2018

Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) is a towering figure in modern thought, but one who has hitherto been severely underappreciated. Michael Forster seeks to rectify that situation He considers Herder's philosophy in the round and argues that it is both far more impressive in quality and far more...
Cover of Nature and the Artificial

Nature and the Artificial

Aristotelian Reflections on the Operative Imperative

by Edward Engelmann
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2017

For years now much attention has been given to the phenomenon of the artificial. Speculation regarding “what is real?” abounds in the sciences, literature, as well as films and other visual arts. This work presents the first critical, sustained, philosophical study on this topic. Nature and the...
Cover of Hume's Presence in The Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
by Robert J. Fogelin
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2017

Why did David Hume feel so deeply about publishing The Dialouges Concerning Natural Religion that he set aside funds in his will providing for its posthumous publication? Part of the answer is that it provided a literary, satirical work responding to his mean-spirited theological critics. In Hume's...
Cover of Bishop Joseph Butler and Wang Yangming

Bishop Joseph Butler and Wang Yangming

A Comparative Study of Their Moral Vision and View of Conscience

by Peter T.C. Chang
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2014

This book is a comparative study of the Anglican Bishop Joseph Butler’s and Neo-Confucianist Wang Yangming’s ethical enterprise. It first analyses, within their respective historical context, the two thinkers’ overarching worldviews and their seminal conception of conscience / liang-chih as...
Cover of Historia de un biblioteca

Historia de un biblioteca

De Platón a Nietzsche

by Tomás Abraham
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 1, 2011

Abraham nos permite seguir el curso de la filosofía occidental y encontrar los nudos de su articulación en los lugares menos pensados. Este libro evoca una historia personal y construye un programa irresistible y exclusivo. Las respuestas habituales se borran, abolidas por un rigor asistemático...
Cover of ¿Quiénes somos 'nosotros'?

¿Quiénes somos 'nosotros'?

O cómo (no) hablar en primera persona del plural

Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Con excepciones notables, el uso de la primera persona del plural es prácticamente inexistente en filosofía. Traspasar el umbral del yo para asumir el nosotros genera sospechas éticas y está expuesto a diversas precauciones lógicas y argumentos escépticos, además de la objeción fundamental...
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