In the grand tradition of third installments in horror franchises, this has nothing to do with the first two books! A gaggle of teens want to raise hell in their quiet town on the night before Halloween. So they find a box of cheap masks collecting dust in a thrift store. As they descend upon the big party after smashing pumpkins and windows, they soon discover that the masks take on a life of their own. Another blood-soaked riff on horror sure to delight and disgust!
In the grand tradition of third installments in horror franchises, this has nothing to do with the first two books! A gaggle of teens want to raise hell in their quiet town on the night before Halloween. So they find a box of cheap masks collecting dust in a thrift store. As they descend upon the big party after smashing pumpkins and windows, they soon discover that the masks take on a life of their own. Another blood-soaked riff on horror sure to delight and disgust!