This intricate action, thriller novel takes place in a futuristic United States. Foreign start ups and workers are outlawed; the protagonists Victor, Mario and Kira employ an ingenious cover to circumvent the law, a floating casino-resort called Blueseed, located in International waters off the coast of California. However, they are soon in peril because of the powerful United States Immigration and Business (I & B) department, headed by Maurice, a religious fanatic who is hell-bent on transforming America into a fascist country. Acting on behalf of the US President and his policies, Maurice joins a major UN coalition to advance his agenda but unknown to him they have their own agenda. He orders repeated militia attacks on the Blueseed Prodigy partners (across the United States and into Canada) who threaten his vision. As the stakes become higher and more dangerous, the protagonists enlist other allies including Lawrence, the CEO of the private Space Agency, Alpha Centura. The Blueseed Prodigy battle on two fronts: to enlist support to foil the UN conspiracy, and to defend against the assaults on their lives. Our protagonists are outnumbered! Can they succeed? The fate of the Free World is at stake!
This intricate action, thriller novel takes place in a futuristic United States. Foreign start ups and workers are outlawed; the protagonists Victor, Mario and Kira employ an ingenious cover to circumvent the law, a floating casino-resort called Blueseed, located in International waters off the coast of California. However, they are soon in peril because of the powerful United States Immigration and Business (I & B) department, headed by Maurice, a religious fanatic who is hell-bent on transforming America into a fascist country. Acting on behalf of the US President and his policies, Maurice joins a major UN coalition to advance his agenda but unknown to him they have their own agenda. He orders repeated militia attacks on the Blueseed Prodigy partners (across the United States and into Canada) who threaten his vision. As the stakes become higher and more dangerous, the protagonists enlist other allies including Lawrence, the CEO of the private Space Agency, Alpha Centura. The Blueseed Prodigy battle on two fronts: to enlist support to foil the UN conspiracy, and to defend against the assaults on their lives. Our protagonists are outnumbered! Can they succeed? The fate of the Free World is at stake!