Blooming at Midnight is a collection of short stories that revolve around the sacred shores of Banaras. In this world, where people are in a constant race for supremacy, power, dominance and control, this book brings forth a savoring notion about happiness. Through the book, the author underlines a golden thought, “Happiness is you.” Anything and everything else are mere factors of how much you allow for it. An auto driver, Rajkumar; a domestic help, Shei; a boatman, Vijay; a drunken artist, Banu Desai; a social activist Babu Da; a missing friend Chandra are not mere characters that appear across the fifteen chapters, but are a part of experiences that help break the silence of ignorance.
Blooming at Midnight is a collection of short stories that revolve around the sacred shores of Banaras. In this world, where people are in a constant race for supremacy, power, dominance and control, this book brings forth a savoring notion about happiness. Through the book, the author underlines a golden thought, “Happiness is you.” Anything and everything else are mere factors of how much you allow for it. An auto driver, Rajkumar; a domestic help, Shei; a boatman, Vijay; a drunken artist, Banu Desai; a social activist Babu Da; a missing friend Chandra are not mere characters that appear across the fifteen chapters, but are a part of experiences that help break the silence of ignorance.