Bad Moon Rising: Sometimes Revenge Is Sweet is the sequel to Set in Port Melbourne, Australia in the 1960s, it is the engaging story of the flamboyant Kellie Earl, her handsome and artistic brother Billy, and their glamorous and enigmatic Russian mother, Jana Zirakov. When Jana first arrived in Australia, she was pregnant with Kellie and Billy was two years old. Jana hopes to put the horrors of her past behind her and start a new life, but is bitterly disappointed. Years later, Jana unwisely brings unsavory boyfriends into their home and Kellie is raped. Kellie ends up killing the man.At twenty-eight, Kellie becomes a rich widow. However, she cannot forget her suspicions surrounding Billy's tragic death at seventeen. She moves to Sydney where she writes popular novels using the nom de plume B.M. Rising, for “Bad Moon Rising,” Billy's favorite song.Nothing alleviates the pain over losing her brother or can lessen the hatred of her rapist. She is also troubled by the secrets Jana keeps about Russia. poses the questions: Is murder ever justified, and are killers born or created? Although the characters are fictional, events are based on real stories.“Fantastic. I couldn't put down! It's an intriguing novel, very cleverly written.” Robert Bailey, former editor with the Commonwealth Government“Brilliant work. You are a literary genius!!!” Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, director, MonashAlfred Psychiatry Research Centre
Bad Moon Rising: Sometimes Revenge Is Sweet is the sequel to Set in Port Melbourne, Australia in the 1960s, it is the engaging story of the flamboyant Kellie Earl, her handsome and artistic brother Billy, and their glamorous and enigmatic Russian mother, Jana Zirakov. When Jana first arrived in Australia, she was pregnant with Kellie and Billy was two years old. Jana hopes to put the horrors of her past behind her and start a new life, but is bitterly disappointed. Years later, Jana unwisely brings unsavory boyfriends into their home and Kellie is raped. Kellie ends up killing the man.At twenty-eight, Kellie becomes a rich widow. However, she cannot forget her suspicions surrounding Billy's tragic death at seventeen. She moves to Sydney where she writes popular novels using the nom de plume B.M. Rising, for “Bad Moon Rising,” Billy's favorite song.Nothing alleviates the pain over losing her brother or can lessen the hatred of her rapist. She is also troubled by the secrets Jana keeps about Russia. poses the questions: Is murder ever justified, and are killers born or created? Although the characters are fictional, events are based on real stories.“Fantastic. I couldn't put down! It's an intriguing novel, very cleverly written.” Robert Bailey, former editor with the Commonwealth Government“Brilliant work. You are a literary genius!!!” Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, director, MonashAlfred Psychiatry Research Centre