Ayurveda, Natures Medicine contains a full description of Ayurveda on all levels from diet and herbs to yoga and meditation, explaining both Ayurvedic diagnostic and treatment methods. It covers all the material found in two-year Ayurvedic programs in India for foreign students. Notably it explains key Ayurvedic life-style recommendations for diet, exercise and sexuality, outlining daily and seasonal regimens for optimal health and vitality. The book is an important addition to any Ayurvedic library and excellent reading for anyone interested in the eastern roots of mind-body medicine.
Ayurveda, Natures Medicine contains a full description of Ayurveda on all levels from diet and herbs to yoga and meditation, explaining both Ayurvedic diagnostic and treatment methods. It covers all the material found in two-year Ayurvedic programs in India for foreign students. Notably it explains key Ayurvedic life-style recommendations for diet, exercise and sexuality, outlining daily and seasonal regimens for optimal health and vitality. The book is an important addition to any Ayurvedic library and excellent reading for anyone interested in the eastern roots of mind-body medicine.