It is the 1960's; The Detective is on State Police assignment. Jack Maybee, a husky thirty year old Trooper who worked out of the State Capitol building for only two people, the State Police Chief and the Governor of the State. Jack Maybee, a street wise, police wise, State Trooper with only two years on the force and little background in investigation, but he knew how to operate on both sides of the street. After leaving High school and before becoming a State Trooper, Jack had worked as a Farmer, Forest Fire Fighter, Railroad laborer, Coalminer, and a Merchant Marine on a Inland waterways Towboat as a licensed Tankerman. Jack had two big draw backs, he was not afraid of anyone or anything, including the Chief, the Governor or those in Central Command that resented him.
It is the 1960's; The Detective is on State Police assignment. Jack Maybee, a husky thirty year old Trooper who worked out of the State Capitol building for only two people, the State Police Chief and the Governor of the State. Jack Maybee, a street wise, police wise, State Trooper with only two years on the force and little background in investigation, but he knew how to operate on both sides of the street. After leaving High school and before becoming a State Trooper, Jack had worked as a Farmer, Forest Fire Fighter, Railroad laborer, Coalminer, and a Merchant Marine on a Inland waterways Towboat as a licensed Tankerman. Jack had two big draw backs, he was not afraid of anyone or anything, including the Chief, the Governor or those in Central Command that resented him.