Asian Stained is a short story collection that deals with the Vietnam Era. It is a sequel to Napalm's Embrace. Of the fifteen stories, the first seven are set in Vietnam; the next eight take place back here, on the home front. The emphasis of the book is on the home front stories. They deal with the affects on veteran's who fought in the war and the direct impact on families who had sons serving in that war. Towards the end, the stories become shorter and shorter, depicting the downward arc of Vietnam into history. In the Epilogue, the 'Silver Star' sonnet stands as a tombstone to that most decisive war our country has ever fought.
Asian Stained is a short story collection that deals with the Vietnam Era. It is a sequel to Napalm's Embrace. Of the fifteen stories, the first seven are set in Vietnam; the next eight take place back here, on the home front. The emphasis of the book is on the home front stories. They deal with the affects on veteran's who fought in the war and the direct impact on families who had sons serving in that war. Towards the end, the stories become shorter and shorter, depicting the downward arc of Vietnam into history. In the Epilogue, the 'Silver Star' sonnet stands as a tombstone to that most decisive war our country has ever fought.