Drako lives in an ordinary place. He lives in an incredibly luxurious Devos Club, surrounded by hundreds of people whose only concern is with whom they are going to have sex next. His life could be simple. His dreams are realized. As are the dreams of all human beings. However, he follows a Vision. He is a genius and thinks differently. His uniqueness is renowned and an artificial intelligence with a human body is designed especially for him. Ariana is his perfect woman. Ariana & Drako are the perfect couple that were literarily made for each other. They are audacious and cannot just live normal lives on the planet-city Chimera. They have to prove to themselves that life is worth living. That they can survive their self-chosen suicide missions and solve any riddle the universe throws at them. This is the story of their deliberate adventurous love. Lust and love that transcends human limits.
Drako lives in an ordinary place. He lives in an incredibly luxurious Devos Club, surrounded by hundreds of people whose only concern is with whom they are going to have sex next. His life could be simple. His dreams are realized. As are the dreams of all human beings. However, he follows a Vision. He is a genius and thinks differently. His uniqueness is renowned and an artificial intelligence with a human body is designed especially for him. Ariana is his perfect woman. Ariana & Drako are the perfect couple that were literarily made for each other. They are audacious and cannot just live normal lives on the planet-city Chimera. They have to prove to themselves that life is worth living. That they can survive their self-chosen suicide missions and solve any riddle the universe throws at them. This is the story of their deliberate adventurous love. Lust and love that transcends human limits.