This final, spectacular issue of Amazing Adventures contains the following interplanetary stories...
The pioneering adventures of the Perimeter Patrol continue when swashbucklers attack in "Space Pirates of Xarpot". A murderous wife escapes to the cosmos in "Deal to Die". A fantastic discovery leads to a bright enemy in "The City of Light". A battle of wills, strength and cunning to save humanity in "The Man Who Killed A World!"
First published in the 50's, Amazing Adventures explores the outer reaches of science fiction, space travel, alien beings, fantasy and mystery.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.
This final, spectacular issue of Amazing Adventures contains the following interplanetary stories...
The pioneering adventures of the Perimeter Patrol continue when swashbucklers attack in "Space Pirates of Xarpot". A murderous wife escapes to the cosmos in "Deal to Die". A fantastic discovery leads to a bright enemy in "The City of Light". A battle of wills, strength and cunning to save humanity in "The Man Who Killed A World!"
First published in the 50's, Amazing Adventures explores the outer reaches of science fiction, space travel, alien beings, fantasy and mystery.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.