This book comprises the most recent advanced results on nonlinear electronic circuits, and the contents range from networks, synchronization, memristors to several other topics. Both theory and advanced timely results are included. It provides an overview of popular themes in the field of nonlinear dynamics of electronic circuits with contributions from outstanding scientists.
- Two-Phase Microfluidic Flow Patterns and Micro-Channel Geometry (Maide Bucolo)
- Unstable Basis Function Multiplexing (Thomas L Carroll)
- Koopman Operators and Linear Chaos (Ned J Corron)
- Mimicking Railway Vehicles Hunting Behaviors by Means of Sequence Generators Based on Optimized Sums of Chaotic Standard Equations (Eugenio Costamagna and Egidio Di Gialleonardo)
- Applications of Chaos Theory in Chaotic Cities (Salih Ergün)
- Synchronization of Coupled Hindmarsh-Rose Neurons by Time-Delay Using Electronic Circuits (J Romo-Aldana, J H García-López, R Jaimes-Reátegui, G Huerta-Cuéllar, R Chiu, C E Rivera-Orozco and A N Pisarchik)
- Chaotic Shape-Forming Filter and Corresponding Matched Filter in Wireless Communication (Hai-Peng Ren, Chao Bai and Celso Grebogi)
- SDE Implementation of Chaos-Based Communications Systems (Géza Kolumbán)
- Stability Analysis of Sparse Binary Neural Networks (Seitaro Koyama, Shunsuke Aoki and Toshimichi Saito)
- Memory Architectures with Cryptographic Features on Board to Support a Secure Control System (Antonino Mondello)
- Evidence of Multistability in a Multiscroll Generator System (J L Echenausía-Monroy, J Hugo García-López, Rider Jaimes-Reátegui and G Huerta-Cuellar)
- RQA Correlations on Business Cycles: A Comparison Between Real and Simulated Data (Giuseppe Orlando and Giovanna Zimatore)
- Coupled Crystal Oscillator System and Timing Device (Antonio Palacios)
- Chaotic Behaviors in a System with Stable Equilibrium (Viet-Thanh Pham, Sajad Jafari, Christos Volos and Luigi Fortuna)
- Portraying Human Motor Imagery: A MEG Study (P Chholak, V A Maksimenko, N S Frolov, A E Hramov and A N Pisarchik)
- Study of the Behavior of a Chaotic Oscillator with Memory Elements (D A Prousalis, C K Volos, I N Stouboulos and I M Kyprianidis)
- Power Amplification of an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Array Using Multistability (J O Esqueda-de-la-Torre, R Jaimes-Reátegui, J H García-López, G Huerta-Cuellar, Carlos E Castañeda, C E Rivera-Orozco and A N Pisarchik)
- Symbolic Representation of Neuronal Dynamics (Krishna Pusuluri and Andrey Shilnikov)
- Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions from Higher Order Signal Coupling (Karlis Kanders and Ruedi Stoop)
- A Physics-Driven Human Brain Alternative (Karlis Kanders and Ruedi Stoop)
- Consensus Clustering Approach for Genome-Wide Association Studies (Javier Rasero, Teresa Creanza, Nicola Ancona, Jesus M Cortes, Daniele Marinazzo and Sebastiano Stramaglia)
- Synchronization of Spike-Trains in a Coupled System of Digital Spiking Neurons (Hiroaki Uchida and Toshimichi Saito)
Readership: Researchers and academicians interested in nonlinear dynamics of electronic circuits.
Key Features:
- Unique collection of latest results on nonlinear dynamics
- Contributions from key persons of nonlinear theory
- Selected papers from NDES 2018 conference