“Above and Beyond” is a collection of stories of lives touched by God; planted on the solid Rock of God’s teachings. In this book, you meet people challenged to a deeper more intimate walk with God who discovered the victorious life God meant for us to live today. Live the abundant grace-filled “Above and Beyond” life now..! The Holy Spirit is the only One who can take God’s Word and transform your soul. You too, can be reconciled and restored to the Father, discovering true joy, peace and freedom in Christ rising “Above and Beyond” your imagination.
“Above and Beyond” is a collection of stories of lives touched by God; planted on the solid Rock of God’s teachings. In this book, you meet people challenged to a deeper more intimate walk with God who discovered the victorious life God meant for us to live today. Live the abundant grace-filled “Above and Beyond” life now..! The Holy Spirit is the only One who can take God’s Word and transform your soul. You too, can be reconciled and restored to the Father, discovering true joy, peace and freedom in Christ rising “Above and Beyond” your imagination.