A Monk’s Tale chronicles the life of Philip Johnson (later named Muni Natarajan) as he meets his spiritual teacher, Subramuniyaswami, affectionately known as Gurudeva, and spends 37 years living as a monk, practicing an ancient and traditional system of yoga. As a story that is true, fascinating and full of much more adventure than one might expect from a monk’s tale, this book provides a candid, behind-the-scenes look at a modern-day yogic lifestyle that is still thriving today within the walls of the first and only fully orthodox Hindu monastery in the West. A Monk’s Tale is also a story about Gurudeva, the beloved Sat Guru and spiritual head of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, the founder of the international magazine, Hinduism Today, and the winner of the U Thant Peace award in the year 2000.
A Monk’s Tale chronicles the life of Philip Johnson (later named Muni Natarajan) as he meets his spiritual teacher, Subramuniyaswami, affectionately known as Gurudeva, and spends 37 years living as a monk, practicing an ancient and traditional system of yoga. As a story that is true, fascinating and full of much more adventure than one might expect from a monk’s tale, this book provides a candid, behind-the-scenes look at a modern-day yogic lifestyle that is still thriving today within the walls of the first and only fully orthodox Hindu monastery in the West. A Monk’s Tale is also a story about Gurudeva, the beloved Sat Guru and spiritual head of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, the founder of the international magazine, Hinduism Today, and the winner of the U Thant Peace award in the year 2000.