A noble-great-spiritual-esthetic life is a life where you feel full of infinite possibilities and live it out. It's hard to stay inspired all the time. You have to discover your true nature then make a pact with yourself that your life will be nothing more than honoring who you were born to be by nature by releasing that inspired-esthetic-spiritiual-loving energy everyday with gusto and passion for the process but there will be tragedies and hard times. People and pets you love will die. Some will get sick. You will get sick or injured. There might be other hardships like money problems, relationship problems, having a child with a disability, having a child rebel against you, etc. I've gone through some of these trials where I felt like I was dead man walking. Despite how strong, vital and inspired I was for many years, I felt like all of it meant nothing because all you ever have is one moment in time, right now.
A noble-great-spiritual-esthetic life is a life where you feel full of infinite possibilities and live it out. It's hard to stay inspired all the time. You have to discover your true nature then make a pact with yourself that your life will be nothing more than honoring who you were born to be by nature by releasing that inspired-esthetic-spiritiual-loving energy everyday with gusto and passion for the process but there will be tragedies and hard times. People and pets you love will die. Some will get sick. You will get sick or injured. There might be other hardships like money problems, relationship problems, having a child with a disability, having a child rebel against you, etc. I've gone through some of these trials where I felt like I was dead man walking. Despite how strong, vital and inspired I was for many years, I felt like all of it meant nothing because all you ever have is one moment in time, right now.