The sequel to The Price of Sparrows’ Tears begins when Virginia Montgomery receives a call from Dr. Glen Abbott months after the terrible events that occurred at Camp Silverwood in New Hampshire. Abbott had sustained a traumatic brain injury that left him with no memory of his relationship with Montgomery, whom he had met and fallen in love with. Abbott asks Montgomery for help in recovering his memories but she has her own demons to reckon with. She suffers from PTSD. She is the key witness for the prosecution and must testify against Fred Jordan at his trial for the attempted murder of Abbott and herself. Montgomery’s life is in turmoil; she is torn between her love for Abbott and her long-time friend and current lover, Jerry Talbot. Talbot is in Florida chasing his dream of becoming a champion Grand Prix equestrian, so it is to Abbott that she turns when someone tries to kill her to prevent her from testifying. The stage is set for another round of murder and mayhem. And Montgomery’s worst nightmares are yet to be realized.
The sequel to The Price of Sparrows’ Tears begins when Virginia Montgomery receives a call from Dr. Glen Abbott months after the terrible events that occurred at Camp Silverwood in New Hampshire. Abbott had sustained a traumatic brain injury that left him with no memory of his relationship with Montgomery, whom he had met and fallen in love with. Abbott asks Montgomery for help in recovering his memories but she has her own demons to reckon with. She suffers from PTSD. She is the key witness for the prosecution and must testify against Fred Jordan at his trial for the attempted murder of Abbott and herself. Montgomery’s life is in turmoil; she is torn between her love for Abbott and her long-time friend and current lover, Jerry Talbot. Talbot is in Florida chasing his dream of becoming a champion Grand Prix equestrian, so it is to Abbott that she turns when someone tries to kill her to prevent her from testifying. The stage is set for another round of murder and mayhem. And Montgomery’s worst nightmares are yet to be realized.