The purposes of this chapter are to: Briefly describe the history of planning and control systems for single and multi-projects in the project management field, describing their advantages over the previous system and their limitations. Identify each limitation to traditional project management found in the literature (who and when and recommendation to overcome limitation, if given). For each limitation, explain how critical chain overcomes that limitation. Survey and classify the pertinent theory of constraints planning and control literature in project management, identifying its contributions to the field and its limitations. Identify the need for future research in critical chain project management.
The purposes of this chapter are to: Briefly describe the history of planning and control systems for single and multi-projects in the project management field, describing their advantages over the previous system and their limitations. Identify each limitation to traditional project management found in the literature (who and when and recommendation to overcome limitation, if given). For each limitation, explain how critical chain overcomes that limitation. Survey and classify the pertinent theory of constraints planning and control literature in project management, identifying its contributions to the field and its limitations. Identify the need for future research in critical chain project management.