The book provides a basic and easy to understand prescriptive guide for daily supplications and devotional exercises. It is especially useful to people who, having heard the great benefits of performing supplications (dua), and remembrance of God (dhikr), would like guidance on how this can be carried out in a structured and practical way.In the second part of this booklet, the writer details the Islamic practice of a 'bayah' or 'bait' which is a pledge of spiritual allegiance to the supervision of a Murshid/Shaykh, or spiritual guide. The Murshid is he who takes others under his guardianship so that he may help them with their spiritual betterment, often strengthening their hearts with zikr and good counsel.The writer details the manners a beginner should adopt in carrying out this practice, which is unfortunately not common knowledge.
The book provides a basic and easy to understand prescriptive guide for daily supplications and devotional exercises. It is especially useful to people who, having heard the great benefits of performing supplications (dua), and remembrance of God (dhikr), would like guidance on how this can be carried out in a structured and practical way.In the second part of this booklet, the writer details the Islamic practice of a 'bayah' or 'bait' which is a pledge of spiritual allegiance to the supervision of a Murshid/Shaykh, or spiritual guide. The Murshid is he who takes others under his guardianship so that he may help them with their spiritual betterment, often strengthening their hearts with zikr and good counsel.The writer details the manners a beginner should adopt in carrying out this practice, which is unfortunately not common knowledge.